Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 24, 10 December 1935 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
STATEMRNT 01'THE OWSRUSHIP, MA,NaGE>IENT. riRCULATIOSf ETC.j REQUIRfcD ACT 0F CON<iaksS 0F AUGUST 24, 1912 0f K* tUkc o Hawaii Publishing Co.'Ltd. publislie<l Wet>kiy at Rtlo. for October 1, ili"s. Territoty of Hawaii i Conuty of Hawaii t Beforo me, a person in exi<X for the St*te #n<V c<ivuity (vfores >i>! porsonaHy appearetl W.H. B<yrs, who, having beeu tluly sworn pe»c<irJin>i to law, «lej)''t-es autl &s»ys tha\he is tbe Vice rres)»lont cf tti»? ,Ki HOKl' O HAWAII and th-t Hk' following to th\> b<>sl v.f lūs knowU<fge and betief, » tr«e siatement tl»e ovnersoii> 4 (atnl if a tl.»īly papi*r, iln; circalation), etc., of llio aforesaiil ]_>ul>lio v »tion for tbe ilaie in thL> ahove eapiion, re«n>ir«»tl by t!ie Act < f Augutt 21, 19r2, ea>benlie*l in siotioa 411, Postal Laws an<l ReguUtious, printe<.ī ou Uie revcrse of form, to wit: . XSSSfrm 1, That t?ie natuos anel atv' of ih* i>ul)!iBher,"e>V,tot, mat\*^iug e<iitsr, aud business are; | Natue C f Posl Offioe a'Mre>^ Pnblis!)er Ka Hokn o Hawaii 5S Hilo, Hawaii liditor 8.1,. l>e»ha jr. HiU\ Hawau Eiliuu ' s.I„ IV-ha J: llilo, Uanaii KBN Bus ; ntas Man*i;ers W.il. j HilO, Hawaii n"• 2 That Ute ownet U: Ui ow«cd by a empomlwu, its uaui« am£ ao.ates umst 1>« j,ul i iui ue<luueiv- iheu iunkt Utc ua,mes auvl advuc>svs of thv x i)>tlivi,l«al o vnet* tnv,sj be g;ve». If vw))tv! by « jRrw # »ur olher unincor*voraU<l e <ucorn, its rawe anii avi<ttW ( as \y*fl i,¥ ihcsv cf •aeh imHviv\uatl m««b«r, tau?t \>* 1 , t ~ r>o<h a ,tr. Hiīk Hawdi $L * Sam Kauakanoi Kst»te Hoj>ybilu, T»tl, Jo!ni T. Moir K-;taU> llitj>, Ha**u 3 Th*tU\e is«own lsoaith >s<lore,. an-X o wws2S!il •uruuig ar hoWinjsl }>er ce«t 6- more ,of > ital |i r i\o or ot\ter »ecurktUs arv>: {.If thorv «r- r\o:u', «ule. 4 Ttwt the t*T*gr»i<lkfc noxt £-.vuts t*;e uauh> c-t ,ho an<l :*em>tv l«kVlvT*, H <v»t*!*t n\>* om- x v thc lUt hwhhrs *>\l aeewU* hoWetrs 41$ tV$ u$x v n tbo lsvk< vf tfi« c*}au*£> i>ut a 4 ,&o, iu \\U*u> vU<> $;ovN;<wi-u>t e; jjcoviMy h s *.-*:& t»i~ b v>r tho C\vvr*sy 45 Un-i'. > r : in;v t * V.*-\ r< L»ti« «»ltw> Um& 0T corp,-tf<« uhc>»' *• u'h W-leo :s r., „.»t» thAl Ihe <v,nU<v nx-.;ts * i.vM, ai vi KUvfaAl. \ —;,cr %hivh >tv\ k* an.l holV-9 wh» do Vt i ,>} xv t x>n tSe XvX^ a< A»<! in » o--īt fi4> o\va«; tVs ha> r<f n\<>on *o U tU; *;y *tlK*r vT ou hs- fv.; Urvv. e; m Ute>««4 tK«ub,«».: oUw *eo;r;i«?* t ! .a-. a* >> >U;t.l lut«. i IY*l >v:.„:<r of <4 v? *.V. s p , ;b.v»tv>~. ot \ \ ō■' V* hrvvg t l «■ iv ; ji *(kv*u »K*\v ss tv\"» ' T>rt* s«forui*t«*ii »> Ja>\\ t .i*«.ctt\-ot;\\ ,* IMI WUKh s « [ Vk«X*tfti&bi C lk*ht 1 i