Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 Pepeluali 1936 — Tax Officials Here From Honolulu Are Visiting Plantations [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tax Officials Here From Honolulu Are Visiting Plantations

! T>epjity tax conunissioner F. 11. Fitz ! ge!'Uld, i\vho is al.so hend oi' the persou|al pKHierty dfviaion of thu territorial 1 lax i»ffice, arrived here Monda.v, to I ineet, \vith managers of tli<! varioua ! phintatiōns to deciile on. nieana for icom perKoiial properly ta\ on j srovvj>ig erops. i He \fill also makn a trip to the Ko !«a disU'ict, iu compauy \\ith \V. Leslie I West. tax ussessor for tlii a islund, to riiiloi-vi ( nv the coflee' gxnvers iu rei gard t 0 coffee valuation«.