Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 4, 29 Kepakemapa 1880 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
It 18 our doty as joumali8t8 to record another Mini8terial change, and to comment on its character. The change īs a xvonees8ion to tiSe busine88 intereats of the" foreign . community, and ignores a representation of the Hawaiiim race. ThC claims of property are held ae paramount, and the interests of the people, the voters, the- ' 80vereign conatituent of this Kiugdom, are of " ' 8econdary con8ideration, and unrepre8ented icr the Government. We aeem this policy tu be unju8t, and one that will prove an unwiee course to all its promoters. We fear that such a change must still carry .wrth it the bane of a fiontinued feeling ^ of un8ettlement in our puhlie afiaifs. But we cheerfully reco"gnize that the gentlemen ehoaen to repreaent thi8aiewe6t and-lateat department arb well ehoeen and well qualified to in«pire confidence in the e86ential pre-requi8ites ot peraonal chatacter and ability . , Mr. \V. L. Green, tbe now>ecognized Premier and Mini8ter of Poreign Affairs, has had, aa' we «• . - ■ have ' before 'obeeryed,;. an excellent .trajning aoil'. opportunities of experience to quahfy him Haoiuieul "or'lns-TiHforft.ut (l'uaea: '-"ille ia noted for firmne88 aud' determinfition t>f charac- , ter, and is at that period of- life, when a raan-s-mcntal powere are fully ripened and qualified for • their best work. M_r. Green is oLBrtti8h blrfh, Hon. H. A. P. .Cavter, the Minieter ,of the Interiqr,.is a Ilawaiian hoi'n of European parcnta. He hae bcen eminent aa a merchant of intplligonce ānd onterpriae during his connection with the firm of 0. Brewcr <$f|0o. Ilis experience aH a diplori(ia,t ;Īh f'reali in tlio mind8 of the eommunity i hia nogotiation an a joint commifl8ioner of tho rociprocity trcrity with the lJnitcd Statea, hiH dĪHouHHion with tho (*overnmerit oi Great Britain of tlio intejrprotation ol' cortain artiolcs of tho tronty with thut Powor ; and hiHHUCcei)Hful negntiatioa-<>f'ar(T4>Hmtero i a 1 -Cptivo»tioiv-with tlio lmporial Govornmont Of Borlun. And he w^e lqrmorly our Minintpr f'or Poroign AffairH. 'I'heao urc a Horiea of oxpcrioqco« woll caloulatedi-to ,quulify Mr. Carter, aa a valuable puhlie man itt Hpy|Uttr» ttf«\»W- 'Mts f^arter is alao onjcying • tbo bfat prirno of lifo for montal aotivity ; ani bo (• - - — \ : " , " '
is ;i gentleman whu mav benefit hi8 countryBwith nn iriHtructive dibcu88ion of its histo"rv. Uon. <J.S. \Valker, Miuiater of Finance re-aume»-a port('oli(> whieh he hēld before under Hla T\lrrjC8ty. 'il'ilē" gentleman ie recognized as one j especially skilled in measure8 of Pinanee. Dur- ! ing hia former incumbence of the bffice, he pre- | pared a valuable reaume of the financial opera- j tioŌ8 of fhe governmept during a period of eighteen vear8 ; and presehted an analysi8 whieh exhibited all the mea8ures for internal improvement dur.ing that period. Mr. Walker: like hia eolleagues, is at the best period of life for effieient j. and judicious admini8t'rative work. — AV"e-BhīHl^"ōfiTihuē to diaeuss the publ ie action of these gentlemen with fairne88 and independence, and in the spirit of an honest and eandid eritieiHin. . ... ' ■■ ..;
1 ' * * I Poutical affairs are up to the present time 8till.in.an unaettled condition. l^he infiuēnce of C. C. Moreno on our affairs atill eoniihpea to be felt unpleaaantly in consequence of the eommĪKsion with whieh be left the Kjngdom when he 8tarted for Europe4. having, until Saturday laet, been withheld from the knowIēdge of. the publie. The appointment op_22d inst. of VV. L. Green to the vacant portfolto. of the ■F&reig'ri :(5ffice," was expected to"allay the agitation. wiiieh h'ad, notwitliatanding Mr„ Moreno'a reeignarro.n, been eontinued against hi'e colieague8, Me88i'8.'Bu8h, Kuaea and Jonee. It was known that Mr. Jon£s only held his appointment pro tem, his 're8igna-^ tion havfng been accepted by Hie Majeety on 22d in8tnnt. 1 It was also known that. tbe offiCe of Attornev General had ?been offered to Mr. W. N. Armstrong, of New York, an old Hawaiian: bo'rb in the country, and believed to be acceptqble to all. sections of the couimuriity. The expcctatiōh na^- i urāl|y 'waB that the acce86ioaof.Mr. Green to the OabineL would āttlT tbe di8contcnt tliat hadj heen rife .ainee the ^iemiaeal of the Wildēr-Kapefitir* ■Mini6try7"and" that affair8 would mīe'ē m"6re>"ūn 8mo.othly. HoWever, ' Mr.. Green