Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XIII, Number 45, 8 April 1920 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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STATEMENT 0F THE OWNER«HIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ECT, REQUIRE BY THE ACT 0F AUGUST 24 1912. Ka Hoku o Hawaii publiahed Weekly Hilo, Hawaii, Apr. 1, 1920. Ka Hoku o Hawaii Pab« Co. Ltjl. y Hilo, Hawaii. Editor, S. L. Deslla Sr. Hilo, Hawaii Bushie.-a Maaagcr, S. L. Deaha £Sr Owner-Stockholders, holdiag 1 per oeut or uiore of total amount of atock. L. Deeha Sr., Hilo, Hawaii, S. M. Kanakanui, Honolulu, Ha'vaiiW. H. Beers, Hila, Hawaii. H. L. Holstein, Eohala, Hawaii. That the Bqndholders, Mortgagees and other security ho!ders owning or hoīding 1 per <:e"nt of tatal amount of bonds etc. None Ka Hoku o Hawaii Co. Ltd. S. L. Desha Sr. President. Sworo to and subscrihed lx".fore me this 29th day oi Mar, 1920. STEPHEN L. DtSHA Jr. Notary Pnhlie, Fourth Ju<licial Circuit. My eommistiou expires at the pleasure ; cf tlie Attorney Geaeral.