Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 13, 1 December 1880 — Foreign News in Brief. United Status. [ARTICLE]

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Foreign News in Brief. United Status.

Scvretarv Slierman is a candidate for the repre- ' -entati<m i>f'Ohio m theSenate. Ihe railroad \var in eliē East, wlneli was repor.ted at an end, has broken out, nlrcsh. •: M " , | Ren\vard Philp has been held to ans\vcr for j forgery of t he Morev letter. A tire at Newport, Arkansas, burnt two-thirds j of the town, and left 200 families houseiese. ! The New Yprk Herald's Shanghai correspondent telegraphs that a treaty was conoluded on the 16th ult., restricting Chinese immigration. Horace Merrill, an Oakland millionaire, died suddenly at Pbiladelphia on the 16th ultimo. He was on hie way home from a tour in Europe. Tbe Southern Pacific Railwav is now open to Oa^e, twenty miles east of Miembres River, in New Mexico, and 1178 milee from San FranCi8CO. "Ihe election of Rosecranz as Senator is attributed- by the San Francisco Occident to the unanimity in his favor of the Roman Catholic vote. The votes polled in San Francisco, ae finally reported, are — for Haneoek 21,447, and for Carfield 19,059. Tbe majority for Haneoek througbout the State waa 122. " The religious campaign of Meesrs. Moody and Sankey in San Francisco, commenced on the 14th November"at the First Congregational Ohui-eh, whieh wae crowded on tbat and -the following . T>ights. : . ~ Frjkiiee. ' " !' The proceedings against, the religious Orders continue. In one plaee the rjimor that a forcible expulsion of Marist Fathers was intended, led to a 8erioue riot, in whieh sixty perBone werc mjured. The Ministry were deieated on a motion of jGeneral De Ciesey 's for h committ*ee to inquire into th8 admini8tration _of the War department. They decided, to resigri, but were persuaded to cōntinue in ofhce, on the grōūrid that the Vote was not intended as one of want of confidence. Baudry D'Asson, niemhei' of the French Ohaniber of Dcputies, was expelled ljy a*vote of the "Chamb'er īhr calling the Ministry "a Governiaent of burglars.' ' He" refu6ed to §ubmit to the sentence, and took liis seat tlio lollowing da.y. A grcat sccne occurred, tlio proceedings ol the f ^ '1 ( V A WPOĪl "W{\3 IO!TM i WsCrQ OUOpeOueU 9 mau~ i-s— wn-u eibly expellcd, and in;ipri8oned till tbo next day,. Ho hft8 cliallenged Gambotta. Or»nt Glftdstono in hia ,yBpeech ut tho Lord Mayor's banquot doolarcd that tlio roBtomtion q( ordcr īn lroland niust procode tlio provision of romodics for oxisting nnd acknowledgod griovanocs. Tho troops aro protoctirig tl>o mon wlio urc gotting in the orops at Lougli M.ask, ono ol boi'<l Hmo'H farms. Pamoll ostiiriatos tho cost to tho oountry of thi« proteotion at lrom $15,000 to $20,000 a day. . • " ' Tho nows li'oin tho soat of war in tlio .Basuto country, in Soutli Africa oauscs mueh appi'olion-, 'nion to tho (Jdvoi'niriont and largo Biijppliqs of -yuimiuriitiori aro hoing fqi:wardod to tlio (Japo. Tho, linnnoHn * of" tho Gavonuuorit ija.8 had & salutary oU'oot. On theq .l«5th ultimo tlio iiand.-. ijoaguor(5, aftor a consultatiori witb tho Ribbqri" inon, uusri«ndod oporationu, 'iilio eattle torturing of ront-paying toriarits, and tho f)liooting of lnOU" agoritn Huddonly ooaood.

' Peru. - . Comtnodore LynchrWas at date of last advices ^ continuing liis raid tlirough the dofcnceless towns r and v i llages of Northcrn I'ei'u. and levying hlaek \ m a i l_u n d e r 1 1 īe na me of " \Var contributionfi." _ Tlic Govcrninent, df ' the United States have intimated, in reply t.o inemorialists. tliatafter the r recent diplomatic lailui'e they _look upon it as ? useiess to make furtlier overtures for conciliatiori - and tbat only an armed intervention, whieh the. E Government have no intention of re'sorting to could be o'f any use. it is rumored that Bolivia will withdraw from \ the vvar and leave Peru to fight Chile single- t handed. This news is so little in atcordance ( with that lately to hand, that it muet be ■ received with suspicion. AU accounte agree that the war is. being carried on in the most savage . manner, and that the foreign merchants in.Peru, ; are continually being sūbjected to great' losses. Tbe Ohilean squadron left Yalparaiso, about ' the 15th ultimo, carrying troops to be lan.ded at i Oallao for the purpo6e of beseigiug Liiiaa. ■ ] Th« Ga»t. ' Matters reniain in statu quo at Dulcigrio, and the naval demonsration is to be given up as a ^ failure. . War is still being waged between Persia and her« 1 Eastern neighbors, the Kurde, without any decided successes on either ,8ide. 1