Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 4, 29 September 1880 — Meeting at Kanmakapili Church. [ARTICLE]
Meeting at Kanmakapili Church.
Wheo the announcemcnt of the formation of I the new Cabinet wae made the hret point in its j _ ; _£lQnBiiiu.tion, vrhich attracted general attention, j yvn6 4()e aheenee from it of .any Minister of ihe | ■Bative%HawajiaD race. Thie departure j Jrom a^»TOStom -whieh has prevailed \ throuKbout tbe pri-.sen; reign was natu; rally viewe.d with.lrttle favour by Uawaiiane : themeelves. Oieeueeioo at street coraere led to j the de6ire f'or a meeting at w.hieh Hawaiian een- ■ timent eould find expreeeion, and in the middle : oftbeday, on Monday, placarde were put out j calling one for half-past 7 that evening in tbe i Kaumakapili Church. At the_ appointed hour ; , i'oiuē hundred6 of nativep, and a strong detachmēnt of foreigners. gathered together. TheH6h.j Mr. Kaulukou Wae called to th'e cbair. ,Tbe proceedings wepe, initiated^ Mr. John j 0-- SbeldoD. who in a epeeeh' notable Fbr the modera- 1 tion ol ite tope, moved the follovving reēolution : — 1 'WiiEKUAH. it is just aiul proper lor t b<- heuelh of lJis M.ajesty's own subjects to make plain to him ; their full eoiiliilenee in him in his guardianship 'ol tiis Kingdom, for th<'..welf,ir« and prosp<'r i'.y-of Uu' pK'oph': ao'l. . -"•■ V/i;iJ!ir.AS. (,:! 'hi- inoKinie, ēepi. 2ltxu tuuru wa> , t!evr 'T'"i]ipul!)TeīT7 .<11 oi wllOlll >11' ' t<jr<-ign - ers; ,;nd. \Vjiskbas, wiiiie t ii i s j}.}',''jliug.'.pjae4's i',<!rli<lence - — in 'li'- e.ipaoiii'.i— of tbe new Ministry in <lisijliai'ging thcir <i!i!i"s rejating 'o <rovernir."nt .'.ffrtirs, still f. is the opiino!) of tlifs :nei"i!)g. t!iat u proper ihaf.e.qii,\i t;gh:s should lx* gi',tiit"<! on .tt>" -i<ie <>{ U.'i' tr i" 11, '.v;<ii,uis. and t !; ,it l!i<-v -ho.ilo !i" repiv«i'nieū :u '■(;•; .u\gimistrat:o!i .0: imli.it . uii ; ' . Lhen'.loii'. Kesoi':e<i : ,The ki<i<in<'-s tifd' >iio !*)>*<• ol His ; n ."ilaji'sty < h - * Kiug i« l)<'r"by p:,iy"<l i<j,\ Pv nis own < lr;,ie peopii*. to look upou lliein aini pui tw<> «r one • nati,ve llawaiian in tb" Cabinet, to <li-c!;,u jp' tli<' 1 <liities of tū" <t<ivernra<'!U togetiier with the loreign- j <;rs, as bas b<*en tbe <:n-:tO!ii einoe lii- aeces-ion lo >
tne turoi)<*. ; ' Htssolve(i: Tbut ooinniillee o( tl)irt"eii le- appointed io it'Kpeeilnliy waii <<n lii- ilaji'sty.";in<l to inlonu liim ol the s<-ij liinen I -* ol his p).<o.p!