Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 4, 29 Kepakemapa 1880 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Wl' lhnue tho Wt.»SKSDAV Ewlll» t<> iik'i'I the Wish<-s " : oi' maii) imtroiih who <lesire a niurt: lrequent tlinruhf.ioii ol' puhlie qui'htions from the stan<l-])oint oi tlie l'. A»vektiskk than oniTirwtrk. We also putposf to i'Pmlee '„■ tli*> " to the tlisru.ssion of soeiul, iiterary,and hcientiftc matters . ■ a larger j)ropoTtion of its eoliiinna tlian ean l)t: aftorded for aueh suhjeets m a commercial jcmrnal like the Advektihkk, . A steamer e<litioii ot tlie W 1.1 ) N KSD.\y I'.xrHKsa will in Lut31EC-J.t.e 'ssu,-,i im Tnesfiny—after-m>on.s--m — time.-£or- ■ despatch bv the mte.r-i.sland steamers sailing on that day. Terms oi subscription, one dollar in advance, for six months. Our jiktrons will oblige by remitting their sub% scriptions by the ftrst opportunity. The date of issue of the \Vkdm;sdav l-;xi'uEas, renders it an admirablh'medium for advertisers. J8eing printed — i jn j>oth the Hawaiian and EngHsh 'ianguages,ft-<viH-c<)nrr-mand an extensive circulation in ever,vpart of the King- • dom. The c.harge for advertisements will be one dol- ■ ' lar per half-inch. As only- a limited uuniber ean be accepted, earlv apj>lication for sj>ace ahouid be made.