Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 February 1936 — Road Nearly Half Done [ARTICLE]

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Road Nearly Half Done

(]ood h(>adwny is heing made oiī (lu; .PaauilO".Momestend road ar cording to (•oiint.v enuiiiee) K. L. Wung. .who nlui ni'd on Tu«'s(lav ironī an inKpeetion tour of roads and se.hools in the liainakua disti īel < rtuntv laborers are workmg al the cpiarry, crushing Ihe rock, while the lal)«)reis are buihiing and suria « niK Ihe road. ■One nule oi tlie road īs alre:idv eoin-■ph-l.eil arui Uieie ,is- still one and a hali iinl"S tc> fjn'sh. ('liainiian Kuimiel M. Spen«-er, «vl th«> couuty board ot supcrvisors, aeeom--1 ante<l \\ iuiu <in (he tnp