Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 14, 8 Kekemapa 1880 — THE ERUPTION ON HAWAII. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A correspondent says, while in the ehannel oif Maui on Saturday moming the 4th-- inst. , at time of early dawn, he had *a good view ot the dietant fire mountain, wlion a transparcnt atmos- ; phere revealed the outlirie of thc surrounding mountainoqs domes and ridges ; Muuna Loa, j Hualalai, llaleakala, Lilmu, Lokwi and Alani ; clearly silhouctted upon a clo.udless sky. Therc was not a lleek of cloud, or any wreath or lm/.e oi' smokc to blur .,u peiTcct sky. Būt oiī tlic following night, of lSundiiy tho 5th iriHt. wl)ilst watching, oū thc Huniiiiit ol'Lanai, :tl nn clcva- ? 'tion ol' "3000 feot, for indicati()h.s of volcanic fircs : p on Ilawaii, thcre hrokc forth a glare of light. and a <IistiriguiHhnhlc jot ol' flamc, from thc vol~ eanie hcights of llawuii, Home G(J or 70 inileo j distant. 'JThiH ouLlnmū of llumo heeunio ho hrillituit, thafc th,c Lanai ol)h«rvcr eoukl at a latc lioui" in tho night, diHtinotly"niakc out tlio outlino uikI hoadlandH of Kahoolawo, tl.mt lio hoiuo 15 miloa dĪHliuit f'roiu tho Lunai ohoi'o. W A vfMt<or lo Iho Horyico eouiiuoloil l»y Meoiip. ,Mor»ily ""ninl Hankoy in Ih'. Hlono'i) (Ihiii'oli oM (h)iiry nli'eol, Han Francii, 100, on tlio ovonirig of lh« I8,t)i iilt,, (lniHiloHoi'ila'h tho nmlionoo. "'l'lio lunlionoo waii eoin[iOMO(i lil' l.lio )iiir(l,y moohiuiio, llio iaorojiiuit, llio lawyor, inul nomo ol'- Hio nnny ol' llio ou iIoiih. Gl tlio hitlor li u fc a imiiill i'Oia'OHOnliUioii woro in ullomlanoo. 'l'hoi'O wiih aluo h(;Mpririklod llii'ougliout llio lb »'0»ig wiiioh orow(ic(l llio ||u)loi'iOH llio aiain llooi' a lurgo <l(slogation of young mon, who liavo liiUioi'io avold(;d al) (;hiir<)lK*,H. ()rio poi'Hon i'oniai'koil in llio lioaring "ol' «(/vc)rni olhoni Ihal. tlio young mon IiimI oomo raoro out <)f ourlonlty tlian lVom any good thoy oxpootod to dorlvo. Jiut lliio opinioo wum oi'i'onoouH, for Iho uagornoHM wiUi whioh ,tho,y fo)lowod J\Ioody l.hr()ughoufc the autiro Norvioo, uml joiriod wilh 8unk(ry in /ibrging thi liymutt. botok«n«d o)oarly that it Iwai» Momothi(ig rnoro than m«ro ourionity that drow Ihom to t)a houko ol' (īod " ' J / .. ' ■

