Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXI, Number 43, 3 ʻApelila 1928 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
< STATEMHNT 0F THH O\VNHRSUU\ Ma\\\GKMKXT ; CIRCrLATIO\, KTC. RK£rißKn BV THK ACT OF CONGRKSS 0F AUC»rST 24, 1912 01 KAHOKUO HAWAII PIBLISUING CO. at lIUo, Hawaii, T.fl. for Apnl 1» i<&; Territory of Hawaii ) gq Gountv of Ilawaii [ Before me, a person in aT?d tor tfie ?ta(e r.r,d eonnty ap])eared S.L DRSHA SK. xvho, ha Y mg Nvn auly sw"»ni to dojx>aes aiid says that he is the F<Jitor of tho K A ITOKV 0 HaWaU aud th*i the iolioMin£ is, to ijho of his atnl * true ment of the <-»wi>orship, if a <Uily ptper, the e^reuUti6u\\tc. of th« af«pwaid pttWieatiou for thedate »h.>«rn in"the above oaptiou» req'nin;'d by Ui«a Aet of August 24. 1912, emh*di«d iu soction 411, rostal Liovs Hiid Kegulation t printed on the reverse of tlns form, to wīt: 1. Th*t the namea »nd addres;*?s of the pubtisher, man;Cgm£ edītor «utxd iiusiu«ea mauager<» sre: Publisher Ka Hoku o Hawaii Hilo, Hawaii, T H Kdiitor S.i,.Desha Sr. " *« ' AUi»aging Editor S. L. Desha Sr. " «• «< Basiueas M»nsgers S. L. De«=ha Sr. •* " «« 2. Thattheowner is: owued by a corporation, its namo aud addresa m«st be stattd and alao immdiat*ly thereondvr the names and addreases of stockholders oxvning and hotding one per eent or mon.' of tofat amount yf stock. If not owrned hy a corporation. the 7»ames and «ddresses of tfie iudivi-* dnal owners must be piven. īf owned bv a firm, company, or other unīncorporated eoneem, its name and address, as vrelt as those of eaeh *iudividcal meu3ber. muet be given.) # * S*l». Desha Sr. Hilo, H*waii S.M. Kanakanui Bstate Hono!ula. T H. J.T. Mo?r Papaikou, Hawaiī W.H. B(?pre Hilo, Hawaii 3. That the known bondholders, mortgageeB, and other security ho!dexa' awnfng or holdfng 1 per cent or more of tota! aruount 0f bonds, nwtg- a ges' oe o\iier 9ecir\tS&R are: (lf there are nona, «o state.) > T one 5. Tliat the average number of eopieh of eaeh !ssce 0 this publicaticn sold or d;Btr;b ited, thro»gh the malN or othfTv,fat>, to paid subscibers dunng; tha «ix monthp precedfng thedateshown uho' * 1* liWl 8. L. DBBHA BR. " 4 Sworrj 1 0 and fsubacrib'īd h*fore m<-. this 23rd day of >f*rch IS2«. (8BAl) A. K. AONA 01*rrk 4tb Circcit <3ourt, T H