Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXIV, Number 40, 7 April 1931 — Proclamation [ARTICLE]
There ia no «gency in the eonamunity life of this Terrītory that ia more deserviog of sapport than the Hawaiian Humane Soci«ty. The puipoee of the organization is indic«ted by ita name. It deale with the humm aide of iife, aad ita activiti«*s are iace%ant. it ia īq no manner surprising th*t tbe v&rious ang(ea of the work are not fully koown. The worker» go i their activit»es qaietly. The S>xāety has uotiiiag to aeil bot kitidly aaaialanee, and hop»a for nothiug bnt full sympatby and cooperotion. Darmg the year nineteen thirty, 2,tKW cate and 2,477 dogs were hauanel; de--Btroyed, «tnd agencies and aieana \vere employed towards recoaci]iatioo in familiea, In many iualanauim&Le tc be deetroyed were a burdeu tothe commumty, and m iuBtances f«m>)y life would h«ve beeu subwrted wiihout tne inftaence of mornl suasion. Tlieae twu act : vitiea are bat a few in the every-d%y routine. In addition, the Society haB made attempta to instil. into the iiearts of re«ūdentfl of tfiis Territory » deaire to treat damb animala with kiadneas. Like organizatioos thraughcut the civiiizek world are devoting their thought« to kiDdnesa and coosideration for aminaie, aud it ia the hope of further Btimulating that desira in HawaiK To the eod that greater recognition be ahown the activities of tbe Society, the week ol April IV»—25 will be recogaiaed aa HUMANB WIiEK, «nd Sunday, April 19, HCXAKRSUNDAY. THERKFORB. I. LAWRENCB M. JUDD, Go\-ernor of tbe T»rritory of Hawaii, do )ter»by eall upon the n*identa of the Tyarritory to «how full con«ideraiioa to the activitiee of the Hawaii«a Ha— mane Socirty «nd to give tho»(iit to the hnmane treataieat of dumb animala. To th«t e&d, 1 b»eby procl«im the w««k Apnl l&-~'2&. 1931, aa "BE KiND TO AWl— MALS" WKEK. 1N WITNBSS WHEHKOr, I bav» boi«anto««t my b«nd aod cao««d the (Seal) Gt«at S««l of the Terri-> tory of H«w«h to b« afftxed. DOHE «t the Capitol, iu - Hoaolula, thi« «kk d«y ofMinh, iuth«ye«rof our Lord, Nhrtwn Hea* .dred«nd Thirty-One. (S*l) I.A WRFNCK M. J DD By tha Gowraur: (Sg»l) RAYMOND C. BROWN, S«civUry of Ha««U^