S/" 'l'li»' .-p:i ** '* '•*• A-'' lrom this p<»i". ;»rri v;-«t :i ' I I < i ! i k < II ■ ■ i 1 ! ! > ■ )-t<ilx'r. T!." : ■ . r ■ i .; 1 ; i> :<;■■ ia .1 »i 5< ;n a h ui » f»t aiul" 'in- |<i|i-'. "Uii ."i>'y — x~ ; ■ 'K'''1 — — la 11**11 in va'.i!" IV. >lu <i •! .}' \'.<"syl :-!) p<-r (■•'lil < ; i-e. ' 'i li !. " ' V-/ 3f* Thc papoi'H io luui'i from lfough«iig c<'»ritinn nuinei'oo.^ neeou'niH of typiiooiis whieh whk; h oqii(*nt <luring Oetoh(;r ttirougbout the seas frou» Aiivtraiia to Jupkn. 'i'he montli ot'.Oc"ober iippeai'a to li'iv*; b<*eu oharaut<:i;ized'H)y uuusuajly violent we.ither in all paīiaMl the Worl<l. — l'he Frienil for December contain8 coniii.ua-; tions of the Reverend Editor's Journal-kept .wlij-'stj -ai3Tūaxr " .hkI ";o-f~1ns" B<mJ8~"^"iTamiAFj--trT riīe~ -(KahWorld." The «uhject of the latter article i» " A : P.il^nma^e to Obet'-Arrimer Qau." l)r. Dau»on in , aunouncit)g hia return promises that t-he Frimd, " shall be itself'>again " and that .in future its , colurnns will be filled with rnore varied matter tiiau . of l'ate, ; : (Of- The Editor of tbat page of tbe Friend wliieh ! is set apart ns the Monthly Journal of the Y. M. <J. A. puts to'the niember's of fEFAJso(!iation the peni- , uent questiou " Young men, what are you goin'g to : do about thefc-e crowds of ,your fellows coming īuio ,the cōuūtry.'"" He- concludee i hia remarks oix^the; subject with the furtber query " Are we doing' what ; we—ougtit in this behalf? " We venture to saggcst • that this is n very delicnte and diffieult iiiiHsicm-u< : impose ou youug meu^an'l to en(jmj}eqy|.at uml how ;j mueh are the pastorg of Cln'isthiu ohurcbes doing "iti I tliis behalf.'' , j |gp" 'l'hi' Emin'i'oi' (»1 Ohina. h<.*H)g a in>*!'<* iniauli t.wo ,Fmpc('HS<'H i'i'h' tbe couniry in !.is naiu<'. Ai powe'ilul p;niy h;iH lieen trying lo pr<*<jipi:atc n ! war wil.1) IliiaĀa', to whieli lli*' Em}»ivS'«'s arc <>ppohuil. Oik' "I 1 1 » t'iri has 'liii npon i» hi»!»|)y <*x-i |j('(lioiil Tor t»*siiug ihi' sinccrity ol ti<4f :xlvis<*i'sj Hhe Iiiik <b:cidi*(l fhiit kll thos<' whn :ii <* in !av<.( «: , th<; wiie sh:»iil(l Hiim a giiiintiiii*t* that in !'<<■ <'( <•<<: , ol' inilaeoi'ahh' i<*su lts !h<*y wili pi'-i s<)iiuiiy su!.- | kei'ihi' iiiiil p:»y whuti'V<'i 'in<l''mn"nyq!bi.->siii iiiay ; exaci. 'l'hiH i < < < 1 un <*m 1 to' i'm- w':<r l»'v'oi'jt tl,<j TnT)"fnōTrrra ioH ī~wr nxr-M7h*r rnrfy i e.sid v<m1' nHEinneH-; thul i lie s<<i i 1 «* !ii <• n t o,i inatt"i'.- in ili.-pni" h1k<ii T<1 he , n*li*iivil lo nrhiii'atioii. XotvvithMiiinliiig ihi.-, th<* ; lutest u<<cwnui*s •»''<* "f vust pii'pai'ulioiiH loi'- wur. No lcss tflTiti&T,2f>0,00(l was rcmiUc(| l»y. t<T.;y«,upb to Eiii'<)|«' in puyiix'in l'»r wai' iinleiial dnrin<r :!»>•/ monlh (4 Oi;tohcr. Appui'.'iUh" Hu-siu b<m::.t iift- <*x ueliup' iu p :<» [»" i i i"i» us Chinu Ikmi.hu" disj)os"(l tor peueiu ■ No' !■<'! l'li.'iiii'ii! will i* 1 1 i l lu'i' I»iU (" 'iilinn-; iilion of fh<* )iivadin Tr<'.