Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 15, 15 December 1880 — Look out for Health. [ARTICLE]

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Look out for Health.

;TranBlated ior Ei.ki.e Poahow.I I'heee aro tiineB to be eBpecially carcful ol health ; and mout particularly of tho health of ohildrcn. You inay not I etave off an infcctiou8 difieane with all your cure ; but you ean fight tho battle 'fnr better with small pox,,„ar...aj)y...o.t.hex. ,dangerouB or o6htagiouH diHct.iBo, if'-' you, and ., your littlo onen aro living under fir«t rate Hanitary eonditioriH. ) Wo do not airn to iliHOUHH any OHpeeial Hanitury moaHuroH, hut juHt eall nttontion to a few of tlie HĪmple tlijlngH oonneoted willi everyday Iiving. 'l'lie foror^oMfc und t|ie HirnpleBt thing i« water puro wut,or. We wanl. to give line upon liiie, upon LIiīh Hubj«et. We will repent what wo huve Haid bcforp, arid reitefc(uti!. Filtor or hoil ,yeur hjilranfcj«tttar. — Aftcx-Jbuilln(fr. aiiil o(n>HnfrTrv pil,olier oi' water, noliee wbafc a. <iuuntity of rnutter in preoipifcato(l. 'l'hin in all doeuyed ,organio rnatter ; and liolpn to ))romote tho prevalent dliirrhean in , thii) lown. Arid iinpui'o water from t«ro patoliep and Mwmw, Iproduee tho eiune effeet. Puie flltorod, or hoiloil frooli wafcer y/ill tiuvo tho ntomueh a great doal of o unned()H(iilkry dinturburjee. liook fco the quality of milk. 'J boro may bo a .!»■

grcat doal of d)H<:aHo in inilk. A oarelefiH mothor Joo(ling improperly oan vory ■ reudtly make her babyHick, with hor nwn milk. Arid cannot a eo'A, improperly or Hcantily fed, Hiokon i.ho poor haheH just ;iH well ? Many of ohildron'H di.soaHOH originate in impure milk ; but good milk in- nueh a niee, Buitable, perfcct diet for the inf'ant Btomach, that evcry paront wanta and rnuBt , have milk. And don't you fail to get it. Yet j heed this little hifc of ad'vice, as you ! love your darling litt)e onea, and. āoayt 'i want them to get aiek. Examine the quality of your milk that it is* rioh and bland, without amaeeh or taint, and e^oanie rcadily. And notice from' whenee your milk eemea. Visit the ranch — Bee fHat your Pabio9, f6urfooted wet nurBes have g'enerouB feed and good treatment ; and avoid a poor thin iinilker that ean ' 6nly gēt icānty croppings of nianienie on a eommon, or by the way8ide. Look after "good water , and good milk ; and keep your darlinge ,dry, warfn and elean, and these thing8 ' will go a greafc way to help you figbt the ghaatly enemy pf ^ieeaee, that Jits abont on the wings of our balmy air. And. don'fc he HCared. Wiiii our numērou8 and increaBing Motfgolian proletariat — among whom it je so difficult to determine the identification o,f individuala— - Bomefching like a certificate of character, aa propo8ed and diBCU8sed iri"la8t Saturday'.8 Advkrxiser, is preBBingly'required. ; and we hope that the Ministry- will look int.o this matt-er, and'- we doubt not it will receive their very beet attention. Of cour«e any. regulation'in re8pect to certificate oi' previoua contract ahoukl be required of every laborer, of every nationality, who may be aeek- j ing to engage hia eerviceo. for a term, and to draw an advance- Thi8 matter iB in the hands of the MiniBfcry and Board of Immigration, and ie within the BCopo of tlio pow6ra of ,the Privy .Oouneil. Mo nēed to waie lbr any farther legiBlafcive action in tho inatter. ; W» Recent eventB and tb« viBitH o f the Ho Ghung havc rendered the name ol' tho Ohina Mor■ohftqtn' Steftrnnhip Nftvigntion Compuny, il fumiliar iu'oui' moutl)8 ub houHohold wordb. Iho annual ronoi t und Imlanoo «iieel of thia Compuuy wua lutoly luid before the 8liuTohold«rB, nud from )t wo oull ono or two poinw whioh. will bo of iutoro»t to muoy of our i'ouloi'H. A, oonuiii nuinhei: of new «liania hud heon tukeri up during tho your." Of Oiooo tho oliiof holiloni ur« Hiiid to ho Chiuono monihuula, )'obi- < l «; i) t iu llonolulu, Hun Fra.ioiBoo und 8tum. Of tbe Moifu iho report w» ; " th'w n-Huol will on hor. oomplolion aud ou tho roturn ol tlio Jlo-Cliuug to C|)l,iu, follow th« aame routc, and tho lino will in of tho Company in ovor »l j0W)0¥ and līioy hoīiī governmout moiu'y to tho «xtoiit ol ahoul i?¥iW1V (j<)0 'iiio J)ireotorn of ilio (,''oipany <ixpr<;«ii llioii' afixioty 10' l»»y oll thiB 'lohi .0 tho puhlio oIiomI" ho tt8 to avoid tho talk ol'Pok.nipui.l oftl.oprov.noc.. unil in ordor that il.o oh"d.) of th« htgh J.rovmofu amho.'ilioa may h« «ot in ro"t." Iho lu«t j]ividened •(>f flio Compuny appoan. to havo hoen tou por o«ut. for tfio ycur, .jotwitli#tundiug tiiut tliey oompluui of unexpeqtcd oompolilion uud a hcuvy fallmg off m fre!ght rcccipt«. 'ī'he Compuny n Hoot numliom tw'eiity-eight iu ull.

