Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 13, 1 Kekemapa 1880 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T0 WHŌM IT MAY CONCERN WWf K. T H K l' X I) KRS IG \ KI). CIT1ZE>'! M of San Franrisco. lio bcrel>y certify lbat «o h t\ ktiojrn > MJR-S. D- CUDDY For sevoral ycars in this city, as a NURSE AND MiOWlPE, Ami we clieerfully n-eommemi her hs a comi>etent anii »k:.. fu! per.on in tlnit c:ipucily. K. 1). W IS K, .M I) ; 11. S. I)KN, M. I).; M . M. KNOX. M. L' W- l.OOKll AKT, M . D.; ,K)SEL'H KERTZ, M. L). 1 hereby certify, tlmt I have known MRS. D. CU DDY. ! tlte (>ast three (3) year.-, aiui always believeil lier to be .1 i hotiest. unricht anil faithful wnman, iind ofgootl charactcr. ; REV. FATHEK VEKDAUIKR. I Altliough not personally acquaintecl with MKS. Ol'ULU 1 iiut.what froni (>rouiinent pliyslcians anJ others have tol.i nn -he is vcry highlv spoken of. as an ahle aniL skllltul nurse a:i miilwile. WaI.IEK L1NDLKV, M. D., Ueallli Otih-.-: | Nn. 21 Alukea street. N'. B. — OKiee Uours, from 1 t- | p. ji. nl6-3 lni w sr | o ī^_ SLA. II, E i ON'ĪHE I\STALLMENT PLAN, THREE C0TTAGES & L0TS I On L,n huI ilo Stnct,Opposile M i . ' Hna»8nger's. rp7> Sinall Paymeuts in Advance. lialanee to Fuit l't: chasers. One Cottage alread,y. buU!.J)y K. W. Grannis an ready for occupancy. The others are now being huill. Ea>" Cottage xontains four niee roouis, bath room and detae!:e kilehen, X7^7itihL Wator Xj>ja,i<dl ■On •Apply io | .o27 tf w&s«ga . 1LAKKY .1. B. MeOOOL. : ~ N0TICE. r|A|] ls IS TO < KKTI rv TH A T V I X K A ! i luM eiIOOK & LKV V aN, doing 4>usiness t dealers iirOeneral Merchandise al No. INuuanu Strer iionnlulu, 11. I. under the L'inn nanm of llip Wo Ohong & C c>nstitiite Maiil |>artiHirs)iip. HIL' WO CH0NG & p». llonoliilu, N'nv lst, 1880. ■ 'P "'i Notice of Salie of the Kaumakapili Churc r|AO WIIOM 1T M A V CONCERN — TU 1 l>uilding »H ahove will he offered for alile sul/ject to tl Hlipulation anil. terms »ct fortli in a «peeiiiealion, descrll>ii tlie deri>ollHhing alul r einoval of uame. SpeclflriīīionH, anil t • oliier !r>fi>rmutloii to l>c. huil and glven ut llil; oiilee of llie A e.liileel. CHAB. ,7. WALL, ne'df) wI<h '27 Mcrchant 8L N0TICE. r|TH 1S IS TO CEILTTPV TI1 AT H KK «•' A I k A H Kf. Ali HK 1 1 imiL f,. A(;lii»iK, a[I onionolul u , iMii liunlnenn an Oealeni ln 0 enenil Menilianiilao under tiie nuino of Kvroni; I ] lnjz & Uo, conBlritulo Hiild partncrHhJ KWON(; IIINU MJNG fc 00, , IIonoliilu, Nov lnt, 1880. 4' n'^ w' - " W0TIGE> riNiHH ih to'<;ertii!'v tiiat low vai .1, Ali Tlm, Wlng Hang 0han« Keo, 01mng Ohln, K'"> > » Kor> Hftt, 01ioy 11 ) ri , Uuln Hlng ftml Ohong Hln. con»tltul.o t partni!ralilp of tho Plrm of Wo Ohong h Oo, dolng hiiHlnoan , iil)oo doalerB at No-— , Nnuanu Btreot> Ilonolnlu, 11. !■ vr(> OHONO & 00' II I 1111 Wov lHt, 1880, n!1 Wl . r. H0TICK. ! r|lHI8 19 TO CJB|tT*r*. TIXA£G<>g* ££ , 1 of llonolulu, Ah Ohuna, of Ilonolulu, Wong Ning <'h l of llonolulu, anil Ah Oln, of lionolulu, dolng bu»lnOHH )n HM | lulu uu ilcft!ors ln general mer6Uan(Hso, undor Iho nrtn nui of P«olng Toug & Co,, c,on»HtuU Malil p»rtncr»blp. PBNIN« TOMG * 00 Houolulu, kovcu|l)w 1M, 1880. ^