Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXIII, Number 10, 20 August 1929 — By Authority [ARTICLE]

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By Authority


Notiee is hereby given that pu«M«Dt to »nd by virroe of the provisioiia of Section 1573 of tbe Revised Lawe of Hawaii 1926 as amended by Act 192 B«ssion laws the uuderBiijne(l w ill aell at Public auction o« Wednes<iay, Sej)U;mlx'r 4,1921» at 12 o'elOeK noon of the aaiui' day in front uf the Dietriet Court Houw at Hilo, Cuv.nty angl Ttrritory of Hawaii ali riglit9. titles and interes'.6 of Rlizabc j th Le« Kwai in audto tlie |jropt-rty herein <i.'arribed, nt Fnbiic Aucti<>n to the bidder ! t*or eaah to sat's r y thv lien f>.'r taxeH 'thereon, to-fjetlier with tll intereat, | penait«os and coBts aa followfc:— Location lI.F. ur Grant L.C.A. Area Waiakea Honsclot no, 18 Blk 1 Aere | Houn.'BteadB >'J vvith b"Uilding-a i thoron Hdd un»k*r HoiJ.w»Btead Af?reemeut Taxes .. $212.73 Penalty 18.35 Int«'r»»at 'ii'. 54 Cost Total Amt. Due $270.».»2 i Eiizi»l)eth Lee Kwai tiK* person i aBBessed as the ownor of the said pro— i pt>rty and from whom theforesaid taxea i are duc And ail other penona baving any iuterost »n the flbove ilescribed pro-1 perty, are hereby wari>ed that UDless | the forrgoing taxen and all iQ»erest, j»ciialty coBta, and charge.s are f«tid I>efore the date appointed for the aala ttien i of, the property h«»reiii ad— vertieed f<>r aale wiil be sold a.« adver-> tieed. m Hilo Connty and Te - rito y&f Hawaii, this Hth d«y of Aug\jat A.£>. W.J, STONE J>eputy T«x ABBesBor. District of Sohtb Hilo Aug. 6, 13, 20, I'7, Si*pt • 3

U« houholo |ta Plpa • na Ko tt)i»iua o aa make ulia wale, c haawl ak« i k« kokui t ka wahia< kaeemak* a Moses MoUi o Pāhala, oiai, ua hāule «lia 0 Mascs lf. Ktwaba mti k«aa lio aku, a nlha if kena po« t A mamuii ti« poiao ali* WaU, «ā iU« ia i kti. lun nana » mak« āi, Ua haawl •kn la ke Komiainā • nā |>»iaa aiia w»U i kā kokaā la Mrs. K&«iU ant kA i*ut keiki «o ole { k«kahi haawlaa kokna no k« )«ft olā'ā&ā.