<\ Tjie rcsolution liaving, been eeconded by Mr. J. U. Kawainui, wae warmly, &upportcd by Mr. : , John Kalaina, who said he had only one fault to with it, whieli wiLH that the words. " or — one," ouglit*to have heen omitled from f,hat parfc uī it whieh prayecj. the King to appoint ,. „ native llawaiiane to Minietcrial poHts. Mr. Hon. B. K. Kaai then nd(]rc88ed the rneeting at great lengtli urging tha! ther<; had heen eo inany ohangCB of the Cabinet lately that it wuh undcBirable in itee)f that furtber charjgee should be made. » It v/ae aleo, he con8idered' uiidenirahle in relatiorj to certajn hueineea whieh had to bo trar)Bncted of e delicate nature with Foreign Courte and heeauie Moreno bad gono away v/ith eueli fu|| auth6ritiee thut hē rnight be rnakirig new treatieB\ <)j*<dineolving old on'ea, in any country he vi«ited, 11« begged ihem • to .Iet the Kiug alonp and not worry him with further <ieputatior)b and peliliona. Xfe moved thatthe oop(!ideratiorj ofthe i'eeoluHon hri poeiponeil jrideiinitely. 1). Malo folh)wed in anppon p( jhe amendT y ro,eaL '"0 ophiion tbat cvery /nan «bould attend trj hiii own work anrl leave the King to hie, Mr. Oeeil Brown epoke next eupporting tho \ . ;amendmer)t and Mr. J. H, Bl«ek commonccd a epeeoh in whieh he dcooanced'tho Chiric«c im hoing , at the bottom of '• all our troublee " bufc .wae oal]od < , lp "order hy Mr,. Juctioe Judd on tbe ground that bo *,,,.. . wfib wanderir)g from the rmbject properly boforo the , : meeting, * J.JfMil!Ml^Ir^JiLapoatt-.euji)f>oned--tttC't®5TijIf(rnr . , He 8&id t|i»t he had uo ideft of 8p«aking at the mect- . 1 »ng, lmt oeoing that there had heen remarilt miulo againit the re«olution whioh werenot fair, bethought hp.poukl not lct thetn paee unan«w«red, He d«aied ' V 'V ■ , , - - i 0 ' \ ^ - ' ( ■ , 0\
that there wae^^lhin^ objectionable in the resoluticn, ite intentioū8 were bonest aūd harmle88. lt expreesed what they all thought. " Tbe houee' ie 0ur8 aud we are turned out of doors." It could cer- [ taiply Dpt be hurtful to paee such a resolution as this. How could he oppose eueh a resolution, be" lieviūg as hedid,and as every Hawaiiap did, that they ought to be ra]^^njeil_jDj_the admini8tr;itiop._j Tbe speaker was interrupted by Mr. Waterbouse, ' who asked him to.compare bi.s present views ,with| those he had espressed in the eame plaee a few weeks I ago. Mr. Kapena replied wnh inueh vrarmth and : force, tbat be was not io nuy way going back upon | what lie had previously Ba;d The ciroumstaūces : were totally disiinct, general principles being now 1 uudfer consideration. whilst at the previous meetiDg ...they. .wei*e disoussing -persomrlj- affairs and " qpestibn-"" ing the King'8 uudoubted rights, because tliey dis liked certain individuals. lle spoke for eooiē liine 1 with iuueh torce, and \vas frequently at)d \viyrmlv 1 applauded. Mi\ .liiMiee Jtn!ii spnk" !i"\t . urguig Uie ll.iwa- ; ii.iiis pi'eei'in lo aueepl Mi. Kaai's ameuhinen!,, Bomē luelhei' <liscnssion eiiMUai, a guod deai ol ; wliīeh was o! ,i coi)versatio!ial kliul. Mr. Kaai rc- | pli,ed to Mi\ Kapeua, anU Mi\ Bhel(lon replied g<'ii- j erally to tbe arguuieiibs _ Wliiol) had heeii used 1 against tlx' i'esol«tioi). Ile ,pointed out how the | discus«ion liad waudered away 'fn>in tli" real j me;itsof