Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 3, 22 September 1880 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
North America. The 8teamer Ho Ohung brought newH from San Franeisco to 8th iū8tant. On that day. the taxpayers of that city were, by their votes to decide tbe fate of a proposed new charter the eonten'ta of whieh have heen exercising their minds and - H;be-pen8-nfHdreiryomrnniist^for""HōTire~t7nire"""paeTr occupying their attention equally with the Presidential_election. A proposal contained in the charter tcr create new cemeteries at eome distance from the city, and to'close tboee now in uee in , ' 1885 is likely td cause the rejection of a document ' ' whieh, in other respecte. is a great improvement : upon the existing munieipal institutions. It " _ _geems eunoue, but_we beheve it is really the fact" that no one had been ehot in San Francieco or ite vicinity -during the interval ainee the date of our previous advices. The Bodie stage bad, however, been stuck up witb disastrous results to one r o, of the attacking partv, who was shot dead. His eompaniona ran away, but whilst all but the driver were attending at .a neighboring farm house upon a wounded feltow passenger, they re-
tarned,, and according to the driver's account, māde him surrender such booty as the atage carrie4 whieh appears eo haye been only $300. President Hayes reached Salt Lake on the 5th,' and was quietly received. the day being Sunday . The Pre8idential party are travelling too rapidly to allow of any extehsive demonstratiou9- being made. They were at Virginia City on the 7th, and were to give an extra day to the mining dietrictsin ordēr to avoid reach San Francisco on the day of the vote upon the new charter. At the invitation of the people of Oregōn the Presi-. dent bad promised to visit that state on his return from"Soufchern California and Arizona. Full accorfnts of-the hurricane whieh did so mueh mischief in Jamaica on the nigh't of Aug. 18th are now pubhshed. lt was impoaeihle^e^ estimate the"dē8tructi9n. Iu- eom'e places not a gpeen leaf was to hē seen for miles, and tvventy years woul<l.beTequired to restore>thing6 to their forofer condition. Kingston ^eeema to have experienced the full l'orce of the hufricane ; not a vessel in the harbor escaped, twenty-seven being driven ashore or foundered at tlie wharves. The wharves themselve.s seem to havfe suflered aljnost as severely "as the shipping. . Many . lives were lost-, and the daihage at Kingston alone is estimated atjialf a mil'lion dollars. The 6teamship, Vera Cruz, l'rom "New Afori^-fer-New-0rieansr appears to have been caught in this hurricane. She foundered, and, so far as is "known,.onry seven oufc of seventy-nine .persons on board .have been saved, being, with portions of fcbe wreck, '» ->fchrown on the Floi'ida shore. Up to |asfc dates twelve other wrecks of vessels at eea during the eame night had bcen reported. Severe storms have been frequent ih the States during fche aummer ; the lapt reported oceurred in Virginia on tbo ,night of 6th Septempor. .Tho light- ■ ning atruck tho Custom-libufle at Petorsburg, in that Sfcate, ahd injurēd sevoral of the opcrators ot Ihe 'Wealom Uniou Telograph. Mghanistan. Tho moofc intoro8fcing foaturo in thc newa to ' pniA i» Iho ut(;er rqut "of Ayoob Khan'a avmy by 1;ho Britioh forcoa. Oeneral Boberta appearo to havoi takon bhe offeuaive ab onoo on tbe arri*nl of Mtnfaroem«ihL Aiter reoonnoi»ao/J«!» , ' ^ WW pr»otioable to turn tho rjgbt of wh»t tbo bwiogin^ foroo, aad ihua'pkoe i . i '
| himeeh in the rear of'jBaba Wali, the main eamp j of Ayoob a army: This lie eflccted undēr cover ,of a feigucd. attack on.-ihe- fpont-(->f-t-he--KhaB%- ' positioh. The Afghans fought bravely until tHey found themselve8 taken in the rcar, when a ( general stampe'cie seems t'o have occurred, and the ; aetion was virtually at an end by noon,' Ayoob ! Khan being among the first to flee. The.guns j4est~-by -(-Teticrn-l "bmu'ows"r"arid"-atr'ttiWē""ōTlire^ " Tnemy — 27 in all — were captured with the eamp, ' and five others were aubsequently taken during the j pursuit. No reliable account of the enemy's loss ! had been obtained, but 200 dead were leffc on the |fieid, and it was said that 400 fell during the mile8, was abandonedas uselees, the Afghan armv ~beīHg completely broken up. it was believed ' Ayoob Khan would find the Heratese hostile, and would either surrend'er to the British, or seek refuge in Persia. ' Great Britain. From England wq leam that Parliament had at length been prorogued.» Tbe Queen's epeeoh contains only one point of..iatereat, and that is J ■ -««r. *«««!.' ' the reference to Turkish affairs. The, importance
