Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 12, 24 Nowemapa 1880 — Foreign News. [ARTICLE]
Foreign News.
Thc Mail Stcriiner. Innn A n t=trii ii :i , hnn;:- iv) Kuro£ean iicwp latcr tL;ui thut alreauy t'j i auil hy way of San 1- rar.ciseo. Vl('TORlA — 'i'lu' tri;il "I h'hv;T'i 'M' t?urvtving ukiihihu nl tiic haii'l "t mai'aiiU'U- iccentlv Pur|irised. ani aliu<'-t t*s t or 111 1 uu te<i . Ii\ the Victorian poliee. tnok y laee <iurii.<z tin* last weele oT Oet'jh<'r, anil < * n < 1 1* <1 in 1 1 1 . * . — < * i < t u n <*o o1 death bein<: {«hm-i! nj <<n him. 1 1* u ,tTnij,ti*<i the Judge'.- tina! a ■ i<i re-*< r<> liim — m <i.y tuni— in a characten-tic niai.nei' — atul t< > t ! '<■ u-nal w 'tT follo\vin<; tl;c .-ent<-ncc — " -May tl.c Loni havc mercv on y o u r Koni " — ivphed, " 1 will <n> a little (urtl.cr than tiiat. aiul say 1 wiil cee y*n there vvherc 1 »<)." Ou Xovemher hrd. t h e " Melhoume ( np day. 100,000 persons attcn<lcti thc raccs. On the same day ther e \verc 120.000 visitnrs to the Melhoume Exhibition. nkw 8ovtii iv ai.es. — The mincrs at scveral ol' thc collieries in thc Xc\vcastle diftrict werc again on stn ke when the P. M. S. S. City of New York lef't Sydney . » On the uiorning of the l2nd Xovetnber. what is deacribed as " one ol the laraest tires ever known in Sydney " occurred at the l\ailway Station. . The buildmg destroyed was a store for kerosene and otber oils, and the blaze isdescriBed as being 6omething unusually grand. News had becn received in Sydney that Laycock ha<1 easily won the matcli on the Tliaiues against Hosmer. the crack boston ro\ver ; ainl Sinee tlicn he lias also beaten Kilcy, anotlu:r noted Atuerican . puller. This was his tlurd victory, and hisj success addcd g.reatly to the keen interest tuken in the match het\vecn Trickett and llanlon The Sot'tii Sea Isi.a\ds. — Thc brigantine Borealis \vas scized by the mU<kwi of Malayta, in thd Solomon (froup. Thc ruatc, ihe captain's son, thrce other Eurnpeans and one Fijian \vere killed. Tbe cajvtain and his intcrprcter, with part of the cre\v \vere ashore at the tiuie. Thcy endeavored to retake thc vessel, \vithout success", and tben pulled a\vay to Sua I5ay to get assistance. Thc scbooners Flirt, l)auntlcsa and Stanley \vcnt over and lound tbc I3orealis abandoned and gutted IToin stein to stern. The steward was found in the captain's eahin still alive. The natives put to sea in thcir eanoee, but were pursued and four prisoners taken. The post-oflicc of' the Lo\ver Re\va district, in Fiji, ocdupied only by a Mrs. Williame and threc young daughtcrs \vas assaulted by natives. Fortunately the oeeupants escaped, hut the a§sailantH lef t llie piuee a perfect wreek. Tliis outrage occurrcd in tbc undst of* a populuus district, " wliere policc-stations, inugihtrateH, courtB ana conHtables are even inon; nuiiicrous than tlicy !irc at Levuk.it,'' and has in eonsequcnce causcd u great heiisation,