Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 26, 24 December 1935 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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STATEMENT 0F TiIK ŌWKKRSHIP 4 MANaGEMENT, CI"RCUtATIO N ETC.. REQUIRED B\ ACT 0F CONORESS 0F AUGUST 24. 1912 Of Ka Hjk« o Hawaii Pnblishing 00. Lt<J. puWished Wet'My at Hilo, Hawnii for October 1, , Territoty of Hawaii SS County of Hawaii Before me, a person in and for the St*te »nd cnmitv IH»rsoh»Uy ap)>eared W.H. BPors, who, having be«n <luly sworn ec.c< rtUn« to l*\v, <lejv>ses aa<l savs that he is the Vico of the KA HORU O IiAWAU and lhat the fi)ilo\\nig is,, to the lvst vf liis k'no\\le(!ge 9W i beh*ef, » tnie statement t»f the ov*ners!iī|<, mannßeTnont {anVl if a <t«i!y p*per. the circ«l*tiorO. etc,, bf the aforesaif! fOr the shown iu the abv>ve caj.>tion, rfiiiiin.Kl by t!ie Act rf .\ugnti 54, 1512, etfbcKlieil in svtion 411, Post:»l Laws au<l RegnUtions. Wrintec! on the reverse of fc»rm, to wit: ! - 1. Th»t the aaroes and, awl »tldres3ts of īhe pvii>liBher, e.Mt<>t t edit3r, »ud busiiwss manag»»rs are: Namecf !Post offioe ad<lrt ss PnhVsher Ka Hol:u o Hawaii *2Z Hil«, līawaii Kditor S.L. I>esha Jr. ! HHo, Hawau Managui£ Bditoi S.L. DeshaJr ; IWo, Hawiii Businfess Man*gers W.il. Beers Hilo, H«waii » 2 Th»t the owner is: flf ov, m v d l>v a iu nanie and auurej tnaM hn statevl a»>vl im th<>rounckt ov<? na<uss of the hwnets niml he ghrei\. If I a firn\, or othor uuinCDrix»rattrf c*.®wa, its isaro« sr.3 as »,!;osc ef S.t.. iv<h* Jr. Hiīo, Hawi.ii * W.H. HUv% V*-\au K«.ndkauv.. Ho'.'.oh'.U!, T.U, 5 T Moir Iliso, Hawaii 3 That i)>t- ktn>wn ivu.Ui >Mors. OWiiiilK Or i IHT visii 0* lttOW oi t ■'*. a,v.o tu? or other seouriti«s (lf thore ar- nor.e, < > ' K *« w . . *g 4 Th»t tlve tw > ivxt aboTe. g o :\\r.-.es s.tvH'kho;d<*rs s *nvl <«cnnty lioMor«, if »i y, c.*ntj*V. .-ī:S t\r cf sUx-V.-h«Wv-r$ *.*it spctuhv hoWrs tVv >.nN>ī» tV vf tU* b«t ih th > ! Vt «>t u t Ki» iU 1 books.ot tUv i eompAw^<»s vn«t^>r" x sn\ .>t'. -i ..U t"i« nsnu> of tl»« or cor,vr..tV.-. vfV.v» - k ;s £;nr.» i|v« that tlw» «waW t w tn&v»cir,& afftlKir« fnO »«d K v fiof •# t.-> iVctcuui*h>xnU Ai>l usivkr «iikh «*<\wrtv hx!vh>» wh« do not «i v f * r «P*** tV t\>As tl«j «ouu*it} «s tru>t<\s, holvl >iUvk «r.d ?(K~c''V. < "r. • .s!.ct 0:*-. tf a t>v«ia fkiv owhhu; th's $?£■»?* * rv> S nto lv tl■#; A « j vth r jxsr#Ku n>s- %v>r>oT*t o-. *->• v r/Vr*«' ; kV. ;^Ua in tW s»>.l sVefc, - v <- o*fc«>r -ee ;*;»?*< t' »« - > t;s ... ā Tfe»t tl*> c.\s»fc> e? |Mk«Mti9K Tbr<HS&h ii v %v »*%4» 4»Ai\» ■..&•.*.»£ t*.? > ? v ' 4 uv -.V. ,jj; Vf-w*t ; ?n »Tv>tr .U»S ; v. - v -N * 4%il Wti ®»cw Vict Wv4c:»t « v . .* #"* v f *■* ?* cf ! =" tit?i, C llpwi!t < »h-.sv,- r. :fs!€.