Ka Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 31 October 1914 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
(Copy) STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEM ENT, CIRCŪI,ATION' ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF AUGUST 21, 1912, of Ka Holomi'a pitblislied weekly at Hono-.lu-lu, Oahu, for OctOber lst, 1914. ® aitor i K. Poepoe, Honolulu, Oahu. ZUaiiagitig Editor, G. K. Poepoe, Konolulu, Oalio- Business Managcr, Joliu N Jveola, 323 Buckle La«e, Honolulu, Oabu. Publish.er, Sanmel Kauio, Houolulu, Oahu. Owners: (lf a corporation, gjve its name anel tlie names and adaretiscsb of stocl? holderq holding 1 per cent or niore of total amount of stocfc. If not a corporaUon, give names Qnd addresses of individual owners.) G. K I>oepoe, Jolin N. Keola, Samuel Kamo, all of Hoiiolulu, Oaliu Known bondliolclers, mortgagees, a«d otlier secunty holders, liolcling 1 per cent. or iliore of tota.l amounloi bouds tuortnagea, or ottiers securities. (if there are uoiie, state ) Kon« AveraKe number of copies of eaeli issue tf tbis publication soltl or distTibuted, hrough the mails r>r to paiel übacribers durin ? the „,x inorHJtis pre :ed\ng. the dute shown at>ove. (This nformation is iequired from daily newspapurs oiily.) JOHN N. KEOU, Busijuess Maiiager. S\vyrn toaud sul >S cn!)c(l heforc me tliis x6tli tLiy of Octo)jer, 1914 lIENRY VAN <JIESON, («oal) >Tottiry Pohhe, l"irfst Judicial Circuit,Territory of Hawali.