the resolution whieh wn- n«t ol a eliaiaeii'i' n. <'!i)banass lh,eKi))g. Jie al<y poioieU ont i t !) ;tt if iti"y should pa«s over t ln- pres"iit <ii'easiiin : witbut)t inaking a protest, i!ieir niot;ths wouhl 1,>" j i'iu'}' <'lleei,u-rtlly -slrut op on ,iuy firture oeeasi«ii. i Mr. Jvaal's auieuUiueiiI \sa.s lio'n pul t<> t!i< ; i)i"<'ting. A inajurity <>l lixise wlio lieUl up lheirj lmnds ii) it.s lavur weie Iur<'ioners or sons <>i īoi- j <'igners, \vbil8t tt!i<> euiiti:n \ view w*as eiuliiisi i.-ti- 1 eal!y siipporl.i'<i byneaily "\<ry naliee llawaiian 111 llie ii.um. ' 'l'lli' Oli.uill (i K .-«iU'.loli \VUS tll«!li |)tlt I anii carri"d :\lii:os! iii!aiiiiiu>a* !y . j '1 1 1 < " | < > 1 1 o\ving Wi'ie aaiiK'U a eounoillee l< oi'e- ■ sent t lie ri's<il ii i i«n t<> 1 1 is ,M aji'-; \ . vi/, : M<'ssrs. ' J. M. Kapi'iia. ■). Moan.mli. W. Pim-h'ie.i Wooil. *[V. i Kahanu. J. lj. Kawai'iui. .1. L. Kaulnkoa. .1. Kean. A. K. Kuiniiak»a. Kahikina Ki'iekoiia . i>. \V. Kawainui, .1. Kalania. 6. \\\. M .-< !i<'l< <i:a. !•'. l'.ihia.
, .iwnm,.,..., .i iiii." n"ir-iT-Tr-r-nh,TT.-T-nrrTnr.BTWg~jrri'ff>ri ll in Tgaa j \3f" 'l'ho l'oiiee Uoun li.ul a lair moilieiiui oi j business <)iiyesi<'r<lay . un<l his Houo;- <.lispatctie<l J i it.with llie eeli>ri!y ol a pulilie iwi'eui ioii"i\ ! Au extra T. ('. Ai)vektiskr was issued ou Monday, tlie 27th inetant, aud mailed per City ol Syduey to ail forcigri officiala and forēign subscribere. ~J2f' ()IIie<t M<'lirl"iis, a iu'w appoinl.i'i'. l<i the poliee, ie <Juing good hervie«, or in Oalil'oniia par)an<:e, Ik- is inakit;g "ai'eepul." Cruelty to anirual«, oj)iuir)-n:tiok':r;,. ;tnd iliiew-, oeeupy lns aUeiilioi). 4 '5T 1). -Mainaki, cliai'g«<l wilh «mbezzliug publie IiiIkIk, liini lii.k pr«Iiiriinary lrial at Laliuina. oji th« 'A'iā in t„ an<] w:j,h rema.nded wilhoiil hail for Uiai by jury u! tli« riexl «ei'Hioo <>f' l.lu' I)inl,rj<:! Coiiil. G2f" 'hlu' Qiiarariiiii« lloepiUI, l)irougli th« kiiniiK'HH ol Manilial !)aylou, waa Bupp]i«d wil.h a niimhi'i' of e.opien ol' tli« ai>vI':ktwk)<, kxrjtm, aiid oUk'i' loeal papeeH. loi' llie !)«ne(H, of Un' lil.era/ily ineliueil qiiitranline<L • o w y rom li'li'Ki'amii in l.he Aiolnilian papeia (o IiuiiiI pei' Cil,y oi' Bydney, w« li-ani lhut ui eonK<'qu«ne« ol hip A/nei:icun «ngageinentH, II, ]fc. /1. Ui<* Pi inei! ol Wnh'H lian hoen obliged (,o ahiuKloi) Uin id<;a of v}wtiiig'AiiKtralia. $W Tourint/i vi«iting the fiuu planting iukI gra7,irjg roghm of Hamakua, K.obaJu,, and Walmea, in No«hcru Hawaii,, will -ho glad to; btro«r tbafc a, Buperior oateror, Ilorr OehlhaHon, • chg£ tjs_[ f«fai1i l'ulueo, kuHlnlahliiihe^ a oholeo ^ re«taurant wnd botel at Halawa,' Kohala, fdr tho 1 travelling pnhlie. From onr knowledgo of thp IIorr'H culinary aklll and caro of hiu gu»Bta, we tak« groat pleo«ur« In rooommondlng touri«t8 to oall at hia 1 e«Ub|iahmei)t. " ftf !')
