Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 5, 6 ʻOkakopa 1880 — Funeral of the Late Fanny Young, [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Funeral of the Late Fanny Young,

Sunduy, the 3rd inst., thc day set apart for the liniil ol)sequie8 attending Cw'_hnjrinl <>f \Tr8 I Fanny Young, mothcr.of Queen ])owager Emma, | wua the last opportunity g"ivcn to the relntives and fricūd8 to testify tlieir love and a8ection for, aud tbcir grief at parting with, thq dear departed. -'Fhe programrnc for t il<r"prbce^ to be in line, to couvey th e body tu the Knyal Mausoleum, had t)een printed and puhlished. a eopv of it appearing in the Advki;tiskk <d" the 2nd inst. ; and the hour for the luneral proeession tu move had been fixed at 2.30 p.m.. Long l)ei<jre t;<e iiour mentioned, crowds tlir<'mged tbe near viemitv to Queen Emma'n resuienee and liued tiie \\alks, .. and thor"oughlarti alorig the proposed r . > ii t e . ■ *-At a few minutes past 3 o'eloek. the corte.ge 8tarted beaded by a detatelunent of poliee,. under ttie supervision oi Captain Melinenw. Imniedrately lollowing eame the Uliiei' Marshal llon. John Ouuimina and the Assistaut Marsnal Sam Parker, Esq., then in regular ordex tiie llawaiian Hand, under direetion ot Professor Herger: the L ndertaker, Scliool-ehildren, mis8e8, School-children, < boys, Teacliers ot Koval ilehool aud pupils, As- ; ,.i)istant Marshals, L'hiei En_gineer (heo, Lueaa) ol j Ihe Fire Dēpartment and A88istarus, uieml)er8 of the Fire Department, offieerS and members of the Red Men, lvnights ol' Pytliias,- Knigbts of Jeru- | ealem and Ancient Order ol Foresters. Follow- !

iūg eame a large body of the lemale I'rietjd8, retainers and konohikiH oi Queen Emma, aud also a large number of the male iriends aud relatives. The Sunday HoIiooIh of the Anglican Cbureh (native) -and Choristers preceded Rt. Rev. Hisbop Willie and the Clergy and they were followed by tbe Ahahui Poola or Workingmen's Society, who m;uined tiie ropea drawing the carriage on whieh )aid tlie eoffin tbat contained tbe body of tbc deceased. Immediately precedingand on eaeh side, and in rear were a large number of kaiiili bearere. Following tbc hearse vvas a carriage drawn hy four jct hlaek horsee and containing the cliief mourners, Queen Dowager Emma and H. II. Ruth Keelikolani. 'i'he Chief Justice, Ministers of the Kingdom, Judgcs of tlie Supreilie Court, niembcrs of the Ear, memberH of"the Consular Corps īn carriages, alter wliieii followed a number of private carriages containing botb native and foreign fricnds, and a*-large dcputation of the gencral( puhlie brougbt up tbe rear of tbe proces-... Hion. I'lie body of ller Uniee waw taken to the MauHolenm and tberc eiaumheil vvith appropriate : serviecH among tlioHc of tJi<: illuHtrioiis meinl)er8 ! of tlie famiJy to whieli kIio whh doribly alliqd. i 'i'he poliee regultttioriH undcr thc dircction ol'! I)eputy MarHlial Dayton wcrc vory efli<:ient, and ' a88i»tcd in a greut degre<! to prcvcnt the occurrcncc i of accidcutH wliieli werc liahlo to iiappon amid ho i largo a erowd. We aro g)ad to «ay tirat thc i arrangcrnentH for tbc appropriatc Hopulcliring ol' bcr Graoc wcrc unrjmrral by accidcnt. i'iiK (Jajuojan Paini'k; Kaii.wa-/. -A Lonelon talograrq ofHept. 8th imyn Sir John A . MoIlonaW and t|)f5 .otbor (/anadian Oovcrrjrnorit (/omminnionom liatHlKicn Hueooaahil, thcir Ananoial arrarigorriorit for Uio (;anadian l'a<;j(ic Ilail way Jjaving heou (ionoluileil . Iho <jo/Jtruof/ lu tttkorj by a -banking firm irj Lorjdon, a French Ananeial U8HOoiatiorj and a firrn of finarjciorn in Now York, 'i'ho contracting partioo wiil recoivc from tbq Canii|(]jan Gpvernrnont a oortain numbor of millionH 8ter|ing in eanli, or itu eriuivalont, to h(3 provided by an Imue of Oaniwiian Qovornment bomlo, not baoked, howover, by an Impon'al guaranteo, and a oertain numbor of millioiiH of aoro» of land. fn ooriBideration of theao grant8 tho contraoting rmrtio8 UQdertak« > to form a oonjpany to bo oa)lod th"e Uana . (iian I. aoifiottMlwajr OompaM, jdmh»haU eo»»trt,ot lu F«rP«tuItM The (lommuini furthemore glve» to tho contracting partioH, in additiw» to the »ur*eyH m*dc, thc wholeof tho line thu» «5 ««? !?'' co®t of tiuoo Hmm iii bctweM £5,000,000 and <£0,000,000 atcrling. ,,T /

