Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 23, 3 Kekemapa 1935 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

STATEMHNT OFTHfc!OWXI{«SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCITLATIOff ETC., HEQUIRED ACT 0F 0F AUGUST 24, 1912 Ot K* o-lUwaii PnHliahina Co. LtO, pul>Usti€«l at Hilo. lia\v*ii for Ootober ], 1U35. Terriioiy of Hawaii VSS m*» \ mJZ Couuty of Hawaii \ Before im, a persor. in an<i for the St»te «m! couuty %for«sjiia personally , W.H. Btvrs, ulio, having been ao!y t-wc-m - crnrng to I«iv, d€jtoses auil says thal lie is |the Vico Prosi(V>nt cf the KA HOKtT O h AWAII aml th*t tlie fu!lowing is, to the bost *.f his k«owle<lge BBd be'ivf, a true statenie.nt uf the ovnersnrj., tah«l if a ilhily l>aiH*r, ihe circ«latior.), ete„ of th*> pulilic.-tion for the . in the by the Act > f 24, 1912, w 411, Postal L»w? anil f inte<l on Uie rev?rse of fcr:n, to wit: SSSS 1. Th«t tlie namoe aud aml n(!<lresses of 'the j.>uV>isli*r, e-litot, manfcgtug wiitar, *»d bnsiness > are: Name c,f Post office «a,lres< Pnl>l ; siier K& Hoku o Hawaīi Hilo, lUwai I>hu>r s.L. Deshi Jr. | HHo, H*\vau s!an\£rbir H<h*Vn S.t, r>o<ha ,1r llilo, 'Uwaii Busm«rcs W.il. Bwrs' ! Hilo, Hawni» 2 Th»t the owiwi L: {If iu j & >Jyij'orMiou, iis iiaiae <mu a,i.1:64 nm>t >>a a«ul im aetNal**y thoretwd.t Uk' ua su>l {ukho*!** of tho inf«vi,ln»l mnH be giveu. !;f <. w£*a * futr ; , <»!lwvr «nmcou>otat«.a C QiC*Mn, iu A |.>a ad^ v ss, as weU *> ihoae "of eaeh in4<vt<Uwil «e(nWr> !>.» J Desha Jr. Hlo, H*wiii - * W.«. tk*r§ IHK ' »Sfc»u K«it»k«n\u lvsuu» T.H, JoUu T. M«ir Miu\ t U«w«U ! 3 Th»t lt»e known Iwulh >Jtl -rs, m&rt£iiigoe<. si u o *fcui|U£ or 1 ceut »>* mw of ; >tat *B .j vi: t or etlver ?<*our l tirs n"r«.': ?»r" mouo, l-> 4 TK»t tU« t*\ īVo u«mt? e: .h.- *>»««;«» ! st*nvt ssw>ī»»ty h' *~v, vvut*>, « a v -f *tcvk*w%l«tort &vt hcUVrs t? v \ ! v.j\v v tV V kV« vf c>wu.*^ C«*s wti»n» th*« O 1 W h-i^; th* hook* of the *? .v t,t rt l«u«u. i, ie K«me vf th« or eon* r>tvr. fot wh?g\ ir. -Uc * tK»t tfc« i*»**r*ubs v O\t.dr. *tsitav.e".;t- tv,.l*:A v ;u*. *r;;*r.v^ fnii k»Hvvcl*dj!e K4k"f to t*.ehrs iuv*<M>ces *aī s a;;vkt *:»>! sec;v»ty \\h«» &o n i *r Ok t;at <viv.j*h,\ m\*V<«s, IkM vt, v V r-īx? ,-\:.u *f * oxf«er,* >A tVs ee tv" U *< $ x\ns«tt <>r v-.r 0:1 h*- ,UrevN c .; h\ thv <v«* e\. ,-v «vi>er >rT*< t\*-. n> >0 >♦ Uu. 5 Tt *\ tl»e nxv«t*t of ■*» w*\t or rus> e. <KWT ••,■> Thv tt-c .iv.; > :> a 4 *V *Uto «k 1 -H* *Kn, |< 1 »«f>*r*t*tm* <* wyj«rtv*l m 4\»\v v.:;;?; : w *<****'' " :V " ;; ,;: 1 r >>wtn t.> A' v *. •% 'K t *«■ ?.\t ';>•: ; i4k v v f N t - >^1' e nWi»t . (M* <*» Aih.-A*. iiwn' :\ ;{i^ o:.v=- . ; :i:- V; : > .■• l. :;v'>: >' : :