Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXIV, Number 41, 14 April 1931 — Proclamation [ARTICLE]

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There is no agency in the eommunity ]ifeof this Territory tbat i8 more desei?ving of support than the Hawaiian Huumne So<iety. ■ The purpose df the organization is iridicated by its nanv\ It deals - with the.huui»n side of life, an<l its:acli.vi.tws are incess , »nt.' It is in 110 manner surprising that the varioua «i)glea of the work are not fully known. The workers go abcut their activit"es quietly. The Society- has nothing to sell but kindly aml hopos f"r nothing: but full sympaf!iy and cooperotlon, Dunhg the ; jēar nineteen thirty, 2,fi09 cats and 2,477 dogs w«re h'.no.Biiely destroyed, and agencies and meaiis were employt'd tōward.sre('ohci)iatioo in farailies, In many instanepp, a'timals te be destroyed were a burden to the community, and m iustauces family life WQuld have been subA-erted withont +he influejice of moral suasion. two act : vities are but a few in the" every-d*y routine. In Hddition, the Society has m?de attemius to instih tbe hearts of rosidcuU of tiiis Territory a de.<ir? to treat dumb animals wiih kin<lness. Like orgBnizBtiona t!ironghont the civili?.ek world &re devoting their thoughts tb kindness and con?i<leration for animale, *nd it is the hope of further stimulating that desire in Hawaii, v * Tb the end that greater recognition be shown the activities of thc Soeiety, tlte week ol April l!<—2o will be recoiinized as Hī'MANE WIiEK, nnd Sunday, Apri! 19, Hn,MANBSUNDAY. THERRF©RS, I, LAWRENCE M. .U;UD, Goveruor of the Territory of Ilawaii, do hereby c»U upon the rosidents nf the Torritory to'show full conaideration to the aotivitu« of the līawaiian Hu — muiB <socifty and to give thought lhohuw*u<j. treatment <hra!nnimal». To that end. I hei>by proo!aim th«» week April 1931, R3 Ü BE KIND TO AKl— MAJLS V ' WKKK. IN WITNRSS WHKLiKOF, 1 htū'G here<iuto set my l»atid Hnd oaused tht St:d of the Torn t«»ry of iiawah to l-o «ffIX F HI, I>ONK *t the Ca!>itol. i<, Hoholulu, : this d y of M<»r%h, iu the yvsu- \ ( o«r Kiiictoo» Hou*u«l T!hhty-Om\ ts>*o UA\VRhNCK M. Jl i>l> By ihe \iovor»or; ī<*t> RAYMOND 0. BROWX. Secn;t*ry of Hawaii.