Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XIX, Number 13, 20 August 1925 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
By Autljority NOTi€i£ 0F SALE GF RJ£AL PKOFfi;KTif BV WAY 0F FOHE~ OLOBUHE 0F LKIH FOR TAXEB ICXIBTING TUER£ON Notice i'ā hnt(-hy thnt pursuajit to m<t virtm: of tJje proviciit/nn of Seciioti L:i7.; <j£ the iicv'md Laws of Hawail l y'Jō. ( . thtvun<ic:mgned wiliaell ut l'uhiie An<'.tiofi-on BATI.'RfJAY, <)CTOBKJ< yjat, Iyyō-, at ] J (i'eloek noun of th.fi naoiu day io frouto> tJ)« District Coart lioawe, fet fUlo, Lounli' and X«rritory of llaw&ii ali the right Ulle <tiid inmreat fjl M7SALOHA iiOBACK m an-l to th" pryperty herciadescribc<l at Fubli<- Anctiou to tho higiie»t bidder for c»fsh to Batiefy Uie lien for taxeti thtireo« .tog<;tiier with aii interest, pe~» nftltit6 and cot.ts «s foHoAa:~ ■Locetion Koyal Pateut L. G. A. Are# Lot 0-7 Ulii Estatc at Paueo, Kou Lane Tax(,;ri $01.52; i'eoaity $2,38; Ixiterest ?1;).r,7 a<U\ Coht.« $2.0u Total $81-G3 for th<; 1921," !9J2, 192:}, 1921 aad 1925. MEALOHA roback tiie persoii aBseBsed a» Uie owucr of the aaid property and froKi wolim the fort;«aid tuxcs ar© du« aad all other persou,s haviiig ajid iu— terePt in tho above <U ;;t:rihod prypttrty f are hereby warut(l that uuleaa tlir foregoinf? taxes and all intert:at, penalty, eost«, expttiises and chargca are paid before the datc appoiutu<l for the sale thereof, tho propurty hcrein advertised for sale will !k: so!d aa advorti3ud, Dated at Hi-10, County and Tcrritory of Hawaii. this August 12, 1925. W , J . STONE Deputy Tax Assessor, District of South Hilo Aug. 20, 27 Sept. 3, 10 By Authority ' IN THIS dTSTRICT COURT OF PUNA OF HAWAII, TEKRITORY ! OP HAWAIī i H. J. LYMAN, dEPUTY j i ASSESSOR and Coilector{ !of Taxes, District of Puuaj [ Third Taxatioa Divisiou ] I Plaintiff ] ! V S ] SS I MRS. ANNIB KAUWE] 'a Nou-Resident TAXpayer] Defendaat ] |" 0F PUBLICTOX * riauitiff above naiuod haviug nie nced action aiul ciusi-d sammous to be issued against the defeadant above | named, for the reoovery of ta'xes in th« suiu of $66. assessed against the ptol perty of sūā defeudaat on the 800k S of tue ssi.'Bs t of T:ixes of the o fPima, Third Tsxation nhiaioa, for |he year3, 191S, 1924, 1925 1 whirh said defendant ftltliough there to i requestjd has ueglecte and refused to ipay. and olaiutiff having, ehown thas , the said defendaut Nou-Rt-sideat. with I in jurisdictioa of this court, [ IT IS ORoERKd, that serviee o£ ,Bummaas hereiu be m&de by pul>liv-ation as pravidtni by iaw, and all persons iu iutorest are hereby called upon to appoar aad defen.l in this court oii th« returu day m said aetiori, to wit; On |the Saturday Sept. 19, 1923, 10 ;o\'lock A. M. | IT IS FURTER ORI>ERSD. , that | a <\»py of this order be ptib!ished ouee !-w eek for three iH>aseCutive weeks xa a aewspaper «f j?eneral circaiatioa iu tha Torritory liauaii. Wituess my hntvl this 12 th. dav of AT. D. RBNRY LAI HLPP ; MaKĪeUaU' ■> l'uaa, j Aug. 20, 2T Spet. 3