attached by Het Majesty?8 Ministēr8 to " the failure of Siiblime Porte to execute according to its agreement the plan agreed upon in April last for the Ottoman frontier lying toward Montenegro"is evidenced by the lengthy feterenc.e to ie'in a epeeeh in whieh all other subjects are yery eurtly treated of. No threats. are, of.course, are inJulged in, but Her Majesty ,is made to e'xpress heiP reliance on the fact thait the Governmepts which"are partiea to the last treaty are at one as to the measui'es to be prfe8sed upon Turkey, both in regard to. those questipn8 of frontier, and^as.to internal ,rēforms both. in European anei Asiatic Turkey. s >• ' Before the ses8ion was brought to a clo'sfe, the member ior Galway Drough|i u,p his t,hjj;eatened re8olution condemnatory of dhe' Oonatitution-:QL th.e Houee of Lords, M. Labouehere seconded it. There was'tfb debate, i"t being haif-past 3 a.m;' before ..the resolution eaine on. As in duty hound, Lord Hartington , spoke, but..merely to deprecate thfe consideration of 'a' grave constitutjonal suhjeet af that, hour 0f the mol'ning. The division vvliicli f'ollowe'd', revealed the indiffprence wi.th whieh the attack was t.reatēd by. the mem-; bers of5the House of Oommona, only-84 answering the bell, of whoin 13"vbted- ior the nuotion, lt is,: ,,however ,-8ignificanf of the progreaa of-Radicali8m-i n Kngland"~Hīut-8aeff"ā~~re¥otii ti"ou should have reacbed the stage of a division, 0f> the Irish memb"ers^whoLwere-pre8ent~iri-fche~'House7-five-voted for tbc motion, ar«d foiir; agaipst it r and Mr. Pamell, the acknowiedged leadcr: of the Ilome Rijle party, absented himself, and declined to countenance the paovement. Henee, though Mr. 0'Connor's actiou aotually arose b.ufc of an lrieh question, it was evidcntly a personal and "not a pār ty move. ; ~ ~ 7 ~ Notwifchstanding the alleged revival of huaineaa in thc manufacturing districts of Greafc Britain, affairs there do not appear t» bo univei'8ally in a flourjflhing condition. There ia not iull employmont for the Laneaihii'e operatives, and they wero at lafcest advicoa. organizing a 8triko. They projpo8ed to atop the milla for ono week in etfōh 'month, and were turning their attention' to mea0urea for promoting emigration. Earope. From Weatern (Uontinental) Europo, the newo c^ble4Jo Amorioan papers odntEinalUttle of ini-
terest. Froru 'Eastern Ēu^ope nothing satisfac- : tory comes. The Turkish Govērnment, aā already ~Htated, is stili pursuing the tactics ot a " masterlyf- ~ inactivity." Meanwhile, the fleet at Ragusa i» beiDg continually strengthened, and included on , 5th. in8tanfc-14 British -and German men-o,f-war. ' ^ As aoon'^ the Fr'ēnch cōntijjgent arrived, it wae • .. inteuded to hold - a eouneil' of wtf.r. U,'Aslo the - ■ ■-. Montedegrin frontier, there ean be rjo doubt-.that the Porte is embarrassed by the intensē loeal . - fēeling.'. Whē,ther the accusations made*>again8t " ( ThēJCnrkish Government of seeretly,a68isbtng the Alhaniane wit,h arms, and counfcenaDcing their - demonstrati'o'ns be true or npt, it is qu.ite evident„ " that if tlie~'i'uTk8 withdraw from" Duicign"o 1 they — 1-~"~ — ~~ wiH onIy- leave it iiMhe hands of a strong Albanian force now awaiting anxiously to have a. brush with those whom they account tbeir deadiy — enemies. f • ■>. " Sputh Amenea. The last news from 8outh' America aAoela no~ hope of cesaation-of the J)itter war- in. whieh Peru - ■ haa 'had hitherto so mueh the worst bf it. .Newe' ' of a treaty of peaee were flying about at the ._ heginning of the month, hnt-they were all but . .
