Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXV, Number 41, 22 Malaki 1932 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

STATEMENT 0F THR OWNERSHIP, MINAGEMENT CIRCULATION. ETC. REQUIREI) BY THE ACT 0F (30NGRESS 0F AHGUST 24, 1912 Of KA HOKU 0 PUBL!SHINO (;o. publ,Bhod Weekly *t Hilo, liawaii, T.H. for Aprfl 1 I<j3o Territory pf Hawaii \ County r.f Hawaii } BefoiT' me, 8 porsoīi in ai<d for tbe £tato an<l onmls afor?-S4fi<l, jr.jrsonally dS. ]j. I)KSiI A SR. who, li»virig bc»?n duly s\vprn accordiug io law det:os(\s aiui s)ys that he is the t'dstor tf the KA HOKU 0 HAWAU * aml ttv>t the foltowing is, to the bcst kno\vle,!g.; and behef, atriie statement of th» ownenhip, main'gement iand if a dailj paper, the. circnlation) et(\ jf t'-ē af»)rt said i»nl)licatioii for tht> date s*ir»wii in the above c a plion, r'<j,uired 1 y tho Act of August ;»4, .1912,. etiibodied in Sec'ioi. 411, postal Laws and Rcgulaciouf, printed oh tl>** rvsverse of t'»is far:n, t<> w*t! 1 Thnt the na')!es and »ddres3es of the pubnsher, editor, mpu4giug editor, and hr:sim'sB matnigore arv; PubUsher K& Hoku o Hawāii Hilo, Hasvaii T.H, Editor S.l. Desha Sr, " »• Maitaging E<!itot SK, ! e. tt ha Sr. Busine*s M«nagers 'fc. L. Dtsha Sr. " «« *• 2 Th»t the owner is: (If owns<i by a corppration» ita oame and addrf>ss mn i t be stste<i «ud j>3so i'«utit'di.H«-'ly,th<jreun !cr thv uaiuea aud »ddrees v£ stockhr>ktars owning or holding «nie per cent or tnnre" of tvUt «uiouut of st..ck. lf not owned by a corporati<Mi, tiie naiijrs a,id addresst*s of th< individt>ai o\vners nmst b>* givon. If own«?d l>y a firin, co]tni»Atiy, or other ut its uaiue and addr.es a» wvU as those v.f eiu-U individual niembvr, uiuat bt> gi\vn) S,L, Desha Sr. ; IWo, Hawaii Johti T» Moir Papaikoo, Hawaii Sain Kanakanui Estate l&nolulu T. H. i biic, Hawaii 3 Tb»t the -knowu hmnlhoMm, nnd <:ther sccurity [>tt tiing 1 ,percent or uiorv of t >Ul amov,nt <-T b.:>uds, »»ort£>'tfes,' »-r securnios «H' tlf there atv «otic, ~ None £ Tbat the tvvo jrar«i,'raphs ne,kt al>ove, iā.vinjj tbe n»ui*s of thc owiiers Mockholders, *»d svcurit k \ holders, |f any, oont»in m<t <.uly tbo li?t of ■!«• ders aii tlioy #i>pe«r upuu tho b- oka pf tho couip»tiy but alao, iu ca«»a \\h«ro in- *tockboidvr oi hoUiei- t»p|f>»i* upou the of tho oouinany or ni aua i-tho* fiductary ro!«uuyu» tho mu;.e of thc )K-raon or cori>or«Uou : -r whoin t? eh trnstv i> is «'woii, »lso that tlie saivl t\vo ii«n>gr«phat «it! stHtementd onilir«s*iuß ».frautV fuU' kno» *ud l.elu ? t.) tho ououu.--.tMicoa un<irr whioh st okh->'r!ors *t.<i hol Urs who do »«>t apu- Y ar uj»cn Ui« -hooka..- ot Ui« coiupany *s trus-oeSj Juvld st«'ok aud 80curitk'S iu a cap«city th<r thau i'iat o>f a b >iu f. i • ur . »u<i Ui : s atf;ant bi-s no rea-\>n to U'lic\e • - a t an i" other \ioison, as§o« »ati->n, ot c|rpOrati<>u l«as iitt iojt dir*vt iu the said i\on<i, or «»th<>r seo«iriiios ««# tn- l \v h*m. - 5 That tho jft\oraj;e ;.i.tt,U r of oopio* of eaeh u»tte of •f thia puht>cation sol;l or auu'in, (*<!•! Uuougl» the n»-»ila vr .therwiae* to |>aid aul>t|oribor dutintf Utf #»* i»v»ntl»a {'rv\vdiug .he dajfe sh<>wu abo\v is j ltX-0 sj.UDGSHASK. >wom to an.S subscrU>od lvtow inf> thia 21 of M»i;oh U>oC JOtiN K. FUt ®,\gucs