Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 12, 24 November 1880 — The Eruption. [ARTICLE]

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The Eruption.

Tho.latoBt.nowB frorn llawiiii hoouih t.o iiulioale a | . i)Sritinu'l|on s)L xōla&nio aotlom Ton dayH ago aiQlteii: fiuUor wan boing throwri up from 'Mokuiiwoowoo, oomoUmou in an immopno oolumn, at othor timofl aimply ovor-lk)wlng tho top of tho orator. Tho lino of liquid /iro m mm kom the nm in tho neighborhood

of Hilo I3ay, appeared to make a long line to the left .(southwards) ncross the face of tho mountain. The flow whieh waa (lirected- towards Hilo eame udmost - to a stand some days ago, l\ut another whieh makes away to tlie southwanl in the direction of Kau still TōTces itā \v:iy forward". ' The'reTs litTlē'to damage īn the direotion it is taking. Uuring the height of the • eruptiou the glare from the in-ountain and frōiii" tlīe " long line of the lava iiow was s'o intense that Hilo itself was ' lighted up at night and was almost as bright as day.