Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 13, 1 December 1880 — NEWS ITEMS [ARTICLE]
|gjF"The D. C. Murray left San. Erancisco. on4 ^ Nov. 14, with aUcaFgo~vālued at only'"$77326 7 ■ The bark D. C. Murray ha's again changed eaplaina. Ravens beirig the name of her present. commapder. ! ■ ; 5^" Miss Hannah Aū awan and Mr. unung Luok are to be locked in the bonds of matrimony on the evening of,the 4th inBt. I3P Small pox"is seemin,gly' abating in San Fran~cTscbpb u r«;'i5ternaT"vigil anee- - i s -geqqired--*on-the. : partof the authorities of.this .city to* 8ecure safety - The theatrical troupe expected have arriyej) per AustraliSf They will probably opeu iu the old stamping grouhd, the I'oyal .Ilawaiia.u "Theati'e. We have had duriug the past week. a haze ^aPomoke, sb"fUr>g nur daylight — no dQubt, a widespread elfect of tho volcanic eruption of Mauna Loa[£gT The Epizootic is on its travcls. Like tbe ♦ «■ Star of Empire," it is makiug its way westward. It iB,to bo,:hoped that the broad exteut of tl)e Paei-&e-may prove a barrior . . *3jF Leprosy ia' excitirig tho San Franc|scans ; 16 whihPpeople aflliotod with that scourgo having late, ly appvnd to tho City Physioian of tliat |faco for relief. ; Lioutenant 8ohwatka rcad a paper t}eforo the Aeademy of Boionoes at New York on the,lst ult. giving m acoount of thc _ scientifio rcsults of h\s roceut explorations in Arotm regions- •. ltoport Bt.ite3 tbatiau Pmnoieoa rofiners bad bouKht 5 ,000 barrel8 of Sugar in New. York m order to meet expected wa.ns- The eupply of tho raw niatorial io not Urgc. 0ur plautcr0 and agent» Bliould, wot lot lb»B rumor eeoupe their notico. <
,We are happy to" weleome haek' home, Rev. 9r. Damon and Mrs. Damon. They imlum^lo i wide circle,. ae wide āB the archipiēlago, ,of varmly attached friends. . , . ' Ilanlon beat Trickett easily in the rowihg •aee, held' on the Thames on the 17th inst'. In the ; :nternational Regat.ta, Laycock eame in winner, " — beating Riley, Hosmer, and Ross. Cari"'t we have i ehampion souller T * jjgp" The store of J. Lima at Kiliula, Molokai, ■ va8 broken infb and ro.bbed ou tbe night of Thurs!ay, November 24th. The only booty acceptable to' ,he burglar ,appears fo have been cash, of whieii he ■ jucceeded in finding and carrying ofi $80. k : _ (gp" A flying sqūadron hā8' "sailed fpr Vigo, en- • coute for the Pacific. One of the sons ofthe Princeof Wales.is with the squadron, whieh is expected to reach Esqūimau!t during the sunSiner. From that port, after refitting, the squadron will sail for Hono-, • lulu, and may be expected here early, in July. '■ • " <* . [ĒiP Visitors t'ō the .mail steamer ou jMqnday morning wereregaled with odors hy no means suggestive of a nose-gay. The evil smell so farailiar to. thosewho take evening- strolia along the wharves Beem8 to be worst just at the entrance tb -the Pacific. Mail -Cnmpaay 's she.(K L__ i_ By a resolution of the World's conferēnbe of ?fouiag Mea'e Chrlstian As8ociatjobs held in August aat.at Qeneva, the week ,from' I4fhlbk20th JNovember Was set. apart fūr apeeial pray(5irfj>r you'ng men and young woinen. . The week was observed very |ully thro'ughqut the United States. — We aro glad to weleomo W. Ncvins -Arm- — — strong, Esq., and to know that he'com,es to take . a part in the Goverqment of ttie Country. Ile is a gentleman of fine culture, irr the early prime and best. period of lifei apd entertain.s broad,qnd ^ enīlghtēned view8rin respect to puhlie poiicy . Thē- 8iege of Callao *still continues. Tho- .. Chileans throw sho.t into the town from a vessel cight miles.off .shore. This floating battery, "lying off tbe city at a distance so ^ great, that ,its i'ig ean not'be maile out even by aeāmen, tērows shella intothc (iity- with an aim so true, that nearl.y every shot tells o.n a-houee in the oity, or a ship insido the mole of the harbor." ' Such guus could send shot frora our httrbor across the Nuuanu pali; and with them īinhnini' (lOiikl ānmlmi-il Wnilulm-aemLO the—ni ouutain. By and by, eannon balls will be sliot beyond tho eārth's attractioii. and (hey will liavc to keep on as rnetcof8 to somc other «phei-e. . * , |gf" In a hurnorous account gi'ven by a. ooitc8- ,. pondent ,to thc 8. F. Chroniclc of the voyago of the Ticonderoga froin Sah Friuioisco to Mu.ro Islandsoc0urs the following passage : '• Several treaties with ~ the natives along thocoast have bcen revisc,d, and in evory plaee visited we found that Amerioan good8 -V, wore greatly paoferred, more par-tioularly where the goods were ofKentuoky manufacture, done ūp in black bottlos and delivered on.' tiok."' " l'he wr|ter ^ tliinks this'preference for the wares of Kentuoky explaina the sympathy of California- with the solid South, * , "V • ■ - :* •"