Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXIV, Number 16, 7 October 1930 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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j STATEWENT 0F THE OWNBRSHIP. MANAGEMENT | KCULATION, ETC. REQUIRED BY THE ACT OFCONGRESS OF AIJGUST 24, 1912 Of KA HOKl' OHA '.VAII PUBLiSIiING ('O. _ i>ublis!>ed Weekl> at Hilo, Hnw&ii, T. H. for Octot>cr 1 l«:;u Terr;'tnry • f Hhwai? ( County of Huwaii } Bcfore iin', a i»t'rscn in ami for thc State and cnpnty aforcsttid, j>erBonally ! a;>pesred S. L. DFSHA SK. wJ>o, having be<?n .luly sworn aeeonhiu: to law, <lepos*v and Bays th«t in' i» the Editor of Uie KA HOKU O HAWAII and that the foll<>wing ie, to the be*t knowledK« aru! belief. a true statinenc of tho i>\\nerBhi|>, manag:*.'!nent (an<l if a daily paper, the circulation) etv. of tho «fort'Said puhliealion for the d«t« ehowa in the above Caj>tion,- rc<juireil by the Act of August 24, 191-, emobo<hYd in section PostarLaws and printe.l on the rfcver.«e of this froin, to wit: | 1 That thc n&nics aod addressc3 of the j»uhlisher, ediior, inana^in^ t editor, and bnsines:- manirers are: | Puhlisher Ka Hoku o llawaii Hilo, Hawaii T.H. ' E<litor S. L. Oolia Sr. " •* " E«litor S. L. I)esha Sr " ■ .. ! Managors S. L. ]>esha Sr. " " " - That th» cwnor is: (If »»wned l>y a corp>r»tion, it» namt end atldresB mu~t he staU'd and alao inimediately thereunder the namea aml addreBß of stocklioMers ouninp or holding oue jk.t cent or more of total amount of 6tock. lf not ow ncd hy corporation, the namee aod addretf»es of the indivi<lual owners must i>e L'iven. lf owned hy a firm, conipany, or 6ther nnincorporated eoneem. ita name and a.1.1n-aa, as well as ihoss of eaeh ipdiv'idiiAl niember, niuN l* given) S. L. Deaha Sr. Hilo, Hawaii John T. Moir Pa[>aikou, Hawaii Satr Kanakanui Kstate . Honolulo, T. H, W. H. Bcers Milo, Uauaii ■ 3 That the known lomlhoMe™, mortgaKi'ss. ard otl.er Bre< uritr liol<ler> owninn 1 per c ent or more of total nmcunt of >K)nds, mnrtgajA'B, or other secwitie>* are (,If th»-re are none, so atate-) j ■ None I 4 That the two paragraphs next alwve, givin« the names of the ownere, i stor>khoMers, and se< usity holders. if any, cont*in not only the list of stock— holders as they appear upon tbe hooka of the eompany hut also, in eaeee wbeiv the st<K'khold«r or security hoKler appears upon tbe books of the compaay •»! : trust<>ie or in any other fiduciary relatiou, n«me of the peraon Or eorporatiO(i for horu aneh truste« iw actiu>>, i» also that the «aid two paragraphB eon— i tain statements embracmit affiant'B full knowk>dge and behef m to th« eiroutn— stan<vB uuder whieh stocklioM<»ra and seeurity hohlem who do oot appear upon tho lHM)k> of the <'<>uipany a* truateea, hold etock and aucuriti<» in a capacity other than tliat <>f a hona fide owner, and thta affiant haa no reaaon to hrloirc Ihit any other f>erBon, aMOciati.>n, or ecrpo»tio& haa intere»t din«t in the aald stock, Lx>nrit<, or other secuiitieß ihaa as so auted by him. 5 That the awrage number of eopiea of eaeh isaue of of thii< pubiication »old or <listributed, through Uie mait« or otherwiae, to paid sul>acrib«re duhng the six months preceding the datv nhown above i» 1000 • L. DBSWA»R. Sworn to and subscribed before ene Ui<s nrd. d*y of Sapt. 40UN K. FUJI (Hy rommlwi<B m Jw> M, WU