Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 Pepeluali 1936 — LET THE LADIES HAVE THEIR WAY [ARTICLE]
Tliti legislatiye bill.s allowing woinen to serve 011 juries in New York Stato liav6 onee more been iut.rodiice(l 111 Aibany. i : Asse-mblyrWOmah Doria l. IJyrna, of ! The Hronx, i» their Bi)onsor. Last year '!>ey j)assed the Hto.wer Houae only to be kilied in the Seuate. I l revious yeai*s saw them filed in c-oniniittee waste-baskets. VVhy anyone should want to scrve on a jury is a litlle hard lo understau<l. Hut jf (he wonieu want 10, the men legislators might just as weli let them do it now as later. lie<.'ause lhose bills are certaiu to ,sujuotijnc, and any mau okl enon.qli to si>rve in tlie Legislatun> is certainly old enougli to know that when a . woman wants something slie s?ets i(. If not. his '"eUuoalion" has heen, neglectO(l. -X. Y. Jounml.