(iy <nxl i)ayni"iH <>t f'c llill eoM (il liei' pi'cpurutioiis !or wai . Sh<- h;ij bhiudly ) nliinul <'<1 I.hut ll ea-h i'; Mi"it «'iil j luke ki.i'moHU iiij|iaiT puyin<hii. * < | Hmaui. l'o.v.— • Tho MtuiTliug «tory ihat' th(j Hinul|.pox WIIH in OUI' "miilm, w:w pVuvulciit (U'ouml lown on tlu: iiK.n'nin(g ol' tbo OHi iu»b l!)quir.y . 'i;i;voal(!<l Ihi; f(illuwhig l'uūla, Ainhnwo •Olmni, u puip pi:r Hleameii Ai'wu'uliu, (ook lodgiiig u't u Ikuiko (in Aluunukea mri:ct, ainl lioou alūii' liilarvival ihei'e, eoinplainml of le«liiig ill. )h- v..m dti«'cl<'<l to go lo Iho hoHpiial ainl a (;arrlugo wuo IurniHh(id 10 ooiivoy liiin Ihūhei'. Arriving a( Iho hospttal hu wa-< iniee- : viowoil hy oiio of Iho oliieiala of tbat iunittutiou, rogar(ling liia ailnioul. 'i'he Hytnpti)uiH uu (le-mnh.'.l h,y ( j|, i*n uml :d;:o tho intellig()U(;e tliut 1)0 ba<) oonm l'i'om 8un.,Frunei««o ouiiae,l Mr. I lopkiin#, th« btewar<l, to (loluy hia lulmiliiineo onlil tJio ardvul ol c<iiii])i: tenl ino'lieai uuthorit,y, Wliioh «oon a|)pean;d on ihe poi'Honii ol' Hi'i). MoKil)biu uiul Huiohinmm. Dr. MoKihiiiu ufter u fow «jiiesttoim, pron«iuii,:ml Omon » eaoo a« ono ol' Minal)>pox. u«'l . H»o ufHioted oue wuu iwinoditt(oly trunHferre<l t« ilio ro(;fJ)Otipjtal and u nathf0 provi<led» No otb<ir rvponel iii'l iheri; b noi ut pr«»cut uny tt|)pureiit eauoo for ulunn. " • /ii»

^ — — . „ LS/" "i be Band reappearf;d at the Hquare on last 8atui'<!ay ufternoon the 4th in»t. ■£/' Yr. Eniilh of "La'haina, wao convic'te(T'1ast w '.■<;): b<'f<)r<r-7f(idgf Kun)aipj)i}l^f-farimhiiīg spiritn- ( kih li'pio.'H io i:iitiv<<8 u 0(1 finerl fifty dollars. _ , Tiif ' Rioneer .Mill »tt L.ihaina hao a hfavy '~ cr p e.-i i.e to grind tbis . seagon. 'l'he generous . * soil of L.ilmina, ever" recniit,ed by the Yrtiiizing fiows frorn the moun:airiK. has been su.pplernented this year by; boante«us rair>.«, t-*at wil! enable it to • .turn oue im unasaally heavy grist for tbe rojll. The Califorma Compauy uow playing ut--tbe-. . • Pi,o'yyl- Hawaiian Theatre is the best company that ' has ever appeared before a Honolulu auilienee. and v They~wē1EīTī^'TTe— fE6 generoū"s patronagēTthat" they at present receive. Tne next perforrnance Makes . p.laee on the cyeu'nig-of-tb<b- Ot-!i inst., (Tbursday], - A-; and the programuie ofiere<l is a pleasiDg.inducemeut to-be present. ■ Tbe Government bas frorn time to tīme soid a numtier of buildiug 1 ots on the plaina, grainting easy ! ternis to tlie purcbii8ers on condition tbat"the land . •should be " improved " In a xnajority#<,of cases the irnprovement8 nave oeen confinect to tbe erecubh o,r i j fences, some of them of .a v,ery llight charaeter. Now tliat housos are so mueh wuuted ,the Governinent has no ailotments in (leaii'ahle localities to offer to those anxious to build,for themselves. Had4jiecon--^-(liiion of sale of the alienated lots been the erection - of d_w,i<Hings ou them. the Goyernment woul'l haye sold iew.oi'. bu t wou]dJjay e «ecured Jie_higher _piices__ . wliieh !he 8pe4uiators to whoin thcy sold ihem' aro now* (lemanding. ' » . • • ••< . *"■*. , ■•*"--' •■•»•»■ »■< ■■ - •-* ^ (Cornmimi(*atfd.; . . . . Ilow touchy soine people'iU'e 1 Amexpo8itjon '.* . of n,*cent.everit8 asseen by Ilawaiian eyes, eouehcd iri tempei'ate language evokes a Htorrn of abuHC. llow pbort a time it is since tli.osc who are ho shockcd at the plain spcaking of' a Ilawaiian were lieaping abu8e on Mr. Bt;sil nnd iii» colleagues in "(eniiH whieh tliey, liavc , - ilevēi' lieen able to fir»d any' justificatioi) for. TTx; <k)v('i'iiinciit oUiee»,'"' wlien . Mr. Husn .waa Fre- . ■., i (.' miei', wen; dt'sci'ibē(l us " Ang<:an 8tnbles of corī'upiion and n)iHiiiariageuient," and ,tlie writer (iitrc(l •!." ad«l the words " wo are alux)Ht jū8tifi()d in \Vriting jruud." .Mr. ljt;sJi nnd bis collcugucs ° \v(;i'() p()iut 1) la ii k aeeuueU, wit!iout a parjticie ol (wnlenee, ' ol' leaving " linnneeH in i)inordcr, jol>bing rain|)iiiit, thc whole iiiaeliiin'iw ni < ii)v(.*ni i ineoi out ol onlei'." 'l'huoo who wroto «ueii 0 | t|iii)gs— wh» uttered eueli grnveyct un\v:irfantnl)lc ; neeuHiiiioim ure up iit * ann» wliou a plaiu ••• • «tury ol' īoeoHl ullaii'M us tuld. Th"y havc ik;vim' n))<)logiMHi l<>r HlnndiyH w|)t(5b tliey did )iot llieiu» hoI vt;t) hall" helii.'w wlu*n tlusjj|,yyr)jto iIimiii, and wli'ieh 1 1 »*■ y !mvo. l><ng onK'e khuwn to b« l)ii"(tci"< The»jt) U)j»gH ai'o notliing t» tbo foroign jonrnal- ! i«t, iKK.wlien a ilawniian iailū t > tak<: ini-u'epi'e , , ! >;cniati<)ii jj)cckly , wIkui iie indulg(.'>t iu gnji)il>" I lin<: li ivoi eil f»v u iiti,li; Han.'nou), how !ilK)i:k(;d ' il.e , ;.!<■ 1 'l'lio uuiele» ejjtitl«:d " Moi'o Enligl)t* ! enoK'iii " :jro )ji<<)(i(;rat,ion ilneH (:")in]<iii'cd witb * « : . '■ th oi-i- wiHi whioh <:ertuin nowHnupem worc llooileil a ii;vy wooko huok. Yot wlml hurning in-' dignati«)n nhoiU fcljo wiekelneiiH ol' pui)iiHliing tliein liim beon induiged J/> by Hioho wbo are r,:npouHil)lo for tho, unatoned-for libelH to wliieli w« im.v.c rcforrod ? * * ,r ; ■■*«■■ ' t »