Vff~ The doctor8 aiOall bu«y . vaor;i rintintr the prn™ dent and thougbtfuī pooplo,- wlKAhiwHon themfleīveu» and oarry their baboH to receive rnodical protection .; but how if. it wilh the irnprudeut and the thought-' leaa? Are they und there babe« looked up and cared for by a ' wine, pulemul, und onergetic Hanitary admini8tration ? &' If" the Hi'nall pox eaee, iho man W,hite now \n the peat Iiouho on the reef, 1ibh becn eoTnmiininatpd to others, the di8eaae ought to be manifeBt some time between next T'hursday ar.d Saturdny. Shou!d n& other case appear betweeu t hīa and next Suriday., theu we are safe for the preHent, from any far.her ,extension of the *epidemic jo 'curelessly iut,roduced by tho Aufltralia. We hope i'' muy be no. 7ĒiP~ When Mr. Wilder left here for America, he JVa8-cotamissioned-fo seiect a quaJiged-peraor} for the o£fice of ReBident.Qovernment Phy3ician oa KauaL Acting on u augge8tion made to him by tbe Revd. MK Frear, Mr. Wilder on hia arrival at 8'iip>Fcancisco plaoed himselfip communicatio», witii Dr. Fitch, and the result has been fhe selection ,of that gentleman for the post. Dr., Fitch arrived rhe other "i day, and will make a preliminaiyvi8it to the sO'cne of hia fn»nro work by Thureday'8 8teamer. : .w At the la8t montbly meet!ng of ,the Honolula Library knd Reading Roorn A«80ciation, a proposi~ tiori to aller the method of eīecting officera waa eonsidered. The diBCU88ion upoh it wu8 »djourned to the next meeting. Other simihar inatitution8 find eleotion by a ehow of:bands or"a ballot by thoae present at un annual meeting, a snfficient mnobiiiery for this pnrpose. The present rule» of the Aaiweiation conform to this wide8pread eualo'm. but a uominating eommiUee, not contempiated by th'e rules, wua appoiated afc ^he Auguat r8eeting, and then when tbe» eleelion eame off, th.eir work 'wnu iguored. Before amendment8 are made, a trial of the rules aa they 8tand Bhould ,be made.