Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 20, 19 January 1881 — At Kawaiahao. [ARTICLE]

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At Kawaiahao.

Tho ol(J Stono MiHHion Glinrc!i, a largo audioneo a«80mblcfl in the <:vc(iiiig. Tbe olun'oli wan • • .- crowflofl to it« utnioHt (Mpaeity. Aml a wann anfl Hympatliotic feeling jicrvadc(| Uiin. iuaH'i- ol pooplo, aonemhleil ,To iuvuki! !he bii-("ing el Almiglity (lod in hohall' of thcir King, uhotit to tuko a long aud |)erhaj)H a pei'ilouH .juurn'ey . Thcir Majo«tioc tln), K.iug iuid (,)ueon woro j)n;nont, alno 11. R- 1L thc J'i'iiii;cHH Eiliuokalani, iiml otlicr momheni of ihu R i,yal lamily. Tlio Rov. II. IL l'ai'kiii' ojicii«fl ihe neiwiee ol Uio (>vonirig witb jii'ayi!i', aml alioi' a iiieloflibii8 cliant by a 8wect Ioik A l;hoir, llie Maje-ity iuho in hiHHoat>, aiifl fipcak'mg ol Ii'ih iiiietidcd., (l(!parture, gavo u ttorari<!() to graciouM woi'Ah ol' liopo anfl" affcction to liio iieople ; aiul lie oumiiieiKleA J)is royal nintur tlio IJrinccM8 Lilinokalaiu to tfteir goucronu and loyal car« and «uppoi'l, to enable li«r to ctrrry on Hati«l'actoi'jly r,be (iovennncnt ol Uie Kingfloin fluring lim alinenee. Tfto worda o I llio Mu}c.'ity wcro reccivefl. wif.li warm anfl tcuder cxprcW)ion» of Aloha arifl adieu. ^

. At tho eiHieluhiuii ul' th<- 'Ki»g'H rcuiarltH, tlic • • lloii. Nohli; Knpi'iiu i'om: tu reply — " vv e Iui ve lioanl oin Kinglell uh lUin cveiiiii(r ahoul. In> inlerii|i;il vi-it nl)i'oad. Jle npoke t" yoii li'oni- 1 1 1 1 ■ h i l 1 1 1 1 ■ [iliii'e -i.n yca t'H aoo, wilien ln' wcnt oel'oi'i' to v i - r iii',i,icit . lt m Inie tlu; Kin;; «ui'- hut f ■ >r -»t l < g > > I >1 Ihh [K'o])le, to niake tiie e<;unt)'y neiiei' ;£••' t inp: m <j rc ''api.i'il ami • pe'ople to eoino t,nii vv.i.y. See ilie j:cmh 1 1 nl liis v i - i t to Aiuei'ie.i -beJoi'e ln* wcnt nutives wei'e rcceivhig : ,i l!ō centt. pcr <3ay, now eee what tlicy-f;ct,<L' ŌH ainl ,•<.> ()(> per day. Tl<i« in thc King'ij v. oi ]•; 2sc\v Iiouwh, Hliipa, riiilroad.i. and every new.i i.ieipi'i-e :ire 1;l vcel y due to thc Kincs v i > i ti ahioinl. i)ut all t h i s wcalth i« ol no use il' there is to he only .une kavna a nicrc handful of us le(t. JS<> the KLng thifl liine takee \vith hiin a •(.'ominii.-ionei' io cnquirc into and ___ „ ^ f , ]• f j -\v i i~hĪc" i n s here to īepeople ' these i-ie.-. 'i'he Jving* iunisclf would he only ho in name if he liad no peopie to lule. Tlie King 1 wiil not rcst until iiie hope o,f repeof)lmg tlieec ialen- has heen (uifilied. Let n?ti eme havc any littlc f'celing of jealou.-y ahoul the Kirig'8 o(jjrjg, Let, Iio oi ie he eriviouw. 'ihe liing goeH to hcc liow' thc grcat nmioim ol the cartli govern and rul.c thcir ]iCoplc, iuiei i t' is \to11. ItdoCs not do to ii) vyays rcmiiiii in the dark. 'ihe great natiori8 now iook with rcnpcot on ihialiule Kingdcjin and wlll Jiayc ,.b'tijJ ?uore, vy.hcn they eeo our King trnvclirjg !tuiorig thcrn for informatiori to henelil hi.e peo{ile. J,<;t iih ;tll pray cvcry d»y for for tho Jving'fi heaUh, ;trid safc; relurri lo his r<eople." • mfj)xiom <;j.kj;na]>ks. And uk; leejirigH of ihe pcopicvwcrc not "eta.yed f'rom tiicir cxprcs.-iorr, «;vcri iiftcr c)iurcJic;s luiei eloHe;], ;tn<! tlic Iiouw for «lurhbcr eame ; for, all oight th<; IKIae;,; grouridi vverē vocal wif.li Torig aitd ineie. Aē )nidnig!it rtnd afterwards a band ')!' Jj;twai{u;i ehoniH cir»gcrs, niaeie thc «ilm c;]r-ar moonIiglit v>oal wit.it reiidcr a.nd touching cha.nt. o!, !!<:" e ehoi'o-'o havc; a very nwcct and haiiowe j,if:Iody ; and '!uring tlib> lovely ,,inidiiO'iii'., tho roft ku min cr air of Hie walke ari.d - i, r,i K'i a;'/;ou ! u '/< "('"iolani l'alaee, v/a« trcr>ni- ! >u i t ii I ,J' of Uawaiiana hiddiri'c ' i r i I,U'f-V/ClI '<> ' I I , ("