Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 15, 15 December 1880 — The King at Kohala. [ARTICLE]

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The King at Kohala.

Hia Majesty'B stay in the diatrict of Kohala, hae been attended with moBt enthusiaBtic demonstration of'loyalty, fromnative and foreigner alike. A ta8teful ball was got up in honor of the royal visit on the 6th in6tant, and on the 7th inetant, when His Majesty took hia departure, a brilhant torchligbt dieplay illum.ined the hill Bides and BhOres of Kohala, and an outpouring of genuine aloha was borne 6n the night breeze, aB tho King sailed away. Hib MajeBty received a cordial weleome at llilo, and heeame the g«est of Capt. Thoma8 Spencer. " -Hie Escellency Attorncy Gen,eral Arm8trong, and tbe Lord Chamberlain' «Iudd, who left h.ere per Likelike on the 6th inetant, waited on His Majesty at Halava, on the 7th in8tant. Both theae gentlemen, and also the Baron ).'rieBen returned to town per Likelike on last Sunday morning> *•. Baron Gilbert FrieBen joined His MajeBty'n party, prior to their departure i'rom Halawa, Kohala. The Baron paid a viB.it to tho crater of Kilauea. ' V- . • '