Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 February 1936 — Tax On All Radios Must Be Paid In [ARTICLE]

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Tax On All Radios Must Be Paid In

■:■.■■ ' ■ -—- . - ■' ,>v.} Fi iday, Jan. :Jl, was Ihe deadline i lor payni> nton laiiw tax. At the Ililo ! tax olti«. e it. was reported-that. al>out ' 50 per c enfc ol' tlie radio owners had ? paid in tiieir ta.\ nioney and secured theu- tags._ The tax ol'hee wi 11 eoMimncollecnon.s unlil all are paid. Kadio inkpector C)tis U.ill lias.beeu asked lo eo-op« rativ wit h the taxoffice. j Faihire to pay the lax carries a; penalty oi' a $lno fine, or »0 da,ys in ; jail. j