Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 27, 3 Ianuali 1936 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
- STATKMKNT THti OWNKUSHIP, A,NAGEMENT, CIKCUL.m<JM ETO., REQOIRED Blf ACT 0F C.ONORESS 0F AUGCST 24, 1912 01 K-i 11->k£ o Uaw-ui PubHshiag Co. LM., pubUslie.l W««?kly at" Hilo, Hawaii for 0-tober 1, ll)35, Territory of Ha-waii *SB ' Couuti of līawaii ( ) Peforo me, a pcr<;on In aiiil for ihe State«nil cnanty Hforessi>! P«>rß<m«% appeare(T W.H. B»ers, w!io. h3Yiiig been iltily stvorn i>i>to iaw, (lep awl say3 t!j»t he is the Vice IVsi«li:nt of the KA HOKl' V) KAWAĪI lhat thv. 1 f-oftv.wing *k>st lus Vn<uvte<>ge *iv\ biil»ef, m true stateme«t <>f the ownenh'i», ma.i*Kement (am? if a tlai!y t>aiwr. the circnlatior.), etc,, of the afore*aU i>uM?cjtion for t!ie (Ute showa iu~the al»ve esption, re*iuiri»<l by the Act < f 21, 1912, eoibo<.lre>l in 411, Pv>stal Lawā aail Regnlatious. pnnWil au llie rever;;e of ferm, to wif. ; 1. Ths»t oamee and aih! of «lie j."ul>liiher, e,litot, editjr, «ud business are: Name cf | Post Off)e« a>Mr^ Put>l:sher Ka Hokn o H&wan Hilo, ll.iwaii H,htor ?/L. Desha}r. HUo, H«waM Man»gios E<litov S,L. DeshaJr llilo, Haw*ii IhHēM Bustuess Manigers W. il, Het x rs HUo, Hawaii • 2 Th«t U»e owuer is: r!C o\v*ed by a corporftuon, U» aud a Mres ra«rt be stated aaU *ls~> iro,ne*H»t*ly Ujeteundcr tho n»mos ot tf»e itiuivuiuai owueis uju>t Ih? gtvo:i. i'i' a f or ,„ ISI e .i.oom, its «ame auJ as we!! as iho«c e.u'h lru!ivu!u»! member. V? •> 1 ■ > . <sL Jr, Hiip» Ilawiu * * \V,IL l:<xTi B«[\ "•*** Ka'h K*nafe*nm Fsti*e fi«vH»hthi. T W. ? John T Mwr KsUVe Hawmii 3 kuomi 1 * V >v\ ~v.; ,xT ī tn«r eent o» ?>f t I^l other »ee«'MieV »ro: then.- ar- non*. -••«IWIK *]*■> 3S£! A Tlwt th« tw •» r*r*fi'»l*s w*t *b*v*. tht ***** er th? O%»«TS. BtockhaidMS» »»xi S«c\wtv hoWe*s, W *ny, wnt*m vxt o»*y th<-!,« of st<x kh>a sec«ritv IwWw» ttwy V: V on tho Kx>k* of th* mme** ;» <ww*wh«*tV »t| M<h>T lu- b of IUo M tr*«t**vr ;**y f *!-»o : **y «me the «r wh«* s*ci» twt*' i? set 5.5, is £tv.r; eonf« ! v f r V>- *--d W«i'f M <»n ! otn3ttwr> %Hsh *n.! **',t»»tv «"!»• do «P™» tVKv V< t* e a*msU>*, M!*lwk »*!wcttr:v*« **WT t*^r !*»•>»* **•»« *» t**i »y , th«r ** M»*. *r S **> ks r W*emt w3 *** ; n $v v^t n n> v H\ wVer •rcw*t*< tl»*n »« *t«*t *? htn.. 5, Tb*t t?t« «wr»g« n« jfiS*r cf oi >«w +1 «8 pnblk«Uon w tuwcgh i\»v m*t:* o. ftV*r ; • *vu l t?w s>H yw.«v.?r ' tV- %h-,<«!? *K--vv ' :''." "' " ! t'" ';'" v ;.'■■'"""" % :■'"' """ itif V«», W lww <*«-} WVI R*< r* VW*V*r**V«t Vx ., ;, 4 „, „ .K - H fct* *«».& .Hv *t W vV ©•«. e ll**itt