Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 3, 22 September 1880 — The Young Men's Christian Association. [ARTICLE]

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The Young Men's Christian Association.

An adjourned meetmg of the Young Men'a CbristiaD Association *waa held in the. Lyceum - oo Moaday evening. ;Tbe attendance ol members aad tisifcorS, altbough referred to by Mr. Duneeome, who acted for the secretary, as encouragingly larger than ueual, wae very meagre. The youn(ji men of HonoluJu were eāpecially eonapieuoua by their absence. lt had been announeed for some time previously fhac af. the ordinary monthly meeting to be li e id liiHt Thcraday evening, the Rev. yereno Bishop wou!d read. an eesay od " The Character and Oauaee of the Hawaiian cliinafe," and its Phy8ical aod xVloral - Ēffects u,gon the īahabitants ol the l8lande.': It does not reflect credit on the cotuin'unity-^-more especially on thoae who prole88 to take an intereāt in the Young Men'a Chrietian As8<jciation -r-that it waa found deBirable to adjourn that meeting owing to the amall attendance. Possibly Thursday is an unsuitable evening for aueh meeting8-; the_j.act that it is pro.poaed to alter ^^he-^o^^iaaī^^āa^L^he^eeiel^pa^eelin^^Ae^a-ap . presumption that aueh ia the casev But,.the ' re8peet— t4iāt īa-dle^ to-^īM^ 1 aonal trouble, undertake to deiiver atidre8ae0 of an in.8tru.ctive charaoter ought ta have broughfc together a good and appreciative audience. We are not prepaxed to accept the attendance āecured at the adjourned meafcing aa any fair recognition of whafc waa due to the reverend 08aayiat, however mueh it miay bo repreeentative ol' the intere8fc taken by ihe people of Honolulu in the— valuable ,inBfcifcution undor whoae auapieea the ea8ay wae read. ĪL ia , painful tpo to think of the utter ahaenee of tbe youngor inembera of the eopimunjty from thia moeting ae a gauge of the intelleelual atfcainmentH and aepirationa of the gernera- • tioh whioh ia to auoceed ue here. A aoiontilic 8ubjecfc"iB too„unir»vjting, a oIoar and logiOal ospo*ition of unique nutural phenomena top dry, the (ear of a moral applica.tion too alarming — opt «t» inquiring p»ind among our boya and »»«».• w- pwua to kwn> •«MMthi8g of wh<it lie« beyo»d tho <t#I hwi ®f [: " ' • • * . , ; .* ' ' f t? ' I ' i|l' • . » I ... „ »■ ' , 1 ,'• ' '^♦"1 / . ,J1

every-dav afla,irs in HoūoIuIu, Such opportunii tiee arē few and far between here, and ahould" be j valued accordingly ; and we depiore the.spectacle we Haw on Monday evening ae an evidence that they are not. It is impossible in our limited apaee to give an āccoūht of Mr. Hiehop'a essay ; we mu8fc content -mm)elve84)y 8ayiug'that it waa exeellenb, bofch {n matter and arrangement. Lt gave a e,leay and logical, if not quite eshauative, expo8ition of the natural pheno'mena whieh determine the character of our climate. The suī)jeet' was illuatrated by a diagram e.xplanatory of Dr. Garpenter's theory of oeean curfent8, and the views of the ea8ayiat were placed before hia hearers jn a manner whieh eD8ured for them ready. cōmprehension, and a prompt convictiOQ of"tbeir 8oundqeaa. . Tbe other hueineaa of the meeting wāa chiefly confined fco the reporta of committeea and thqir discu88ion. The deairability of reorganizing the Ohineae. Sui^dāy-8cb^6i.at Fprt^8tjfeet Church- waa urged by Dr. Hyde and others, and a reaolution on the eubject paaaed. The Ht)8pitāl Oommittee reported that ehe tru8tees of the Hospital had conseuted, āt the in8tance of' the as8ociafcioh, .tp put up a hook-iiaae, ānd memb.er8 are uoW deaired "to aend to the committee 8'ueh booka aa they are ready to present for the ūse of patient8. Māny who are not members will, no doubfc, be glad to contribute in the same way.. Notice: of motioa to eon8Īder, at_next meeting, ehe advieability of oho6ing anotber day ,for the regūiar meqtj,ng8 pf tiie aeeoeiaeioh was given. ± Sgf* A liberāl response hiis .been mado b„y mai)'y of our leading'nien toQau-a"ppeiil for 8ubs'cnp.tioiis to āid in tbe establishment by tbe Koman Oafholic' Mission" of.. a college for,SnKlisb' speaking boys anil f'or natjves wbo desire to obtain an Englisb education. W'e. tiust _their.exauiple will be extensively" folluwe'd as thereācati. be no. dj)ūl).t'tbat t.be" proposed college wiil be df greaf valūe to ūie country. ' The house at, present. ucCui>ietL bv Mrs. Armstroiig has beeq purchased.,l'of',the purposes-of Hte school unlil enlargement shall becornē neeeaconducted," will be to provide a purely se'cular educatīon ior boys whose parents do not belong to the Roman Gatholic Gburcli, whilst at the same time providing a iliorough Catholic trāining for the 8ons of members^of the church. The 8taff will consent oF the piineipaī, vice-principal aud two other profes8oi'8. , The cour8e will include in addition to the uaual Engliah 8ubjects a thorough commercial education, together wilh bbokkeeping. Besides the elemen^a^ aubject8, Latih, Greek, Eieneh" and German, and advanced mathematic8 wiīl be tanght. We hope that the uutive ' department of the,inatitution will be exte.n8ively made uae«o"rhy those for. whoae ādvancement it ia dehigned. ' v — - — 1 Cabimev Rumob8. — The a]ireet eontinuea rife witlj rumora of Cabinet appotfftmenta. W. L. Green, Eeq hoa heeu invited to tāke a plaoe in tho Cabinet aa Mintster of Foreign Aff«ira, bnt at tbe honir of onr g®i»g to preM, no new appointmont bid kMūnuile hff' I5E to wf i)l»,Bi0torj»l pprtfolio. ' --v ,. • m - e.-' C ' - , ' t!