- — ~ ■ I Australian Items. Melbourne, Aug. 20. — Some little cscitement , has been_jKcasi<jned_uHing~tQ,:i!>tH-cfmTmTrry"o"f""a " ^ numher of sovereigns by the nawio engaged iū constructing the military-road between Sandridge » and St. Kilda to-day and yqsterday. It is stated that over 200 sovereigns vvere uneiir'tbed. Melhoume, Sept. 4.— Tlie Miip Erie the HpH pHliēMīēēlKlĀĪMEēiLāP^eaiie ()tvvay. Sbe had on l<oard the Anierican eshibits for tbe Melbourne „ ; Exhibition. One passeuger, the carpenter, steward, and a seaman were drovvned. , Meliiourne. Sept. 8,— Tbe Frozen Meat L'om- j ' pany has ehartered a steanier, and intends fitting I - u[< relrigerating maehinery. Sbe will sail for Loiaiun īn Oeu<ber. Melhoume, Sepr__ln— Invitations iiave heen ' , issued tor .a euiiforeiHTx <K the represetit:Ttives of " " tbe various eolonies on thcC'hinese question during the Exhibition. Adelaide, Sept. 4. — ibe f)rient Corupany's steaōisbip Sorata, whieh arrived yesterday from Plymouth and left during the day ior Melbourne, has gone agtuund at Oape Jervis, Kangaroo Island, at the entranceof tbe Cuif of St. Y"iucent. i! The vessel is in a dangerous position, but the passengers have all beeD landed safely on the islaud. Later, the Sorata is expected to heeome a total los8, as ber ■ condit'ion is now considered hopM(S&. Sheis nearlydull of wat.er, and tbe greacer part of be r<cargo is damaged. _ A Visitor at Mentok, Ouio,— Among the ' * !< visitors at the residence uf Oeneral Garfietd at West Mentor yest.erday was Signor Celso Caesar Moreno, the proieetor of the t,n\nH-PnMfl« «oki.

i who hasjust arrived from the Sandwich Islands.' j General Oarfield received Mr. Moreno very cordi- " i aliv, recogniziDg bim as an old acquaintance, and ■ expre8sed himseif as very glad to aee him at his : residence. The conversation laated for several ! hours before*and after dinner upon various sub1 jects, especialiy about the Sandwicb Tslands and ; tbeir Sovereign King Kalakaua. General Gar- ; ficld , the Signomsaid to a Lcader reporter, prov- ' j ed himselr to be very welf posted upon tbat f'ar l away country whieh is destined to be an impor- , tant factor īn the commercial and political revo- ! lution whieh the opening of fhe 'Panama Oanai j and the tr.ans-Pacific eahle will bring out. Signor j Moreno was made the 'bearer of a cabiDet photo " i of General Garfield to IIis Ma)esty Kmg Eala- | kaua on hia return to the Saqdwich lslands, ; where be goes again to secure the final action of ; that governmTn t toward the consummation of ; hie vaat projoct. The Signor expressed himself , j as deligbted with tiie Datural beauties of GleveI and and made special complimentary mention of I her Iadies. lle ia puzzled to understand what . , there is m the climate and eoii of Ohio that nro- ; aueee eo miiTiy grent men when otlier larger and i ncher StatcH have but one or two of National reputation. Clcvelaiul Leathr, September 19, 1880.