Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XIX, Number 14, 27 ʻAukake 1925 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Aut.horil> IN THi'. dISTRICT COi:iiT OK l'U.V\ COl*NTy OF HAWAII, Ti-;J'J<ITOKY OF HAWAIī H. J. I # YMAN, IjK}VTY J «n'] Coik»ttor j ot Tnxee, vmtrU'i ot Puua j ThiKi T«ixfltion t>ivi»i'jn 1 mimft j vB j 33 MR£. AtibīlH KAU WEJ a ,Noii-i£em<k*nt T<ixpayerj Defendant J ORi>sit OP ?TTBUCTON Planitiff above having eoiu— menml Hction an<l *<1 snminonB to be iBßiie<l tli(" Hi>ove namp(i, for tbf re< ov(-ry of iu tli«' aum of $f>6.2:5 as»esse<l a]<aitjst th.- pr<j--perty of Bfli<3 d£fendarit on the Boo.ke i of the s«f«8or of Tax6s of tbe Districtj of Pana, Third Taxation Dmsio«, for : ?ic years l l9lS, 1922, 1021,1024, 1925 1 ! whieh said defen(!ai)t althongb th"re to i requeht<'«l hns ticglc(tc an<i rc.fubed to !];>»}-, »n<l nlHintJff naving, .ahovM! thdt, thc sftffl <!efptt<lant Noii-R< jij i<l( nt with in jnrf=«lictiftn of thīs rourl. tT 1S ORdKRKd, that fn-rvh- o£ HummonA hemn lx- ma<le hy [)übli<-atiou as proviilcd by law, and ali per3oMS iu intores-ti. are hcr*'-)>y (;aTlt><l upon t<> appoar an»l (lpfend m thi? ronrt on the retiirn day in Sai<l action, to wit: On the Satnr,*ay Sept. 19, 1925, at 10 o'eloek A. M. ITIS FURTER OKDF.RHD, that a oapy of thīs order 1>« ]jnblish> d w eek for tliree ronsecutive wreV ,s in a fiewsp'apor of g*-neral i'ir<;uhiti<in in th e Tcrrstory nf Hawaii. Witness my han<i this 12 th . t'ay of August A. D. 194. HENRYXAI HIPP I>istriot MaK?strate o f'una. __ Aug. 20, 27 Spet . 3
i By Authority |noticb of -sale of rkal |PROPEBTY BY WAY 0F FOREiCLOSURE 0F LKIN FOR TAXES JĒXISTIN(j TBKREON Ko.lioe is hervby given th*t pursuant to an<l virt«wofthe provissions of Sociion of the JUevised . La\vs of Hawaiī !??5, thi> \\ill Se lī d t Puuiie Auction on SATUHUAY. OCTOBBR 31at, 1925 at 12 o'eluek īiooii of the aauae day in front of tlie PiArict* £purt house, at Hilo, (.\>unty au I 4 Ti;rritori' of Hawaii all the right tit!a and of mealoha roback in aiul to tIK? i>ruperty hereiu d< sci.ilK i Aj <tt Puhiio Aooiio» to the hi#hesst hidder, ;forcashtt> »atisfy 4 the lieu ,for ! tht>ivKm toccther wirti «11 iuterest, pe- > l n«,itivs aua co-sta ~(|pUo.fa;-. : Looation Roytt Pateut L. C.. A. Arc« : J*ct t>-7 UUi Sat*U> *t Puueo, Kou Laue T*xw3s6i.&s; i l «oalty luu<re*t $15.57 Adv, Costf $2.00 Tqt#i fsLi& for the y««rf> 1921, 1922, 1923, 192-4 aiid lWiū. ... j M£AU>ttA KQBACK tb« perSOU , as tlu> »wuot of the said pro{\.'rtj «ml, froni tcohm the for««aid taxee are du-. | *ud «kU otbt?r -p«rBoiis U*vi()g «ul iu— j tr>re>it in the abovt? ■le-vrSlK , a 1 »ro herftby vf«rnf>d th»t uh> farc)PMUg Uxe» *ud *U ,int«rvnit. pctM«U\«, eosts t oxp»>n? t "» arc b»f«r« tt»« dnto for tho s*ic ] the ht»mu advcjL:*xi i for H.ilp w|U w soiiHHs a\ivcrtbcJ. > 0»t«d ttt Hilo. Tcrriwr> of U u ? A\xmm{ \% W.f. STONK Deputv T«x 4* jNNWIor ' South Hilo . 21 |«pt. S» 10