Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 Pepeluali 1936 — Italian Volcano Now In Eruption [ARTICLE]
Italian Volcano Now In Eruption
The voloano v >f, Stn>niboli, 011 the islan<l of the sani|e uann*. slar(* d, to | oiupt lasl. Friday. seiuliug forth butst:J oi' a-lu\ s with a loud roar. ' The lava sel firc lo nearby f.>i>',<ts, ' hut xw vasualtie;>| w«nv rejn>rted al ! thougU the Nser, : luuUy fri£h: | oiuml. ; ! Stnm>Wli is si(ua!ed ;< bVu' 50 miU 4 s north\\esl of ih.' SnaU Atvssu ui ,\\Uu-U i4v v l>aratv.s Uie wosteru tlp uf !(aty fion\ the Ml' <>f Uke iislatva ojf StvUy. j