§y Lahaina ie williog to aecept tramways as a means ot rapid transit. — — |gp It is entirely untrue that the proprietor ol tbis journal bnd anytbing to do with tbe meetiDg at Kaūmakapili on Mouday evening, or was pre8ent on the occssioD. '< - -oE3F* Purcbase of sheep at $1.75 a he,td net, and saTes oLTiide8 and tallow at S8 per hulloek of those supplied to tbe Leper Bettlement, are econorg.iee effected by the Iāte Presīdent of the Board of Health whieh will be appreciated. 3?'" The meeting at Kaumakapih Church was, we uuderstood, maiuly a uative movement ; but the Ga:ettc stafi had something to do with its management, as Mr. Dole acted as interpreter, and Hon. A. F. Judd wus a promineDt speaker. 3?" The resolution passed at the meetiūg of Hawaiians held ou Monday evening were presented to the Kiug by t.he Committee appointed at the meēting, at ;ui audieuce grauted to them yesterdāy evening. Ilis Majesty promised that the prayer of the"resolutiou should receive h i§ careful consideration. A <,£03? ' Lre\vhile our neighbor Gazette complained ol a nuisance on our premises to whieh its atlachēs contributed ; and now..its senior qditor, complains of a innittiry nuisanee, whieh- he • originated. Donhyou i'enienihei' Gcneral OiMane N<>s. L:— 2- — tKo. tii!ties, ahd fhe proposed p:irades. You ehouMn'e poke 1 li ii now. It\s hanl-ly-we)i. . : Di\ Neilson, Medical Superinteiident of ihe Lepei* Settlemeiu, has iaid before the Board of lleahli a vaiuable repurt on tbe condition of the untoi'turmtes at Kalawao. There are now 605 leperssi the Settlenient. Bome. change in the alimeulalion of these peoplo Ikih heeti recotnmended ; — not « uniform l>eef aud salmon diet. The. 1ate *President of th.c Bourd of Ileahh purchased of Oi'e Lanai Ranch 1 ,000 lieail ot slieep at a heatl : thg skiue feeiog eoiur:icted (or 25c. eaeh. Will reduce thecost to §:1.7f> lui* goml lat ,muttous ; cousiderahly less than ,what is paid in llonolulu by butchers for eheep. | \
W« do no' think ii \vas a "iwininiM off<euc.e" *.-* j for a jn«nilk*r n( ih« Board ol II<'a!tli, a. grazi«r, to .-<■11 .-!<<'«]) t<) llu' liuaiil, («s|x'cially at a rat« be!ow M getK'i al maik«t pncsr) uor tor a l'i«si<i«iit of th»« "* # l>u:u u, di';ili!)g in lumhei', t,<< ,s"ij 1 1 1 m 1) <m* io tbe : Hoar<]: nor for m«mbors ol «lUu'i' 13oards t<) .s«ll pro- : tp"riy in wliieh tlx'y \v«r« int«r«st<'d, to th«ir several • \ Hoanl.-:; Iuu w« will say, from our «<litorial- point uf vi«w, tliat w« c<insid('r thtr pructic« obj«ctiona- 7 ; 1)1«. Tli« relations ol' mini.«t«rial and «x«cutiv« < ' fl i e: \ ■ s lo biiKin('ss, w« hav« already di8cuss«d, and .-liall.<l-iscuss mui-i' ftilly; particulariy th« action of l)«a<ls ol' d«parlni«iit.s having cliarg*' ol p.iiblie fnnds.