Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XII, Number 34, 17 January 1918 — Annual Meeting Ka Hoku o Hawaii Pub Co. [ARTICLE]

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Annual Meeting

Ka Hoku o Hawaii Pub Co.

The anntiftl meeting of Ihe stockbolders ofth6&okuo Hawali Pub Uo„ wiil he heki at the Office of W. H. ikers, County Buii<liag« Hilo, Hawaii, Fridaj* January 25» 1918 Lp« m u for the purp«se oi e*ecting dim.'to¥* for the eusuing y«ar and tb« trsnisaction of suqli ouher l»usiaesB «s ui«%y be brought WiWo tho tu«*)tUi^. OKO, L, DKsSHA. «I {U V