Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 20, 19 Ianuali 1881 — FAREWELL TO THE KING IN THE CAPITAL. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A Aeep'Ieelinp. o(' anxietv-und in tcr£Ht jperylideatlie cuininunity-on the eve of the departur.e ol' our King, and all cla6ses and raeea have atwven to' oatvie eaeh other in their expreBsions of goodwill and aflbction, in bidding adieu to lli'a Majeaty. Tlie loyal cxprcs8ion of th.e mo8t intelhgent foreigri 8entinient waa manifp8ted at the 8tate dinner on Fnday last ; and on Sunday the. 10th inst, the day wa.8 inade _ inemorable by an outpouring of afrectionate adieux.;from IIis .Majcety'8 native people. In the morning their Majd8tie8 t he King and Queen, 11. R. II. Princcs8 Liliuokalani, II. R. II. Pnneeee Likelike and other pieinber8 ol' tlie.-Royal family, attended divine Hcrvice at" the Catliolic cathedral. Iiigh maee w'aH eelebrated by the Rev. \V. J. Larkin. . A «ennon followed in whieh tlie Rev. I?athorfeelingly alluded. to Ilie Maje8ty'Beontemp!atcd tour, bade liiin lafewell, and gavo a 0Jiri8tian leeaon • gleancd in Hiigge8tion li'om the ^oepol of the day. The ehurch wae thronged, IIigh Ollieiale, Oiplomalih attaeli('8 nnd private citizenH from,evory walk in lile. The good Si8'ter« oLilne Saeifld Ueavt preeeded by Hieu' pupils,"joined in HiIh boi i oo'H(iyo to th(> King. Ihe ehoii', reinforeed for the oeeuHion, i'(>ridered Uio 8eleoted niu«io with 'teiiderneHB and powor. ■ .MoiiH(iigii(iur liiHhop Louie Maigret with all Uie Fathere anil" Ih'oUioi'H of tlio Oi'ile-i' wei'o* pre«ent. Aftcr tho «ennon, thb Knig with liie eneoi'i aud Uio l)athei8, pa«Hed int,0 tho (!ouiT-ya«'d uinlei' un olevated alcovo, wheu the lbllowiug ikIi'ohh wa« roiul to Jli« Maje«ty hy the lloii. Oo(llrey Ulioilee. 'l'o Jti.i llo' li'n'i 'hni' -Wi', yeur loyal ainl laiililul HiihjiM!t«, are ,11 ('• in b c rn ol |,lii> Uuly UaUiolie (hnii'eh e.itahliiih.'d in yiiur Kingdein. Ainl we, iii;ijm'»d hy Ihn unlloi lii li'aeliiuH') ol oiu' UolyJt''ligio»i, are unliueil willi a (luii'i! ol' iili'.Klla loyiiU>' «;» y»»r M..j.-:.ly i |„.i„K appoiul.'.l h> >1 vin>! 'leeiee i.i Ihe Hovei'pigiity ol llie llawau.ia LiIiukIi, .iud wlieu we i'0<:eive a'-uu ci '•'■ houi yoiir .M.ije:.ly a liiiu ul' a (ioiilemplaie'l puipone ol travel ui di.tant eouuU'ien, cveii to Ui" moiii iliiiluu, ;uid to iiiane a (•ii'euil, ol' tlni (Iloln', we. Ul t!io i'.p"it ol huilihi enhieela ucc«|»i your ltoynl piir|io:<e, und uro reiuly to uiiile iu prayei'H lo ;\loii|ll»ty <""1 « ■ 'On yoiir way, iui«l lo pre«erve you in h. alili Ull 'a.

you return to your peopl.i, At 'io' «am<» Uuio. prornpted by our love 10 your Royal [>cr.-.(»i). we ..ieiil con»trpined to my firat your M-ije,-Ty's departu i'(> at- thi« tirne ort ~o_ loog a jouriicy awakena our rleep aiixj(!ti(:8, W'e woui'l b« t'!ad lo have better- a«snranci!H that' your' M aje Jyli""3arety"a'nct j ' dign.lty abroad are fuli.y provified ?or : and that llie peaee ol' the Kingdom •wili be lully a-miired (lurint{ Hie absenct' ol oar King. Goo h.u'k roi:i». Majk<tv. Somo word« ol', warm adleu werc nttered by native epeakeni. EnthuBiasm, ""alIeetion, and • loyalty, atirred tbe vagt multitude, and plainly moved tbo heart of the-King. TheRf»yal enlourt'hen procedcd to tlie eonvent of the Si8ters, wbere a" most touching incident a\vaited the visitors. A bright and l.ovely foreign giri advanc{ffl"* to «peak in behalf of th.e sisterliood and pupils, a • few words of weleoine and farewell. She had commenced, and had only, attered-;'a iew words, when overma8teriDg emption affected her, she complbtely broke down ; but evidently froin the , the 8trairi,'-upon hef leelingst alone— not ,from want ot memory ; and ghe burst ineō teai'B. The King sa-w,- and comprehended the chi.ld!s' eino- - tion. IIo ro8e, ,and stepping.forward.with a gracioua rsnīā kmdly rnanner, took her hand- " • with rea88uring wo*rd8 and expres8ibh, his emo- o tion being evidently equffl to her„pwn, and sooth- . ed her by hi8 graeiouH 8ympaThy. ' Tho child at • -onee rallied, and heeaui.e rerftored to aell-poaaea-8ion, and proved that her heart .alone, and nbt her memory, had been at fault. For «lie apokewith Iluency, and a.feeling tliat eouelieil every - heart in tho a88embly. \V!iēncvor tbc name of " Your Maje8ty" warf pronounced, althoiigli tbe » King lield h'e.r all the tiine by the haii'l , «he mad.e a graceful curtC8y, and eontinub(l on to the end, undi8tnrbed. Thc whole, Koy.al 1 J.u'ty- SiSterH, Fathera, and"_all, worc in tcar« ; aiul miuiy eyes unuaed to weep, betra.yel on tlii« occa»iori amelting emotion. Own- one thouHand puople wero pre8cntrat tbc Oatliednil. (