Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 3, 22 Kepakemapa 1880 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We iwaue th«* Wkdnksday Expkkmh to mpel tli<- wmheH of m#ny pntroua who desire a more freojuent diseussion ' of puhlie questions froin the staiid-point of the P. r. Advektiskr than onee n week. We also purpose to render the Exphkss nn aeeeptable family paper, aud nhall devote to the diseussiou of aoeial, literary,and soieiitjlie matters _ a iarger. pr.opurtiun of. its euluaiiiH lhau -eau l>'« »ft'orde<l' for such suh.iects in r commereial .ioumal like the " ADVEKTIS1.R. ~ ~ A steamer edition of the Wednesday Exprf.ss will iu futuce be i»sued ou Tuesday afternoons, in time for <iespateh by the inter-islaud steamers sailinB OU that da.v. Terms ot subscription, one dollar in advnnce, for six months. Our pntrons will oblige b,v remittlug their subscriptions by the first opportunity. The date of issue of the Wkdnksday Express, renders it an admirable medium for advertisers. t)eing printed in both the Hawaiian and English languages,it will eommsnd an extensive circulation iu everv part of the Kingdom. Xhe churge for adYertiaementa w:ill be, one dollar per half-inch. As ouly a limited number eau be ae cepted, early application for space should be made.