Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 14, 8 December 1880 — MAUNA LOA. [ARTICLE]

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'liie kt«8t accountB f'rom Ilawaii, irifbr//j m that Mauna„Loa.atill eonimuen t,o bc vcry acf,ivc, aIthoijgh thc grcat )ava ntrcama rcf!ullmg -lrui/i tbe ear)ier nfcagcfi oi' thc eruptiorj Jiavc eeaaei to ilow. A mv/ cratcr iiae bccn fbrmcd ijcfcwccn thoee provjounly activc and Mokuawooweo, and irom this BOiirce a ncv/ ctrcam of grcat /iimenmom hae run down the mounkin jn an eaHfcW)y ■ direction. 'i'hia dividcfi hclov/, anri ia /]cHcr)bed m forming . jj, "very eplcndid aight. Arj(jfchpr cratcr furthor to the v/cat, iu al«o reported uh t«| l*robably it iu f,hi« t l»fc duccd the di«play vtitntmA tm immi, r«tor*« fr® io our artiolo on the proviouH puge,

Ti;i! wiiarvi.i im' ^r:v<lu a'. \ y b/»co!iiirig L"1"' wnli Hhl[ip:ng -~£f 1 1 i i r ( ■ [ , • ' ' ' i ii< i ' e-.l < m« >[."M:iiclM lia<;hb't('ic<l iIk' l' M. > S ' 'uy "l' l'' <"m' ' • ! 1:1,1 w»'i <;<,<. Iio nt Lliini lni' :<i- M "" pl •( n ' <ti"i. ~Ji}~ Mr' I , ; - 1 n iii hrck(' " ' I "!1 Mui"biy^ inoin,ng m h'.nl ,,i .'\iii",iiii II ih' l"i ' I " ■ > ■ r ( - e 1 i , , i > < ■ t ihe peili'.-ii'i l„ • u|."h wliieh > i.< l.e |'l ( ''"l !:,'• h t a t u 1 • of Kaniehum, iiu, lu :i|i:ic n1" <• k ILn'n'h'i, lue this munlh m/ ' Thci c a -upi' i •< ' ; ' i.'ii i ii 1 ii" 1 1 i )v 1 1 i 1 11 (ii 1 11 I ai/'ii ns t I ln: l\ i ii i a n i . i , i i ru iii'". i 'i ,. i i'i ' : 'm 1 1 - < m:'' ' h" oni: in Iioiil ol .\ , i n,..Hi , !ia,(i ha- ! '■< n uin 'ii.wn .1 > s;ii.| i lia' 'inu" w :ii "!'• I "V'i nnii'iii . »n I Iio ; 1 1 w r i * i;hani"- 'I ; i •- lllioa, ' i , , , . " 0 : II i li i- eoMK' lu 1 1 i v\ a ;i ii"i . Uki'E.m 1 1 i i ; i'. i. i; i: i v.M.-. — U •('. Maiioii Kilanea; ,J <T li'W'k-heii). L, ,"('.". Kaual : II; ( . I hoinpHOII , VV lian.i" ; n. I" n.-ii!, iV, īlawaii ; 1T. A. nu-euwelī, li uuiii ; (>. Tiuu--."iu, Hamakua ; .lohn Gray, K a 1 ,i ii'Im ; ( 'hai'li'H V IhiU-iiian, Hawaii ; (,'. X. A i no'ui, l'uii u i . II i\c i u ; \\ . ( 'ui n w "i i , \\ aikapuka ; 11 .M A k* x a n ' i " i , Miui ; K. Uui-'oaii , (.laliu ; F. 11 u i olianil , Knglan<l. The m.ueh (,e wim.ui tii" !ir.st uliwen oi liie 1 1 onuiulii ('neHel (iuo an i eightein ofc thu Honolulu Irm;works ('iuii, p!ay"'i jast S.uurday attcroooo, pMive<l ralher holluw 'l'he eigl)teen went fir.st to tln: wiekei s aii'l i an up ,t -eore of ō2 whieh i.i fivc in exees- ul tii.ii ot (lieii lirst inningh in the prcvious maieh,. when they w ere oppoaeil by a mueli weakei' iimui (>n t m: utlier Hiie three wickets wcnt ilown lor a Haiaii .-eu.ie but hin<rtly afterwanls 'l'. Li.shman -aml -Frct*l h got" tugc(-tr(-r" arrd" lu?pr "tfi'C" ei^hīeeil " leathe.r liunung '' uniil <lusk — seoring ?,2 and 28 res[jeotively. l'he i tal -core when the stnmps were iliawn was 71). L'oui' w iek(.'ts only ha<J Mleii. 3t" A sale of e«uriuy lainL niaiie by order of the 'i'niHieew ot the Lunaiiio esiate took [ilaee on Monday. 