Ka Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 24 October 1914 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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(Copy) STATEMENT OF OWHERSH IP, t MANAGEMENT, circdlation ETC., REQUIRED BY -THE ACT OF AU&UST 2±, 1012, of Ka Howmua' pablished weekly at Honoliilu, Oahu, for October lst, 1914»_ Bditor, G. K. ī>oepoe, . Hanolulu., Oahu. Hdītor, G. K. Pbepoe, Honolul», Oahtj. Bu«aness Manager, Joliu 3sr. Ke«la, 323 Buckle Uue, HOnolulu t Oaliu. Publislier, Saniuel Kanio, Honolulu, Oahu. Ovrners- (1F a corporation_, g ive its name and t±ie name<s and addresses& of stockholders holdijQg i pe r cent or more of total amount of stock. If not a corporation, give namea and addresses of individual o\vnerg } G-. Poepoe, JoHn N. Keola, Sanmel all of Honolulu, Oahu. Kuwoii T>ondlxolders, atid otKer secm ity holders, lioldiii K 1 per ceiit. or uioie of loial amount of I>oi>d<3, niortgages, or otliers secnri.ties: (If tliere are noiae, »o state ) None AvcraKo numberof copies of eaclvissue of tbis iUii.liention sold or d,īst f it>uted, throu K h tlie mails oi otheryi-ise, to paid subt.criberb durin« tlic six inoiitlrs i» e cedm(» tlie date eliowa aljo\ e. (Tliij=i information is iequirecl from daily newapa.pers oulv .) JOHN N KKOLA, *. liUSlllC'3<3 Hnua^Ol B>voin t<> anel subscribed beforc uie tliia i6lli da> ut October, 1914 - HENRY VA]Sf OIESO3ST, - (Seal) Notary Public, P , ir&t Judicial Circuit, TerntoafcOf līuwaii.