Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 Pepeluali 1936 — Bonus For County Men [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Bonus For County Men

, -Nme coumy e;n{ūn\es, eiuployed iu t j tlie olliee, wiU reeeive the soldier| btmus. These of the \Vorld War ineluUe GeorK<* HewiU, Alfivd | Kuuialae. K. L. Wuug, Johu Gregiwy, Ki-ank Araka\va, John S Riekard. Tho.s k Kua, Auione Kerreirii * llarry K. Hro\\n. ■ Th«' novenmu*nt \\»U start jmyiun ' the lx>uus on July 1, j