Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XIX, Number 15, 3 September 1925 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
| t?3' Authority } "'" M-- ' - , i* oiSIHlC'i COI<RT 0F PUXA iiX>i'KTV OF HAWAiI. TBKRITORY OF HAWAU .U. J. JUV>IAN'. i>Ei lT\ i ASSESSOR *fld Co:ievUr, <"-f Tax*>si, rns{TH't if l*urs^ Himl Tn*«rion 1 1 v8 } SS MttS. ANKIS&AU^iii D«f<sßvJsirt ] o*p*n OF prßdcToN Flanttiff n*m<s( hftvms 1 *ctioa c*u»c\i «umiuou» fc> I» iWttfKl. *g*su*l th> 5 avfi"i*d«tut &tx'Vp | toī I!jc itt.'VcTj of Uxc,-- iu tii» i Bum .>f $$> ?'.< t*v j-rc J cf Ss!s3 ft3 t>te BocVi of ttie asesBor of T&xes of ihe r»btrict of Pao», Third Tasstion r>ivisj<>o,, for im, \m, im. ī*».; whieii &a'.- dcfv aa&r;t tl',ere W reqne?t<*J hi? «::! ro?ust<3 t; ■p»y, *n3 bUint3ff h&viug, sho« n t>iAt tbs »3<l d«f«i*l»nt Non-IWtidenv fītli in juriediction of tWI court, 1T IS ORdEBI:,p, tb*t «rvicv of «ttcuiiM»i(s bo a'*ue bj puMic«U'Jn a? piwuW sn! .«U pcracut ui ir.tcrf?t Jtre heiv\n ea'Unl upoa to *ppt*r *nt! dffeiut ui this ni Ihe wturn 3ajf in s«K? «oUon» to wH, Ou Uu» S»iurd*y £kpi, IS> 1925, »t 10 o'eloek A, M. TT\S FURTKR ORDīRHD, th*t * <sof»v of thl»» order lbe pnl'liahKl one»; 1 m ©ek for tl\Pee oQftB«cutlve wceVs in a newep*per «f general oiroulatiou iu the TeriiUii <■£ ii&wau. Wilue** haad t',us I? ih< dsj ofl Autrnpt A. i>. 194, RENRY LAI HIPP DlBtrfct M*fistrat? o Puna. Aug. 20, ā < Spet. 3
By Authority ,KOTICE 0F SALS 0F KSAL ,PROPEKTY BY \VAY 0F FOKE~ : CLOSURE 0F LElii FOR TAXKB | EXISTINa TBBBEON j Notica i§ hvr>_-bj giv*?n th»i ! to and vsrtueofthe pr«visions of Sfecūoii 187S of the Revise<.t Laws of Hawaii 1925, the andersigned will aell at Public Auetiou uu ! SATLHpAY, OCTOBfiR 1925 , &t 12 o'eli>ck noou of t!ie iu front of the Dietrict Court at Hilo, (»uoty an<l Territory of Hawaii ail the nght tit'« an<J ißt«re)st of M»ALOHA JiOBACK ui auU to fche |»roj>erty hereia <JtßctiK4 at Pubiic to tLe highust bidd#x for cāish to satißfy ttie lien for taxm thercon together with »11 iuterest, pe~na)tif b ana 88 follors:Locatioa JRojalPateut L. C. A. Arfc» Loi 6-7 Clii E»t»te st Pnueo, Koe Lan® Ta*e« 161.«8; Peaa2ty $2.38, hi\rre%! $L&,07 A 4y. CoeU $2.00 T<tt*im,i33 jears 1921, 1922, 1&23, &ati MEAX/>HA ROBACK tt.6 «6ttgifcd &£ tlw tLe yrui#xlj *ud tfōU! wohm the for**a"d Uxiz 4ufe. «11 ot*ier p*r&oz« aii4 ter&st io U& i&m •w»ftereby tha'. uuleee f!.t «9iSft t*xm «13 j.3ter<i£t, r*£> b*-'Or« 4itt» £f„r |«MCi9t, p&pefLerelx» *<Jv*rt.»*«j 1 »4i v« oai#-? *$ of Ha<r«M.'tJ ; i* " OTOKE 1 Tfc* JU»nk*. J#piriULcl i*s#® * >**• l .. j . # ' I- v_ -l--