officialIy contradicted by the representative of the : Peruvian Government at Nēw York, who ex- - : . pressed himself as eenain that The preparatiōhs for contihiiing the „strugglē Dow.-beipg made by ~his Government were- 8o; excensiye, that they ■ would not -listen to the tērm's whieh had been. mentioned .as likely to be imposed by Ohile as.__fche price ,of a ce8sation of-hb8tilities. .• A. Pbogkes31Ve Move. — There is a movement on foot to bring together .the fpremost. men of the • . ;medīc<d protessi6 n of the TJni ted 8tates and o . . ■ Canada in a " Free National Conve.ntipn-.'" *rbe object ,is to do away w?th the s'ectarianism itr niedieine, and to estublish a new code oi;jBtbics for physiciāns. 'It is an' organize.d effort"to remove- ' t'h'e barriers tbat exist, helween the . ,ffifferent schools, tfnd to obliterate the present antagonism nf •• pn.thies '' . That, there is n wide&piva.ii (leaka— I for- a- free and aitficable' discussion of many questio'ns by practitioners.-of .tfee old and ne'w schools is frequently evinced at rtfēetings ot tbe . differetft . medical associations,-in the periodical- ■ literature of the profession, and b-y thousands .of minor indifeations both in ,the,halls of iustructi'on and in the- walks of daily 1 il'e. . On the 22nd ofDecembēr, 1.879, JJr. Fretlerick F. Moore, of Harv.ard University. reād a reuiarkably liberal and in- . str.uctlve papei' bēfore the Cambvidge Soctety.;:far . •'** . JVledical lmprovement, whieh \Vas an. argumē'nV Z' • agahis.t' that dogmatism whieh rejects truth bē.cause U.: was discovered_ outsida of Uie reg.u'lar .- ■" '• creed. At the recent mēeting of the Amei'iean )n- • r8tttute=aU=He-tau>opathy, heliL..at .Milwaukēe— &o — : — : — — ■J-ntTe-11>th;"the:address of a physieian was rejectea by a large majority of themeihbers because it advoeated a strmVadhesioixJ,ltAh.e_la^mLmeflicai^L- , ' practice laid down by~H'a'bnemann,:iīiid' eouueinn-'" ed thatspirit of liberty that permittfe<l the use of any:but " orthodpx''. femedies.— Graj)īric, c f ■ ■' '■•■■■- ■ ' ; ' c > " > > o.1' •' '' Tbe United States revenue cutte'r Corwin, whieh * was di.spatched from San Francisco, to the relief of the, Jeatfnētte and the Jce ,bouhd :whalers, ar- .■ rlved at Ounalaska.on the .3rd of June, after a \ rough passage of twelve claya. in whieh slie proved. ^ \ herself a stauno,h sea cratt. The following extracts are from a, private -JLetter written by one' of her v , officers under date .of-June 7th: u"We have 100-- ' - $ <tons of" eoal on board now, and will sail to-m.or/ » row moming for the islands anel the;north. We hop.e to be ai tho straits by the 15th inst», and will plisi) through ifilo the Artic ōn the first:opening of - tbe iee. W.e are all prepared for a \yinter in the Arotic, having enongii stores on board to last āll hahila ~fōr fourteētf rnbnth8. At St.'Micffael8 we wili procure two dog trains and add a quantity of salt fisb to our provision8. The indicationa are favorabie for an early opening of tbe ice. The paat winter waa mild and the spring atormy. j3ish winda are said to break the lceand open the ArcĒo earlierUian fine.weather, wiiiēh isjqaually «oiMHiapaniedby a very low l»mpēr0turē.", - '• ^ ' ■ "■ ■ " «... . p' \ _ ._ ; ; f ' . ... ' ® <T . • *■ '• UU'- » • ' ' , ' A, ' l ■