HF" A suicidal mania seems to have set, in, tho'se . . • . attackedr get out. ♦ • " E?" The p leaaān t facea of the ' lady - aa8ifltanfs again,brighten8 the inte^ior of the Post Office. ' ■ The Dimond whieh we los.t p.'ro tem has been IEIF~Tbē~H7FL! ūu' n g carried 263 pa.sseagers from • ~ here to thīrflowerv land, and among tbem- were li Hawaiian women, wives of Chinese. . " p •• " 1 1 BP* To expr6s8 opinions the prees- i8- usedy bul.- — » — a.gazette could not long survive without aD atdver- ' tiser.' ■•':<• . &* A seemingiy subsidized Me'rcbant arriveū per Ella from San. Francisco. May be aūother tnailfactbr7J ' •' I - 'r ^ 7r": ^777' . . _ _ . •- " ' * ■ • : ! " " Ā- &" Thē barkentine Ella arrived off the harbor at 7 p. m: ia8t evening.' and anchored oūtside. Sbe.,.; •'•'• : broughf a large mail from tbe Coast. ed to $ 13.864, Mexicaā meney. 8bipped ou abcoūnt V ot Sing Cbong & Co., and consigned to the C. M.S. N.Co. ' ; '•• f$F Tbe - 8Ūb8criptioo8 to the Expbe8s are • a - . - cause for gratification, the number 'daily increq8ingl, and the.cougratulatory,letters.pecei?fd eauaeūi • U8 t® thi/ik that. we do pleu8e some~folks. - S3T The Governm'ent *building lota 'whieh were a'old to day realized S53ā eaeh, ā coDaide,S&ie ad- - . •' vance.on any pnee hitherto rēalized for lota similarly8ituated.= The 'ūompetjtion waā' spirit"ed ; 6uyer's •• name Charlg8 Hiram.-ā native. . • . •" -7- - ■ :"-7 — — < — '■ " . ' . Wiiliam <rohn30Q/'an'.ot3" fes»id'eū-t. 3huliled' o ffb is" m o rt a l"'c0tī q n the morning of ihe 2Īst at b»8 ' residen«e on King street: 'a knife, severing the main artery of "the uppei; right arm, being' the '. me.ans o^transit ; cause, mentāl depressioa. He 1 wās about 55-years of :..age,- and a nati.ve. of N.ew -,YorkState. .«• ' . v;"V " -We -'leam that it is the iotention of thc island. Hitherto, although sūch an officer exists on ■■>:.' eaeh of the other ialahd3. no aūeh appointment haa been made ior Oahu, where the largest and the mo»t ] ! crowded population ext8t8. . . . . \ Ē?" We are happy in bejng able to report that the hēāllh of the Princeaa Kaiulāni ia mueh netter. Tjie attaok ahe has been suffering from jias been one of acute b"rbnchiti8 and lung fever. The aympathy of all has been with H. R. H. Princesa Likelike and with Mr. Cleghorn in their alarm and afffIction, and by noqe has it been more kindiy~dembnatratēd than : by their Majeatie8, who 3pent two evening8 with tho little 8ufferer. , v " » Thoae who have to apeak in public shou.ld, when they>"8ee Qt to go for a Qeld for illuakeaHonH, take caro to cerfcity themselvea against a Lapae of memory, by verifying tbeir reference&. Surely, our youth in Honolulu are sufficieutly well eduba - ted ' to "b'S atārtlbd when they hear the foundūtiou of Alhena attrfbuted to" 0yclap8*"' and will enquire whether tbia newly di8cavēred leader of cqī~ ' « onUta/wwr«ne of the fellow<i with ogr»-liika onanao»9i of nh9».tl»ey read iu Um> 0<iy88ay, ' " ' 1 ' ■ "■ 4 •' • *;;■ ■ • ' r '■. *■■■■'• -;.H ' ' ' - ■ 0 "''••;< ':•-'■■■- ' : * " ' " " ••■ ' '• . '"'i: •Jt ; • / •.>■-/•