Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 2, 15 Kepakemapa 1880 — FROM KAUAI PETITIONERS. [ARTICLE]
* * Tbc (ollowing extract from an open letter rogarding tbe eo-ealled unaniinoue petition fr om Kauai, for tbe removal ol' tbe pre«ent Mini(itry, «hown tbat, a « uaual, tbere are alwa,yn two iude« U> u queetion ; and further, tbat men riot yer«od in political aA'aini, or whowo po«ition or employment i« witbin tbe dinpqdal of wouldbe injraelo workere, arc liaWe. to be hoodwinked aud lfcd a«tray with regard to tbo real animun o I the document« whieh are preftcnted to Uiem to iligo, Tbo exiract fljr>eakH for ileell', " r wi«b mo«partioUlarJy to toJi you tbat I , otfacr® b»ve Bjgoed our mmw to a paper, in5W , to do 80 l7 moa& «t»tement9, M we bave 0wc® lo«wd, und whioh «tatemente wdre r«ade to ae by Gemtt Smitb, Ee, Bmitb, told me it wu« • ' "■« ... , V ' ■' '
a documeDt referring to matters 8imply beloDging to eugar plantations and DOt baviDg any political eignificance. I tberefore signed my name togetber witb eome of my men, Lihilihi, Keliinui, Akawai, Wben 1 afterwarde learned tbat jt wae a petition that desired a cbange of Ministry, I felt very mueh grieved a,t having signea it my£elfr-and-hftviog --alt;o mdueed othertito do eo. I prav you therefore to ,eraeeor eauee to bave eraged all our namee, J. W. Puni, Lihilihi, Kuihooua. Kimokeo, Keliinui. Aka-■■waT,-B^weTio"motiīgro'q"wWr,Ttīē. senTrmenls"ēx-'' preesed., and feel sorry that our namee were eigDed. lf you desire to give publie espression of our retraetion you mav put all our namee in the Dew8papers. aud then the puhlie ean learn themselves_that we do Dot sympathise witb the espres eion eontainedrTīTtIīe petitioD. 1 am, respectfully , (Signed) J. W.'Pi-N)." •v-Koloav Kauai ;M"-" - -~~™~ - --- - We are undor the impression that the Ha- ; waii petition» would also bt? pruned to ;i great ■ ext-ent ii the proper inquiries were mad.e bv the! poor iaboring nativee who, "by some indueement, were prevailed on- to ad(i tbeir signatures to doeuments whose eontent£ are unknown, or not understood by them. Tbe above let-ter sbows tbe warmth of th'e beart of those who love their Sovereign, and who dare recfact when they find' themselves misled >• Sinee writing the above. letters have been seeD of ttie eaine tenor, from Rev. Puiki of Hanalei, A. W. Maioho. Judge of Koloa, James K- Kaiwi, Judge of K-apaa, and a number of otbers. native resideDts of Kauai, and all agreeing that they had beet> misled regardiDg the purport t-he peeiHōn #Tgned. A counter petition whieh will be *-signed by a deeidedly " large majoritv of the residents of Kauai is in eirculatiOD on that islaDd. and wiil give expression of the loyalty of tbe people of ,tl^i8land'to Tli| Majesty the King, aDd tbeir supgō-rt of ,bis Cabi-| net appointmebts.