Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXV, Number 42, 29 Malaki 1932 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, M\NĀGEMENT „ CIRCULATiON. ĒTC. REQUIRED BY THE ACT OFCONGRESSOF AHGUST 24, 1912 j 0 f KA HOKt T 0 i'IA WAH rUBMSHIJ»G (.0. pnb],sh(-d AVeekty nt BilOj ! Hawaii, T.H. for Apnl 1 iy3o > , Territory of Hawaii V !Coqntyof Hawuii f Before-me, a pei"son in and for tlie Stato and connty afor< said, p2rsonally j«t>peart dy. L. DESHA SR. who, i>aving hoon duly supnr accordiiig lo law, Ideposcs and s"«ys that he is the Fd't«<r cf the KA HUKU 0 iIAWAII a«d Ui t t l ie fullowīng is, tj the bi*st kno\\lo.lg<v and bohef, a true statement of th* owuorstiip, iaanngetnent \and if a dail} paj-er, the circulationl etc. jf tle aforf said pt;bricatl6n for tho dste s v .ow.i in tht Kbove o»ption, r-- ( |uired 1 y the Act of Aujrust 24. 1912, en.bodied in Sec<ioi ( 411, Fostal Laws nnd Regulacions, |xrittted on the reverse of this forrn, to w!t: 1 Th«t thte na:j;.es au<l addiv>S\'s of the i>ub»isher, eUiloi» mauagiug editiT, ar.il l:i;sii;v.-ss inanayers an?; I'nb!isher Ka Hotu o Hawaii HUo, Ilawaii T:H, Editor S.l. f>esha sr, •• " •• EdU«r S L. I esha Sr. Bus«nesa M«nagera S,L. DtshaS». «« «* •« : 2 Thot tbe o«mer is? (!f ownēd"by a f.»rporation, its name und addr»>sB l>e state*' t and »»lso inn\ifd\MU k Sy th?r<'un N r tU« t\amvs aiul addiess uf stoekhold*tvs owhing or holding one ]ver cent or of total «u«ouut of st<;ok, lf juOt «wneil by a cv>rp'»rati'>«», the ua:ius aid uo,irt'!rSt.s v>f ihe iudividcal ovvncra wuāt be gi\\n. Ii owiwd l>y a firin, ooinMa» y, or other vu.iucorpaiateo couceru. :ts nau.o a-.xd addrea , well a* thoso of ind;\idual menilvr, uiusl lv S.L. l)eaha Sr, Hilo, llawaii, J«hn T. Moir Papaikou, Hawaii S«m Kanakanni līstate H«>noltlu T.H. XV. lī, Beor& hile, Hawaii S Tbat th« known hoinlhoKK rs, .i<ort,ii»gevs, and i. thor securlty owniug 1 |»er vent e* uaoro of tot.d amo(.nt vt b v »jdg, uiot!*;a£ea, or uUier seouraifs a»v 0« t'<»ere aro nono, so i■. None 4 TUai the two t>ar*&raphs uo\t al<ovt\ j;iviu£ ihe f the owuers 1 siockh-jivici&, d B<.cun*»i h«.hkrs. if oouu»iu uot ouli" Uie list tī oy '■V on -* ux lv cf '• o n-pa» y lui aLo, ia v\btm ilu i st<H*kh»Md< k r s.v,irtty bolder ppj<*.vis upo.i tl.o bv>oks of tho coum*ny *a or iu any \.thv" fiducīaVy rv*i»tib:i, tlv ii;»r.,e f th<- p. r«on vr corport»tu»u f«r whom s «-h irnst* i* ?fctb.£- ia $ivou, ihat īhe said two nt,'mbraring &ffiant's full knowle,Jjj- sr;d beliot U> tho āeouui - »UuCv4 a;.dt-r .ihU-u sU okh>Mors at.d -oeui l.vl-u wl.o *i<)t a* V-A* th«- of ,Mv*»f>*>>y as tru#'.t>eP li-M st :*■;.> i». aoapao;ty ūther thau that of jt hona fi<le i»'n-r, *a»d tli;s iiffutrt bts no rv*v v .> x to beUove t:iat any ot,!.er i>cusou, »ss«H't*t;'»n, »n ,■ »rj»crat : .-n 1 i.;t» i »« it diuvt iu U»e «atd !'o;sd, cr vth, r <«eos*?ties tbim as r.< " \ h*m. i i'hai i'ue a\ct.tg<a u'.;nilx r »-.f »o;ās o{ e&eh insuo of th*s pi«M;oali»Mi ?.old or ds>tr ; b\ t-d, ihe u;-ub cr olh*TWīat». to |»»;d snt»sorsbvMr durit,g t1;o nuuiU yrovxo ; l ;,£ \th» Jale »h'A\a aboYo Ī8 ItXM !• ' - ■ V Sw»vrn to «ihi !»übseribed Wtoiv ».et!.;s .1 "f M*rvh hv- ; johm k. nai 1 eowmtestou *\phvs