Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 12, 24 November 1880 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]
_.W), aro nol HiapoiiHlhlo l'oi' opiiii.oiiH oxpr()HS(!it l)y c.0r):()Hj)on(l'i!iitH, our eolumun boing opun ta «,U_ l<)r Hie ili.H'eiiHHion ol' j)iiblie nlIiiii'H i'rom evory poinl oi:,viow. (loi'i'iiHponileniH will ])1ohho observo tlnit all loUoi;» miml 1)« initli(mlJeato(l by tbo niimenoi' tho writej«, uot ueeeHHiu'ily i'or ,>uī)li ealioii, bnt m a «iwanhio ol' good l'ailli, To th<> Miloi' <>f th<>, We(lnesday Mrpcss : — ft is Hui(l that ou r lale l)iatrict Ju8tice ha(l heen [)(!i'loi'mirig Uie (luties of magiatratq lor the last yeiir or two witliout any oomriiisnion; In Hiieh aciiso 1hb ao tH would hovoi(l, and pe'rsons oither arrestdd on hiBwarrantor^ent<'i»fiod to fine or imprisonmont by him have boun arrosted, fined, or imprisori(id illegally; aml if"in prison are now hold eon-
t,rary t,o law, and sueli per?ons shonld be discharged therefrom. and the person so falsely asanming b(r-a-m-a^lsTr^e-r-B-babl(! lo he'puniaheU— ' — t>y imprisonment and liard Tabor f'or one year, aeeording to Chaptet' 29 , ^eel.ion 11 ot the Penal Code. amlnlHo woulll be, liahle to au aeuon at. thesuit the parties injiin.>(]. ^ ■ ... . — IsT,liis 'aol a looau anrl irregular mode Of procedurc in our Judiciary Departinent ? Ictc.s lick.vnA Non." {gp* Among tbe Miscellaneous Intelligence whieh. the 0ctober numb'er of tho New Yoi'k Popular. •. Science Monthly ,contains, we find the followin'g account of tha curious and quite nnexatnpled manner in whieh evidence t>f a ihurdet'. haying • been committed was recently discovered A sto.ry ofvi remarkabre discovery of a muEder eomee from I5ermuda. A handdome and decent mulat£ō ' woman suddenly disappeared, and her husband wa8 suspeeted of having m.urdored her, but no trace of her-eould be found, and it seemed probable the eHme would not be detec"ted. A week afterwards, while. anxiety on ?the subject was still at its height, some - boatmen lobkiDg out ' toward. the eea we're struck by observing, in thē Long Bay ehannel,- the surface of whieh was ruffled by a elight breeze, a long streak of ealm, such as a cask of oil usually diffuses around it. - when in tbe water. A copnectioh with tbeTii8appearance of the woman w'as-at pnce 8uggested'; a se'arch was slhortly afterward made at the plaee for the body ; the skeIeton was found held down by w'eights, and the fragments of flesh Tremaining upon it were in such a c6ndition as to show that it had noe lain iong rn the water. ; ldentiiication was established. by means of pbrtions of clothing,"TBē .man,- who was a fisherinan, had calculated ■ . :that thefisb, whieli were numerous in thē.channel, would.soon destroy all means of -iderrtifica- , tion ,of the 'bqdy-j -bttt-4t-Jnever-oe0uTred r to him' - - that th.eir- rayages, as they did so, would set fre'e , tho matter whioh was to write the trac.es of his crime upon the surfaee "watei\"' ' A. New Pisii for tiie Taiile. — Professor Verrill, of Yale College, has returnod from liis dreclgidg exourBion. -Ilis expedition has been the most suebessful of its kihd"ever organized, and he ..r.eturns . litoraijy " laden with spoils " of the deep.r The looaiity. ehoaen waa on the borders of • the , Gulf stroam, off tlie "coast of > Ilhode Islaud. Besides . making, numerous discovories of intorest to natui'alists, Professor Vorrill lias beea doing naqful wo'rlr for the CT. B. Sish Gommission, undor whose auepiooa tho oxpedition was fitted out. Ifo brings homo specimous of eigli'teeii diiforont iiali uot bofore lenown, and of many others not proviously supppaoii to bo obtainablo on that coast. Ho also disoovorcd tho feeding grounds of the " tilefish," wliieh 18 likoly -to heoomo of groat eeonomio. ipiporta,nce. . Only laat winter the first tilofish wero brought"to market, but Profo8sor Verrill ēxpresses thc belief that they will be found oven more plcntiful than~thc ood. Tho fiah are desoribed as being of light yollowbrown oolor, ahaped like a sea t)ass .Q,nd spotted all ,, overycllow, running up to fifty pounds in weighf and remarkably good,cating. ; : :