Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 31, 4 Pepeluali 1936 — UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


j K;i Uoku D Hawaii, Stav of Hawaii, ts puhlishcd this Ivcek uniler iiew i | inan;t}icmt nt,. uinlcr w !iosc dircction the MTC\vspapev thāt represents thc |Ua\vajian |H-opic will ha.ve matr\ new and inipro\'cd fcatiires. One of i ihoL- is an cntire page piinuel in the Knglish lunguage, f<.n thr hcncfit of |hc \<>unger gene ; rat:ion oi ila\\aiians, many of whom undcr<,taivd Eiiglish iH*tr<'r than tho lany:ua;:c of their forffathcrs. It is for thesc joutig reade"rs thut Hu- puhlis!ieī-, iiii\ r dceided to print this one page in Engli>h. j. smte.Uiiv4wuh-of thc Jloku.'s helo\ed founder,. the late Rcv. ■St-Fphen i L, l>e>ha, Sr., \Vho establishcd it. same thlrtv yeajs ago, it : has ha*d to ' - ••»!<*#;?. 'il: a moye o.r lcss indiffercnt \vay, \\-itlt rather pbor .Kūīieea», | until.the dccision: \vas made by the puWishcrs to either suspend•■public.itibh' 1 or.piaee it in tiu* hands oi sonieonc who could devotc the re(juired amount ■>t tiinc and laho,r ncccsban to build it up to u degrcc of cfficieiuy that »vill mak'* i.t of \vor!:h\\ hile M*rvicc to thc Ilawaiian people. Its policy will bc oue of constructiveness. It is not affiliated with an> ! pohtical part> bcn il īs priniaril\ for the bcne'fit of Hawaiians in general. 1 1 he publisher> have appaint.ed as managcr, as well as editor of the | I m'i īi.m, . Ileni ic! ta K. D:\on, w luie . Hemanl ■ Kelekolio «is ap- 1 pointt'd cditor ot thc Hauaiian language Botit editors will give iheii bcst cffoi tb: H)\vaids niaking thc I{oku :t ncwspaper that \\ ill be a ' 1 ' cdit to the laee i.t rcpresents. lo make this ncwspapcr a suclcss, however, iequircs the financial and monil Mippoit ot e\er\ indi\idual intcre6ted in thc futuiu of the Hawauan laee, and in the Hoku's effoits to spotis,or theii political and eeonomie dc\elopmcnt. Among the se\eral hundred ind<viduaL> who hav.c 1 11 'hei s fot M-vcr.il year : s } a great number have Jiot pajd their Mibscnpriou. J'hc new managemerft takes appoityniti of uiging them to send in \\hatc\er amouni i.s now due, as uell ;ib pa\ment of renc\\ ul" tnr ai»otluT \eai. Tht price of $2.00 per 3 car is a ven numinal sum, ! und thc:e are fc\v t )t-isons who cannot af-ford to pay this small aiuouiK ' to help in assuimg ,ts futur e success. In the aggregate it amounts to a 1 consiiicianJe sum, and is eSscntial in deternjming wheīhei llu- effoiLs of the iieu mana-emeni w ill result iu success oi failure. \\ ithout funds no ean e.\ist long. The future of the Hoku dejM:nd> u.pon the response its readers give to this appeal for tlieir eoopeintion and financial support.