'i'wu iraets m ihe llamakua. diatrict, llawaii, soine ponionn ol' whieh are ;uitabk for the growtli of sugarean", realized ingether §'20, ?')(). As tlie total area was 7,720 acres, (iie [irice obtaiued is eipial to S2ii8 per acre. 8evur',il iots of'l,and in tlie Kona district eaeh betv,'(.en 000 aini 400 acrea in extent ; realized S0 70, ••? i 30 S1 82, aml S2.02 per acre, ; respeetively. A pareel of land near the Wailieu l'lan- | tation ou Maui, i .'124 iiercs, part o/ wliieh is dosei'ibed ( as good eane lam.l now in euluvution, way knoekeil (lown for S1 pei' a<:re. "3" A !iouse aii'i lot on Lu nalilo-strcet wei'e pui up for sa!e hy uueli.ui uii .\lnnday aml passed in alj thougl) tlie ri'h(i.rve [,j le: y,'Us low und tlie U:r imoiiemi ! were liberal, j'hi.s muy appeai' sU';mge in' l'aee of thc i jact tiiat ljouse,s are greai!y in request at, present, j Tbe explanat,ion prol,ul/ly is that llio^i who ean al- | ford to live a mil" or mon: avray frorn tlie busines.s i partof tlie lown want something better thuri a four- ' roor/i(:d liou.se, wlnLo t lio-e whom aueli a plaee as ; tliat olieiel on .\londuy wouhl suii, retjuire to live i nea rer to their <iaily woik !l f;omi' of tlms<; wiio ; bave vacant'hrrni"wirliiri a sbort iliHlahee o( the heai'i ! of the lowri woulil pui u p lioiiM(:.i, ,-"!l huilding ](jIb, i oi' grarii huii'lin,g h;as<',", tbcy wouhl ohJ,;iin n, het!er ; retui/j froin fbbir properly llmw tliey do ut proeent, i <- j h.ma u, J'o;< .- -Wi I li huoIi ini;n:a; <: <,f peoph: comiiig | lo uh from di(Iere»t <jiiarters ol' tl»o eart)i, tl)i» ] ccoijrge of liiimanity, nnd eupeeial ccourge at o.ne i tir«e of <lic nativ<: nioe nl lhe;ie inlamiii, miglit cre<:ji | iri upoo us umuwai'O ; tli(;rcl'<jre a fev/ wonla jiow ol j j,r(:caulioii may nol he ouf o t plaee. (t in now umlor- | «t,ood ilial inueli ol tbc piml trc/jlrncnt of i.hin dinen",e j wa,y en'oneouN.. 'lim /:ruplion w»s )ook(':d upon " un j a n c(I'ort minle by nal.ui'o t,o fi<;o tho syi:lcm i/l' morj bid maUei', thc moro ahimilanl it v/a:<', tho botfccr Cor j tho p:Uicrit;'" j'hc eniplion w«8 acoordingly onI eou ragcd by wnrm 'dr)nks, and a hcated atmo»fibcrc. J>ot nor/ H i u o:it,abliiihod by e«reful mulioal o,bM(:rvii„ tion t(iat,a frco vcntilali0n uml k cooling rcgi//icn aro rc/|(jirod. A» j» tbo"caso of mimy dangcrous fi:voro - -t:/plms, yoilov/ nrid otbor«; it m ibo mmo <tlic v/iso,]omJcr nurso., tbat in tho si vin[/ meumu Ttir; dIofc, in omal) pox, m ln ocrtairi fovor«, it. i» now uh «crtod nml bo "ao nulniiouii a« |,bo paliom oan bear," j'hc Uouhlonomo Hobing o/ tbc pust.uloi< wiU bc alloviat/;d by t(ic applioaiion of «wcct oil, cold croamor lard; aml ii modcrafco rolftjpitiijri ohool/i bo r/iaintairic/i, 'i'him .m; a portion of imkniolion» now addr/,i8»o/l to (Cawaiiam)/,amJ tbo Jnf,olllpnt hr., eigrier «bould nofc dmrop;ard tbor/j, jjic doofo/ii «ro rm doubt I/j/jk,irjg out, and v/»i bo 011 Jjand whoolil tbc cnomy eoine, Jiut ovcry hoad of a fami|y iihoop] JwmK»» kki ®r kur </wm k«"ad aid h«arfc tor m y genoy ut di mm, imwm iu tho miM of mm» U U ,!uw aud c»rc that curo.