A)'Ku)'or irl iln' r('i:ef.it talk al)<iut |.>st<:nng l'hineM) lein.ili' iminigniti'in , Lhe lolluvving rcmarkn hv Mr. 1 >ranvillc Sl)ar[i nia<le m tlie(:nirnn ,, ol'a lecture l.ti<',v <jeiiv(:re<) at A(Jcla nle, S. A., inay b,e iu(.iructiv'.' : — " It w ue unl.ii nn.aie tbat tbc C!ii ii< «<: could i) 1 1 1 bnng th(;ir »iu:<. iiiem, but thc a>.:rjOi'itv »1 mot!ierH m ('lun.i wai- nn:!i tbat onlv 'Oe woi>t knul of woiiien coul<j nuee.'eii in getting away wnli their huhhandH. Em, /n Hoii'jkon(j , wliiel) was only 80 mik> !rom ('an-._txrrrr-am-Lv lew — (J.bLnetie -lrruj--tl«'4+- « , va.A wi;L • ehem. j'liey wen: <<nlv now l>egmning in biing thcui, aiter waiLine lor 40 yeai'h to eee whetiicr the British were entitled to Hiieli a nuuk <n <mii(jdence. j'he difficulty of bringing ( 'iunoe women wns immetibely increabed by < »-j v<*rn m en ' inter-fereDce." A tOMKM>'OKAKV wh<)H(; editor liah heen pie'King up " wi'inklen " m many hindH ealln <nir poetal arrangementH, •• aritiquated and ineon- . venient " nayti that " thc tiinc Imh lully eniu' . when a change Hhould be uiade." 'iiiiH in a matter into whieli we jiave already made en- — (Jutry: 'AT~l)ī';t t't e"r n "~S tffri"d" "rl ī E i īn ]i f o vT; 7ri e h"t ^ o i' irapiOrtaneo "ean he iirade uoIohh (hin Kingdom join« tlie J'o.stal l'nion. Tiie prejiiniii,ii'y experiHe of eueh a cour«e would, it in iieln.weii hy thc . Po8j.mafter-(ieperji], he.too great a priccjo pay: for the benefits -obtainablc until the corrcHpon- < dence to and from thc Kir)gdoin ib inueli morei eztensivc than at prencrit. j'iic inlerencc ie, that to 8ecurc a beneiit i'oi' cumparatively fcv/ pcrHonH, i thc revenuc derived from tiie whole coinmuriir.y would be trcnched .upon. Witbbut having thc 'A detaiis hefore uh, we eannot t?ft'er an opinion ori thie noinK or eay more tii;m thnt we are ' e;orr.y if it i« ho. One loeal poHtal arnmgc- ; rn cnt boweyer. • rnigbt with advaritage he , aitered.' līy.it, . tiic poorer elanueH ol thc eom- 1 manfty wouid ,ehiefly iie. bencfitt(;d, arwj tiic ex- j penne incurred would tborefbre lie a ]cgitimaic national dibbui>cmcnt., Wc alluile to a letter dciivcry by carricrB, -Htiy to all plaeeH wit)iin a i/iiie and a iiall of t.lic, J>oht-OiIiee. The populatiori of Ji-Onolulu han incrca8"(j grcatly, but Ua; 8t;jf}'o( the (iepartrncrit, arid tl)c,l'aciliticB alibrdcd l/y t,hin nalional in«titutiori to tlic puMie, havc rn;t inercabcd in like proportion. • . Ur;i*. ricigbhbr don't like tbe woni " progrcHH," iri 8pcakirig ol' any trin, tour, or ordinary trave) of tbe King. Mo we thirik, Jf liin Majeiity 8hould pay a flying vif;it to i/.ana, Alaui, or otber poi.nt on iiawaii, Kauai, o r (;lBcv/hcrc in tb'c Kingdo m, v/c v/ould bc content v/ith " a, quict 8tatorrjent to tbat eiJcot, " l'ni t wiien a novcrcign makeo a, tour of bii; /lominionu to enquire into t(ic coriditio/i ol' liiii people, we nhall indulge in a r/iorc /'onnal and earne«t a/;/;ourit of thc maf,tor ; an/iiipeak of tlie tour a.H*a, " ro.yal progre/ ;<;."