Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 February 1936 — Hilo Tribune Herald Issues New Section [ARTICLE]

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Hilo Tribune Herald Issues New Section

r The Jlolvii e\{ends cougratulations ; to fhe Hilo Tribunf Ilerald for its |n«-,v Ph-e Star "\Ve< kly section, liieh i «Kule its apj«'arance ou Sunday, Jan * 2*5. s'r(ii>n ronluins niuoh in- ' r»>adhig an<l iiu ludfs 12 iij hiMrate<l puges. tlie-outside priuted iu j ct)li>rs,; \vith a wliole imge duvoted eu- | tireiy to stories for children. Judging j by the-favorable coimuent heard from j Us readers, tlie new feature ls provt iug a populai* aihlilion among the | great .tami]y of readera o£ Hilos leadI ing daily nuwapajjer.