7.'ī*~ Quecn I),jwagcr F'm<ma in'i U. U K <1 1 ': i i<.|| town, for Kauai, un Mnmlay -~ff- T haik- I ' 1 . M ■ , . ,\ : , |,>,ig ull 1 > i ii m oi< i 1 1" < ,1 :s • ', .• ; ōili, . 1 1 1 < I .ihon i >, 'eioeK li" M..r> ,y i|>|. . : " w iiliin 10 inih'H nl <h" o >•". l,!t'T rr. r- .. ,j v Imlli v , — . * 1 > wim'" gi;ii|iia,lv .',11 I ,<'.! ',(< , ,, | u 1 1 1 . f , lf, : 1 1 , 1 1 III : "Vi.|iin O h,ul il i- , i |... . , M, III.. I 1 1!" II", ul < ! ' ur " 1 h ' ' r I );i I !m m. : n/ . ■ l|;(. 7:: 'a.'i" ,11: iiii - . ■ , • 1 1 " .... : ||.. ui t,I ' 1 1 . 1 -'.Min.'i W.iiiiiami!.. w a - ,'n-- ,• ,, • jui i i !,i]]hi.rg, a'ul -h" al I ivrii in •!.,• , i al n 'l'h" M <i , i a y a m l \ <•< I laMM . •*- 3' ^j"' is " 'lie C'ibiriet Minister rehM'r< I hy <<ui' iu'iglib<<r Wtip_ lias "t"6" " huui(,r it ' — w ; kas a ,luty luw'ink " uncongenial euileagiu>- — wlu, aeoimiih nlliee " i o save tlie counlry wik. truubl",l wiih " ioju(licious tattlers " — and wi, , . " ulasa [)<«< ahle' ( 'iihiniM \li.ni3terJ V' . ealk. Lui ' a ] tear ovcr his triu!s aml hia troubles? " \Vhat's matler, brutl)cr '.' A new make up, oii — wiih u, eliininaiiun of the " uncongeniul element " in tuiiuterest uf trUe progres.s ! it cuu't iie ilmie 'I b ,■ fates aie against any more chango — ever since :!:i! ominoua Kainani trec was cut down in fr< <n t ot A ■- | olanihale. , ( »t"f koi! thk Volcano. — The opportunity t<, w.t j ness the grand cruption ou Mauna Kea ns otlere! i our Island iesidents by the manugers of Wil,ier & Co's lin«, in changing the tiine of departure <. f tl.e steamer Likelike, was laken advantage of by quite s large number of peuple. anel the stearner's whurt w+1 crowdcd with passengers ain' their frien<is uii tne iiftern«ou. of th'e 6th inat.j i.he ...day... of jie.paxtui.t.. - Loug.before the hour, ^5 i> m ) those who had eugage<l passage were.on liand, or rather on 'oo'ul. aml tlie many who wislied ,to go but were (iebarr<'i. by various eauses, wcre present ro bid them go<,<i!.,v<' anil envoy tbe voyagers tbeir good luek in being cn ; ubled to be present at tbe special performances a' | present being given under ihe auspices of Mudaeir I l'ele •