Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 19, 7 November 1935 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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STATEMENT 0F THE OWXHKSMIP. VANAGEMENT. OIRCULATIOiI ETC., REQUIRED ACT 0F CONGRESS 0F AIGUST 24, 1912 Of Ka Hoke o Hawaii Publishing Co. Ltd. publishcd WetJtly at Hilo. Ilawnii for October 1» ,1935. Territoiy of Haw aii )S< Couuty of Hawaii ( Beiore iiie, a persoii ia for the St«te aml couuty ifores»id potsonallj api)earcil W.II, lieers, h&vin& beea duly s\joru ac<--conVnir to !aw, <len aml eny< that lie tlxe Vke rrc3i-U:iU. KA HOKO OHAWAII ant\ ih*t the follov\i«g is. to vf h'"6 kuov>le^ge *nd be(>rf, m true statement <>f the o\*tier*hii>, manaKemeui (au.l if a J*ily th« circoUtion), etc„ of tlie afore?avl pubiicjtiou for iho tiate sliowa iu the abovc eapiion, miuired the Act «,f m ion 411, Post:il Laws and Ro^uljt:oni ; \ rinted oa Uie revcrse oi fomi, to wii: 1. Tb«t the namea aud *n«l adtlrosses of tlie nublisher, oui'lol, mah*£ing foit3r, *ad busiuess manag«»rs are: NitD€ cf Post Office *ddnrss PnMte?>er Ka Hrkn o Hawa:? Hilo, ll&wuii Eaitor K.L.Desh*Jr. Hilo, Hawan M»n#giDji E<Htot S.L. I>eshaJr liilo, U*w&n Buiiuit'ss Mau4^rs W.il, 15eeis liiia, il&WHii a Xh»t theowner (lf o\vtnxl hy «, cprpor*Uon, its aaoie *ud r,in«t 5* St;\tej aad > iui ae liAle'.N Uieieuudcr tkc iutaies mA &,uuesses, of tho imWvulual owncr> nmst be given, lf ovneu h$ « fnui. «t other üßimcornorAtcd cjuce«u, iu u&me aud advucss, as weii ihosy yf rach tneniher, be £kai.) S.L, D*shsi Jr, Hilo, Hs\viU W.H. iiilo, H* «*>» Km»k*nut l£sliic , T.U, Johu T, Moir ..Eswu> Uu«, 3 Th*t the keowu l«3atlh»M rs. *u i olhoi sHnwikv h*)&Ws ««ning or liohiiu|t 1 per c*ut o* uiore ef t oi m«Mi£*£«s or othet securiti<ef f rv~; (If thxfv *r " u<ii,e, iUie. n<*su r 4 Th:*t the t*n !*-*s*?• h< v.,\t ...e oi ,he «tt<l h<iMers :f «u<\ . vN>ut*itt uo; oiuy «he «i<»ek~ UutWr» B*»e«Mtv iK'Wm *£ lh<i *J4>e*i V4x>;i ih. Uwks vui lu tue s.o\:k»'<!ivtei ct. Āoiae* AS Or *Jf4 U» or C,>rp -rntv- for vO.-. -m *<; gi\vm »Is© thst s%htt*rO ooaUk Vts:j;iK"..u ;i.£ liUi kttowtod£e *»<i Mk'f as lo IV c:rcuiasu:io&s «.ii-i viu.kr svviu*iki*r» *Uvl secat it> UcLiera \xh« āo «,po« the \.\v>>4is oj tkm t;u*Uv?. ĪK'II a;;«I s«vu:;;;j> «u*c*|»si.tj v k,»< U^t .f .» 'v.:# f.sc ,vv uct, ar. ; Ui> SjO v» ;Ut *j^v *r cr ,vr..<r*; o; t V.,-,*..; 4 iu*ivci iii tb»* s»i«t j:\vk, K>nds, vif othvr 'eeuīUie- l!'..*;» a> .-j >te;«a b,v *> Tii*l tiw nnuil<r o; o; c«tuh *ss«v vi i)u* PUMK-MH* Oi' dut;iVuU v;, a»*iU e*ur 4 - " '**« *•" 1 ■-V*~ ljv£ tW» « *tv\i< '~V' 1 ta£xm«ti*tt s> r^4t 4 mw. a*-\ , v . ; . / WH IV:* ! Y«<* #HMII*IH! c;feo.: WL :% t v ns & a *x v- t <. >- '•"e« ,?SB<l <o**, C l JJ*«K ,h t;v^