Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 12, 24 November 1880 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Tiik Chi)ia Mail e.implainH tliat tho l!ritish ,i.itlmritics of llongkong have " played into the :)ands of the ehineeo Couipany," and " drivcn

:hc tradc bet\veen Ilonolulu aml IIonp;kong to '■ Canton." A while ago thero was a large Coolic e:nii:rati.)n to the 8andwich l?iar:ds, l'em. Cuba," ,).nd other parts of the world, whieh has heen , :j;u:sferred .entirely to Canton, and to ChineseJ f hippers. The Chinese authorities appcaled to :he philanthropic scntiments of Sir John ilen- ; nessy, and Ooolie emigration from IIongkong was ' Htopped ; the Hochung, l'ull of pa8acngers for j Honolulu, WH8 embargoed, and philanthropic i sentiment was satisfied. j Says the Daihj Press , oi' IIongkong : — " The ■ Mandarins have at lengt.h eome to rocognize the fact tbat colonie8 of Chinese abroad are sources of wealth to the central kingd®m. Not only do the emigrant8 periodically retuC^p. with their accumulations, but those living abroad are oonstant and pro'fitabre consumers of Chinese products and manufactures. The law lorbidding emigration from Ohina has never been repealed, but it has long been regarded as a dead letter," llenee the Chinese merchants and mandarins heeome active carriers, and are likely to monopolize the paesenger tra£5o a while ago enjoyed by British merchants of Hongkong. A Pacific Commercial Advertiser Extra was issued on the 22nd instant. foc dispatch by mail : Bteamer to San Francisco. We reprint from the Extra the following comments on the proposed Ohineee 8teamsbip subsidy : — . . Daily Press, of IIongkong, of Septembei" 21st, disous8 our grant of subsidy to the Ohina Mcrchants' SteamBhip Line, and publiBh a report of proceedinga in the late Legislative Aasembly, furnished by Mr. Moreno, that is incorrect in " many particular8. When the subaidy was voted . upon, and deleated in the As8embly, its subse- - <juent reconsideration, and paeeage,iwas brou.ght about by conBiderations independont of the„merit8 of tbo qaeBtion, and with whieh Mr. Moreno lm"d riothing to do. Thc apt)aront triumph of his xneasuro waa entircly owing to a Heries ol in- . fluenccH in whieh lio luul no part. , " Anil wo beg to inlonn our esteemcd cotomporary, tho Ohina Mail, Uuu t,hc Hubsidy ol ~ $21,000 wuh votcd for a hiennial, mn(l--not-ari-annual poriod ; and that, (i6'rrsidering tho policy of thc proHont llawaiian (iovcnunont, not on6 (lollai' ol' a Hul>8idy wijl he pai(l out ofTlie Hawuiian TreaHury to Hul)Hi(lizo the China MoreharitH' HUiamnhip Line ; — loi' it inuBt bo Vmdorn'tood that tho appropriatiqn 1h permiBHivo, and riot miindatory."