had no' Hoonei' -heen iriBtaTled — rm— ~ the~1_"F0reig"tī"' office than it heeame known that Mr. Moi'eno Tīēlct ā eoiumi aaio n""ay 'ErTvby Extraordinary to all the-M5uropean C9urts with whieh the HaWaiian Kingdom has any felation8, and thatat tho samo time lie had influenced hia auece88or in office to addtcH8 letters ,tp ffiē Governments Of tfie CJnited States, Great Bfitain-aud Franqe, requoeting the recall of thoir repre8entatives hcrē in con8equenco of the aotion they had «een fit to take duving the excitement whieh prcvailed whilst he hold the portfolio of Poreigri Affaire. ltepreBentations made to Ilie r\|ajesty immediatcly upon theee dificīo8ure8 lēd him to rqqucot thc --rerigtiati<m-H>f-Uie--iMiniHtry-r-an<L-6Q-Saturday evening, the 25th in8fcant, a new G'abinet waa formēd, coaaiflting of Mv. W . L. Okkkn, Miniafcer" of Poreign Affair8 ; Mr, H. A. p. Oakthk, Miniater of the Interior ; and Mr. J. S. WALictat, Min>Bter of Pinanee. "^ho appointn»ent of the Att»rney-Geneml ia . ' "/ V' ' . ■' / y- . ' ' „
Btill deferred until an answer hae been received from Mr. Ar'matrong, Mr. Wa,lker holdiDg tbe poai^ion pro tem. In thifi new ,:C:thinet_no — : offiēe haa heen nllntfpd fn ' tifty. Une. of-— tlīe — > — native Huwaiian *race. 'Ihia departurē frooi all former precedents ' leav"es the puhlie mind still un8ettled, heeauee it is natural fhat IlawauanH * ehould reaent an arrangemēnt whieh is not only ' nlew. bnt wh'"h -«ppq;re"tly «hn "" " whole face. It ie passing frotu one extreme of policy to the- oppo8ite. T A meetipg waa held on Monday, at whieh this aspēct of thē eāae wae Miaenaeei vety— temperately-hy nat4ve - 8peakers . ' The reault waa a re8olultioa, whieh will he found: — — — — in full elsewhere in this ieaue of the Expkess. This affirms the right of Hawaiian native8 to . be repreeented in the Adinint8tra£ion. Henee we _are unahlē to aav that the appnintment . —
ot the new Gabinet haa allaved all discontent and 4. agitation. We trust, hbwever; that a spirit of mutuai co_^cession will prēvail, and that a stabl'e Mini8try w\ll at length#be gathered together / lt ia indeed.high 4ime that all thē enērgies of,thoae . wlio have the conduct of • our-affaire 8hould.bo " — , devoted exclu8ively to th'e du'tiesof therr official 'po8itions; ' Lf6eral appropriation8 for the pub.lic — 8ervrqes qf ,the Kiilgdom, and for much-needed puhfie...imprōvements have bee.n inaele ; and any _. continuance of. agitatfon and uncercainty muat eauae undeāirable delays in carrying pu't tbe intentions of the Legialature with ,con8equēnt inconyeniēnce to' the 'puhli^ tijroughout the Kingdwm. _ - , ■ ■• • '■"7 • • e • « C ' '■'." .. 1 ..... ' ^&"Tbe P. M. S. 'City o'f Syduey., Captain Dearborn, arrrved off the harbor a't .10 a.m. on the 27th , rnatant, with the yeilow flag flying. Inquiry rēvealed the fa'ct that two case8 olhmeaalea had* broken -6u£/ • amohg the passengers, and Ihe^Oa'peain, aa a aena.ihle Sind pfecautiouary method., hoiēted, the aignal aiid • kep'l the vessel outside until aotioa_had • heen-^aken-^ ■"bf4ftOĒore aWĒ6f i tdēs . Thoae attacked had heen — . — — kept iaolātfid fronr the..other-.paaftenger8 fōr fourteen . - ' daysj arid had entirely recoveted ; but deeming it ■his duty to hutnanit.y, Captain -Dearborn._d.itL„aa — related, for .whioh actiori he is to be c"6mmended. After a8hort .delay the_B.oard of Heallh allowei her along8ide the wharf, placed the- passengera for" thia port in quarantine at the Hospital, and re8t/ricted all ' . shore intercourse with the vessel. Freight waa put on board, arid shippers allowed all advantagē8, but, viaitors ; werē -~debarred -4rem— boarding* the ah'ip. Tho 8teamer sailed again at 11 aame eveniog for San Franciaco. *■ • "' ygf* When the mail left Sydney there had been rio rain in the diatriot 8urrounding that city ftince tfie • V * '-i ■ eqrly part of July. Mueh iuconveniencē haā r6aulted -to the inhabitants in the ahape of "a scarcity of . • ,water in some of the 8uburbe. Water had bāēn ae» _ tualīylōI3 at $1.50 ond $1.75 per bucketful. "It _ia ill wind that blowa no one good luek;" the -water- — oarriera mnet have'had a profitable ticae of it. Feara _ were begininglo be entertairied that one of tbOBO sovero. droughta whieh havē; from time. to (tiine, . ' nauaed ao mueh Ioim anij inoninvenianQe-in/bfew-South— Waloa w'm aboufc to vteit the couatry. " ■■■«■.. . ■ ■ , f:_ • ■ • " i. ... & "■ ' . <r ' ■ • • a. ■ (. ' •. - '<• •■■ • . ' A, ' ' ' •„•'■■,