Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 February 1936 — SEVEREST STORM IN FORTY YEARS HITS BIG ISLAND Three Day Blow Does Much Damage as Temperature Reaches to New Low Level Many Trees Blown Down By Unusual Gale. Electric Service Interrupted. Much Dust [ARTICLE]

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Three Day Blow Does Much Damage as Temperature Reaches to New Low Level

Many Trees Blown Down By Unusual Gale. Electric Service Interrupted. Much Dust

StartiiiK Frii!;iy tho \voi-s( storm that has vi.sit«-«l the Big Jslaml in forty yeurs wmlniiiei] duriuii, Sat % urday, Suiniay ami Aloinhiy, wiih eonsid:irable dani;iK«'. rcsult inj;, ly to treii.s {fii(i pliUiis uhieli wein hiown (lown in m;my jil;ici's. Uui'in;? . this Hioi'in tKM iod Uh\ J)aroiiieter i<*3! to an uiiusually low levi']. Street». and lawns svor<' lifter*'d . with leaves, hioken lnnhs un(l ruhl>idi, ■ ,ānd du#»t -wa» «v(.tr-y whei e in evidonn\ . A large tree 1 t-lJ on lln- hou«t uj)it>d I by Mr. und Mrs. Fraucia hymaii, tm WamaKu meniH', Ililo, cau.sin{; ihe i'ooi' to ~sag- to ji il;i!)g(H'oii.s dogrr>(>. but nohody sviiK injured allhoiiKli Mi" family vvas at lionie when (he tri'" The Jamos llender.son homo at Piihonua probably sutfered tlie mo.st damag(> of all. Somo tlurty tn:>c.s \\rrr 4 hlown (lown ami (ln* heuuiiMil inest> pardons of tln> <Ma(e siiffi.ird coiisiUerably. It wns n«fct'ssary t.o eiiiploy a lai'Ke for(.-e of woi kinen to' r»?move tho debris frotn -the .Jiiain drivoway, ' " ■■ : : A big shower. trec? on thc g.ro\mdri of th£ Kapiolani schooj w;is uproot«'d anei fonr or five troea \vt>ro lopiih il over at Uliuokalani )»ark aiul thrown aero.s.s Ihe roudwav ,ncwr I:hf> r",sideiicc of sup'er.visor Thoa. {*iinninfih;tiii. KleeUie Hght Uiid--ji>ower sorvirc was int(']TiU)t('d at intervals, niakinK it iieceiisary for the line suii(>rintendent William Kohaek to koi p sevcnil ,crews of rt*pair uien al wurk ■night and day. ; Several business sij;ns weie (Oni from tlieir moorings and dunipecl inlo the sfreels. There wcre ;i nnmber of i:arrow escapes froīn jnjurv by persons gett.niK m the paili of flving deh ris, fallmg trees, ete. The wind's velocity at t imes was reported as 50 m.il'es p<!r honr. House wives have heen having a busy lime cleaning cUisi out of their liome». sinee Snndav. ] The Uamakua coa'st was badlv hil. Koofs were damaged on houses anrl barns, .tr«es uprooted and sugar (ane was hlown down aiul broken hv the force of the wind. On tbe.sea the wind reached liurrieane proportions. and tishing vessels were obliged to return t«> their hom< % ports. The Intei*-Island steanier Hua-' lalai vvas unahle 10 stop at Mala Snn- : day on aeeouni of the high.. seas, eonsequently passengei s i'n in IHIo t'or Maui were oblig«d to leniain 111 liiio and waū for tlie n< \1 steaiiH'r or by plane. liegardles?« of ihe stonu. howevi v, luter-Islai»d plant's \vere ahle to muintain their rt?gular s« h«>dule. The. Hiui in wus followod l>y a ii"V al rain, whieh Svas badlv weeded.