Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 15, 8 ʻOkakopa 1935 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

- ' " - * 'I ' ! - _* • STATEMENT 0F THE OWNERSHIP, M ANAGEMENT, OIRCULATION # ETC., REQUIRh;D ACT 0F 0F aUGī'ST 24, 1912 Of Ka Haku o Hawaii Publishing Co. Lt<3. publisheil Weekly at Hilo, HaWāii for October 1, »935. Territ3Tv of Hawaii ) ( SS Cou»ty of Uawail ( ! Befort.' nie, a persor. in and for'the St*te and cmnity Jiforesaiil, porsrin»lly api>earetl W.H. Beers, who, having been dulv swora cordinij to law, depjs&s aufl savs that he is the Vico Presulont cf the KA HOKU O HAWAII atui that the following is, t« the bost ōf his knowleilge aaū beiief, a true »Uttn>ent of the ownershii», manaj2:omoiit (and if a daHy [>SLIK-r, tht; circul*tioj;J, etc,, of tbe aforesaia publiotion for tbe flate sbc>vcn in tho> above captinn. rr-<iuir<Hl by the Act rf A«antt 24. 19*2, h\ section 411, Postal Laws atid Regūbtlond. pnnuni od the revpr>e of th : s form, to wit: i . ■■■■ ■ ■■!' ■■■.-. , \ 1. That tbe namesand and addressss of the publisher, e,litot. mati«ging editar, aud business are: Name cf 1 Post office addre>? PtiMisher Ka lloliu o Hawaiī 1 Hilo, Hawaii F htor S.L. I>esha Tr. Hilo, Hawan M»nsgißg Bditoi- S.L. Desh* Jr llilo, Hawaii Busineas Maa«gers W. H. Beers Hilo, Hawaii 2 Tbat the owner is: *lf own*d by a ewpoMk'n-m, Us flamt «nd s ■aMM stat<»d an<! a!so im«n6d!ato!y therttihde-r the *»»d of the individual owners nntst be given. If cwned bv * eoropar.>,. or o\ii«r uaiucouM>r»ted c jin.vru, oame *tid address, a< we'! »s th.x<o . f «aeh iaāiviāuil meu}b<r, mast K' j B.L. Dvsha Jr. Hiio, Ha*T6ii W.H. B«e« ailo. Hawaii K#tate KonoUilu. T.H, John T Uoir KsUto Hi:o, Hawan 3 TUat ihe kaown bo&dh.\Mcr*, oth?r s<vnr>*y owuiu^or holdiixs 1 r*r cent o- »ow» of tnt*l amoant bot».ls. ®oTi.;*-e S e oti;or st\\rr s :fP {\f ar- n.vio. eo st*t*. ■ ■;- ■■-: noh<?

4 Th*t the t*s noxt *bove, The c* *.h«» o\^- v^<. stockhoiders» and s*cunty hoKVw, H *ny, «lonUlW'* <w*h th* h«t of stvvX* houWia *s,\ sec«ntv »s t»vy *^ tr »r*™ ,Vjt> ot feut #iso, tn c***s tho pr tlty v>nr thv of UH> wasp«nv « trw&* W ī?i t*tv *H»t Ww'*ty of th» ot corri*4t\ori f?w \rhwto «,t?h ?s *rt'nvr ( : s i?^"s: «&* s«di*o *ant*Hi' #tsitonu->t< *rb-sJr.c fff s u-: k s *ud MU-f*s to tWrcuwstan«« ar. ? *or wh 5 . h o;vi- sa.'. bcu<vs *4i» tk> Tirt uwn N>*U tS> **trwfcv*. <t<** !*• «*•.** <vf * V.Mi« fVK- »n,t thfr *ftf»»t h** t»o t* x'«• «tte* whm* »MCtet*m, i««*w t o.uv; ; m |a stoclc, v>r otb* i r t' *r k *s <s * bv * l'w ti*i *\er*£* t»f *%oh *>f p.ibuctt;ca 6t JSsf?*?.t«o. tht*as* w .v \e. -va> > v*mntijr tSf *?x ®Nftt** w#«sttns: tK* »Ut* *fco»* rtwv» h W* ief*m*tt»a ts tn>*« ,, y <MSJ\ U *»$ MNK"rt*M VfipT* »♦ *fct® » ** m*l u»*in 4M» '•*•